Dairinn Family

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Diarinn Family


  • Kara
  • Darragh
  • Bryanna


Kara was adopted by the Ascalon's in Caligan Empire. She never met her family, as she was left with the druids when she was about 5 years old. She left the druids to preach in Light of Fountain, but couldn't find the rest she needed there. Searching the books of the Ancient Piramids, she learned about another Druids religion, in Avalon. After a quick discussion with her soulmate Siobhan O Ways, they decided to leave Light of Fountain and make the great trip to Avalon in Beluaterra. It's a place where she has found the peace and quite she was desperate for. As the Ascalon's Family found out about her natural parents, she was called to Cagilan Empire. Her father original father was living in Darka, and accepted her as her daughter. So decided to wear his name, Dairinn, in stead of Ascalon.


Darragh was adopted the same time as his sister within the same family. However, they have barely nothing in common. As shy as Kara is, as brutal is Darragh. He can't keep his mouth shut at the right moment, and has a love for blood and undeads.

Kara's Origin's

December, 2 2006. Druids year:

A nearly full moon lit the night, when she received a message from her home town. It was barely readable, like it was written in a hurry. She had to leave her home behind and travel to her family straight away.

Dear Kara,
Please join our family meeting the next dark moon. We have something important to tell you, something that will probably change the lives of all of us.

She had never met her 'family', and she had no connection to them whatsoever. But as the message was clear, without any other information, she had no choice then to pack her bags and leave. She felt pitiful, as she knew she would miss Avalon like hell. But she would return, nonetheless what was so urgent. She sent out her scribe to leave all a message she would leave untill the moon was full again, and that there was nothing to worry about. She knew there would be lots of questions about her departure, and she hoped this was urgent enough to let her leave her home behind.

She arrived with her family mansion at new moon after a long and unpleasant boat trip. She was welcomed warmly, but it didn’t feel good, it was like all the warmth was ‘made’, not natural. A family meeting would take place the next evening after dinner, meanwhile she had some time to rest and discover the region. She heard rumors about a Black Knight and her whip, about a soldier and a cat... In the local pub curious people welcomed her, and she told her stories of the far land of Beluaterra. About the druids, about the suicide of Grim, the strange feelings for Hector… As long as she kept telling her tales, the drinks were free. Although she didn’t get drunk easily, as Arian thought her, she was a little tipsy when she arrived at the Family Mansion.

The family meeting took place right after dinner, at the very same table. Her uncle took the word from the head seat. All others watched her and him silently and uncomfortable.

Kara, we called you here to tell you something. I know you have traveled far to meet us, and we do appreciate you’re coming. There is something you should know and we couldn’t tell it in a letter.

I understand. And I understand it must be something important. I thought somebody had died, but as far as I can see, only the cat went to the Summerlands. I apologise if my words sound cold, but I have no connection with the people here, as you all left me with the Druids at the age of five. So stop the whining and tell me what this is all about, she thinks.

The reason we left you with the ancient druid, is because he was the one who found you…

Found me?! What do you mean?!

Yes Kara, you were adopted by us to make sure you would have a good education. It was your aunt who couldn’t leave you alone as a baby in the woods. You aren’t really our family, and we decided it was better to leave you with the druids to learn their way of life, as that is also what they asked us to do. We were supporting you’re education so they would take care of you.

That’s why I never knew who my parents were. I hoped to meet them here, and I thought the meeting was therefore as I left the druids some time ago. But I’m thankful for what you all have done for me. Although it is rather shocking what you are telling...

  • She sits there, white and waiting, trying to understand what has been told to her. But it feels like her brains refuse to do their work, there are lots of thoughts and memories popping into her head but also fading as quickly as they popped in.*

But this isn’t all,…. is it?

