Mortis Family

From BattleMaster Wiki

Originaly from the Continent of Atamara, the Mortis family have been keeping a low profile. Recently, the Head of the family perished, and made his eldest son the Patriarch. Ambrosius first act was to hold what has been known as the First Reunion, where the scattered Mortis Family gathered in Mansion Mortis, located in Lyton. In the reunion, it was decided that it was time for the Mortis Family to rise up and have a part in the history of the world.

With this goal in mind, some of the family chose to emigrate to other continents, whilst some chose to be knights. Thus did the Rise of the Mortis family began.

Deceased Heads

The Former Patriarchs of the Mortis family

  • Rigorian - First Patriarch
  • Arthurious - Second Patriarch, Father of Ambrosius, Geruvegan and Merlynus.

Current Renowned Members

Heroes, Knights, Priests and Prophets of the family.

  • Ambrosius - 3rd Patriarch, held the First Reunion
  • Merlynus - Third and last member of the Head family
  • Galahad - First Cousin of the Patriarch


Those that have been Disowned or are Bastards.

  • Geruvegan - Disowned. Second member of the Head family