The Elven Tribune/Issue 16

From BattleMaster Wiki The Elven Tribune
Price: Free Circulation
Printed in Sirion City
Primary Editors: Doc Primus & Adrian Carstenspace Issue No. 16 Early January 2007

===Elven Tribune=== News and Events from the great Elven Realm of Sirion on the East Continent Price: Free Circulation
Printed In Sirion City

All articles written in the Elven Tribune are NOT necessarily the views of the Sirion government. They are the editor's opinions and veiws. If you seek more information regarding certain policies, please contact the Prime Minister of Sirion for official answers.


More Tricks up Avamar Rat's Sleeve

January 12th,

Earlier today, two Avamarian nobles snuck into Old Rancaguan lands and purchased Kazan and Kazakh with their incredible family wealth, in a bid to save their dying realm. It seems these people will stop at nothing to spread their agenda across the lands of East Continent, which is the reason why almost the entire East Continent is at war with them.

On the bright size, Adrian's list is coming up quite nicely. Once completed, the list shall be submitted to governments around the continent. The list contains all families inovlved with the Avamar Selective and they shall be banned from returning to East Island once the war is over. I suspect they'll resort to black magic again like the old days though, for they are the source of all evil on this land.

Official Political Parties

Green Party

"Defending the Rights of all People to Toke freely in the Republic! Headquarters are in Oligarch City, next to the Doughnut Shop, in the Hemp Cafe"

"Find a Peaceful Solution so we can all kick back and Relax!"