Eston Tribune/Issue 7

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Revision as of 20:21, 1 February 2007 by Pizarro (talk | contribs) (two new articles)
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1 gold Editors: Andrew McKay, Francisco Pizarro

Printed in Massillion

Early 2007
Bringing you the news hot off the press

The dead walk, and they are not alone!

by Francisco Pizarro

February 1st - Black magic runs wild across Atamara! The gates of Hell appear to have opened, as numerous reports reached Eston of undead hordes ravaving the countryside, Eston alone is facing three hordes of these foul creatures. This morning, the citizens of Hawthorne sought refuge inside the fortress walls, as the walking dead spread terror in the outlying area. Near the Darkan border in Tintar, another undead horde appeared, and peasants in Agnilar reported similar events. The REAF responded quickly, and the hordes in Hawthorne and Agnilar were swiftly destroyed. However, the horde in Tintar is still at large, and eyewitnesses report that their victims have been raised again, and are now strengthening the hellish beasts. Reports from outside Eston speak of even more undead.

And as if the walking dead were not enough, massive hordes of monsters are rampaging other provinces of Eston. Dozens of peasants were killed, and many animals were slaughtered. High Marshal Basil Ariston himself has assumed command of the hunting parties. May he and his armies deal swift retaliation against these vile beasts.

Tara challenges Falasan

by Francisco Pizarro

February 1st - Late this afternoon, Dictator Jonathon of Tara issued a declaration of war against King Tank of Falasan. Initially, there was some confusion, as it was uncertain if this was a real challenge, or just a means of facilitating possible region transfers. But upon reading a copy of the Tara Times, all doubts were removed. The Tarans mean business, and this reporter wishes them the strength to conquer the deceitful Falasani.

Heroic stand in Belegmon

by Francisco Pizarro

January 27th - Today, Eston mourns the deaths of two of its greatest heroes. Today, Sly Black Feather, the Count of Malor and Beziel Vlakider, Marshal of the Eston Counter Assault Forces and former Arch Priest of Eston, fell during the defense of Belegmon. Both gave their lives in order to achieve victory, as the Estonites repelled the Falasani attack. Losses on both sides were heavy, as hundreds soldiers were killed and countless more wounded. For more details about the battle, read the article.

Beziel and Sly will forever be remembered as heroes in Eston. May their deaths bring glory to the Crown.

Royal Armed Forces march forward!

by Francisco Pizarro

January 25th - At dawn this morning, under authority of High Marshal Basil Ariston, Supreme Commander of the Royal Estonite Armed Forces, Estonite troops have assaulted Falasani positions in Nazia and Belegmon. Caught by surprise, the defenders were powerless, and easily overrun. Eston now holds the field in both provinces, and are within striking distance of Barad Falas, one of the wealthiest cities in the known world. Due to diplomatic issues, a formal declaration of war has not been issued, but it is merely a formality. As soon as possible, the REAF forces will begin takeovers of Nazia and Belegmon.

An official reason for the aggression has not yet been given, but it is a public secret that Eston sought retribution for the Falasani 'neutrality' in the Viking Wars, when Queen Cathrine allowed Ithilian troops to assault Eston through Menedor, and for the breach of sovereignty in the conflict between Darka and RedSpan, as Queen Cathrine allowed RedSpaniards to enter Eston without clearance. Even further back in time, during the Hasland Wars, Eston and Falasan were sworn enemies, and Falasan still governs territory stolen from Eston. So it appears that this war will be fought to correct mistakes made in the past.

The Eston Tribune would like to take this opportunity to pledge our support to the brave REAF soldiers. May their swords bring righteous justice to the enemies of Eston!


by Francisco Pizarro

January 24th - As advisor to the Crown, this reporter is privy to information that is deemed too sensitive for 'common ears'. And it just so happens that what I've heard will change the future for many. I cannot say much, as I have sworn secrecy to my King, but I can tell you this: The time of peace is over. The carrion birds will feast on many men, the rivers will run red with blood, the fields will be sown with corpses. Cities will burn, realms will be brought on the brink of destruction... or worse. The war between Norland and Minas Ithil will pale in comparison with what will come.

Ready yourselves, nobles of Atamara. Don your armor, polish your blades and string your bows, put on your meanest warface, and prepare for bloodshed!

A new era

by Francisco Pizarro

January 23rd - Atamara appears to stand on the brink of a new era of war. The fragile world peace only lasted a short time, as tensions between former enemies remained high even after the weapons had been laid down. Several states were in a de-jure state of war with former enemies, others glared at eachother with hate and belligerence, waiting for an excuse to draw blood. Eventually, the die was cast by the Vikings of Norland, who declared war on their once-ally Minas Ithil, for reasons which remain obscure for the time being. Newly elected Prime Minister Derack the Daring issued the following statement after the declaration of war:

Rulers of Atamara,

A thing is happening in the North. The Way of the Hammer has spoken to us, and delivered a message. A message that the land has fallen into dishonor. Norland has been directed by its gods, its way of life, its very being to reclaim the ancient lands of Hasland and old Norland. On this day, Norland decrees a holy war on Minas Ithil. For the lands it inhabits, belong to the North. A place of honor and glory. The third age of Norland begins, today.

Comment on this 'holy war' have been scarce, but the Estonites seem to be supportive of Norlands cause. Minas Ithil is not seen as a trustworthy neighbor by the Estonites, to say the least. Immediately after the declaration of war, High Marshal Basil ordered all military personnel to rally in Barad Lacirith. The Royal Armed Forces are standing by to move out at a moment's notice.