No my dear, it isn’t. We have found your natural parents. They’re living in Darka, and they’re mercenaries. You’re father is still alive, and wishes to meet you. It was so urgently because as he is very sick. He probably won’t make the next year. He wishes to see you, as he has a lot to explain to you. Do not ask any details, as he hasn’t given them to me. I do not know what happened that day, why they left you behind. But I do know it is a noble family, and you should go and talk to him. After all, he sounded like a decent noble, and Darka has always helped us in war.

I have to visit him. He does have a lot of questions to answer. Is it all right I will leave at sunrise?

Sure you can. I’m sure your brother Darragh will join you.

Brother… You mean the same goes for him? She points at the direction of Darragh, who is as white as she is. He nods and grins at her. She smiles back. The sudden relief in the room was sensible; apparently they were al happy she reacted so calm on the news.

So my beloved brother, you’re ready to travel?, she grins sarcastically.

I just need to pack, my little Sis.

So do I, so do I...

Don’t forget your leather starry boots you’re always wearing on the battlefield...

A furious look of Kara let him shut his mouth. The eyes in the room were now full of questions as she turned to greet them. She sighted, Yes; I wear leather boots in combat with a small pentagram on the sides. My ‘starry boots’. You’ll see them when I leave. He there, pointing at Darragh, thinks it's to girlish for a soldier and likes to make fun of it. But don’t let his big mouth bother you, as this is just jealousy. As she walked through the door, it slammed with a loud 'dumph' back into sloth. All her memories she had as she was a child, were going through her mind. She remembered fires burning, the intense heat of it, her anger because she couldn’t find her mother. She was lifted by an old man, away from the fires into the cold of the night. She could barely remember something from the days afterwards.

She waited at the entrance of the family mansion. She didn’t had much to pack but her sword and fighting equipment. Her brother walked down the stairs with a much larger backpack then she had. The goodbyes were warm, and she noticed the tears in the eyes of her aunt. It surprised her, as they haven’t met since now. Yes, they have written now and then, but they didn’t contain more then some courtesies.

It was a far travel, but they were welcomed nearly everywhere. It seemed the Cagilan Empire was known even far beyond their borders. After a several days trip they finally reached Darka.

Their father lived in a small castle in Siver. He introduced himself as Caedmonn. His hair was as black as hers, but they had nothing more in common. He welcomed them warmly, but you could see at his face that he was old and sick. His skin was vale, and he walked with a limp, a wound from the battlefield that was never properly cured. He didn’t want to answer their questions at first and just started to arrange his inheritance: to leave the castle to Darragh, and all of her mothers personal belongings that were still there for Kara. Darragh was protesting, as he felt she was mistreated. After all, she was a noble Dame, and Caedmonn treated her like dirt. But Kara only smiled, and said she was already very happy with the few items of her mother. It was all considerably overwhelming for both of them.

They’ve stayed there for about a week, but they didn’t see Caedmonn a lot. He slept most of the time, or was just watching outside the window when awake. He refused to speak to them most of the time.

Only the last day, the evening before they were planning to leave, he started telling. He told for hours, but his story was incoherent. He told about country full of Dragons, about the 'last great battle', about him leaving and running for his life. He had no clue where his wife and children were, as he was on the battlefield when the last region was destroyed. He left everything behind and escaped to Darka, as he had sister, Bryanna, there. He returned to his cottage after everything was calmed down, but he only found the grave of this wife, and a few possessions he had taken with him to Darka. He never knew what happened to his children, and this drove him mad as time passed by. He stopped talking as quick as he started. His eyes filled with tears, he excused himself, leaving Kara and Darragh behind.

Sitting in the comfortable seats, they watched each other with amaze. Dragons? Destruction? She could barely believe what he was telling.

What do you think, lill Sis?

I'll be leaving for Avalon soon. The trip back will give me plenty of time to think this over.

I'll be joining you to the boat, lill Sis.

Kara smiled as she answered: I'm might be little, and I might be a silent and shy women, but I'm faster with a sword then you are Darragh. I perfectly take care of myself. However, you're company will be appreciated...