Sanjuro Family

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The Legendary House of Sanjuro

...In the Beginning...

Page I of the Sanjuro Family Archives, located in the family mansion in Skalk, Atanamara-

(date and time unknown)-Recorded here are the last words of XXXXXXX the sea pirate, and the first of XXXXXXX, Noble of Atanamara. It was today that my family began a new life apart from the sea. My ship, The Green Eyebrow, ran aground on the shores of this continent, the weight of my plundered gold having bourne her down upon reefs that I've sailed over a thousand times when the gold found on ships of the sea was less plentiful. I've taken this as a sign from my ancestors that it is time to begin anew. The hull of my ship lies in tatters on the shore, and the menacing face on her prow lies just above the waterline, the waves lapping at the Eyebrow from which she garnered her name. We were heavy with treasure from the sacking of a trader bound for Abington, and on the way home to rejoin our home armada. My family is on board and in fair health. My wife, XXXXXX, my son, who was given a deep scar on his face during the taking of our treasure, XXXXXX, my daughter, all are here. The local nobility, seeing our wealth, have welcomed us into their Keep until such time as we can find more permanent accomodations. There is a city by the name of Skalk nearby which we make for on the morn. The land here is fertile, a kind of deep rich black soil that apparently can grow any seed dropped into it to full bloom in a season. It is here I will raise my sons and they theirs. We have been the scourge of the Western Seas for so long that it seems right that we now move to become Rulers of the Land as well. I will pass on the secrets of the seas, the Sanjuro Style of Swordplay, and the legendary arsenal of our Clan. My decendants will learn the way of the foot and horse, not just that of the sea and wind. We will use our fortune to buy a future for many more Sanjuro. To my children and children's children who may be reading this, you may mark this very moment as the beginning. From this moment you are the wellspring, from here you will carry forth to bring honor and fame to the Sanjuro Clan.