Plergoth Press/Issue One

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Back to Plergoth Press The Plergoth Press
0 Gold = Nobles / 5 Gold = Peasants Editor: Luxor Feylonis Issue One
The main propoganda and newspaper of Plergoth!
Plergoth in Better Shape
Now that the Monsters have been more or less cleared out, the realm of Plergoth can turn its full attention to more pressing issues. The realm of Vlaanderen, which ceded from the realm during the rebellion, was still holding lordship over Reeds and the surrounding regions. The stats of the remaining regions of Plergoth were still low, but they have risen, thanks to the help of the Defenders, the Region Lords and other nobles.

The nobles are also more cooperative. This was seen on the battles against the Monsters on the vicinity of Tindle, and by the taking of the rouge region of Zhule. With the improvements, the Island can certainly be sure that Plergoth, despite the recent hardships it faced, would still stand and regain its former glory one day.

After the banishment of The One, three other nobles, namely Lans, Tarkin, and Lord Macumba, faced removal from the realm earlier this morning. All the reasons of Supreme Judge Bleeder were the same: They did not follow orders, and they sat in Creasur. Let us hope that our nobles would not follow the steps these three made, and that we may actively participate in the affairs of Plergoth.
Adventurers Roam
The lesser kin of Plergoth nobles, the adventurers, were reported to have been spotted within our borders, as well as in a few other realms. Other nations have also reported spotting their nobles' kin, working with the peasants.
A new, more stable government
Plergoth now is being controlled by a new government, spearheaded by Chancellor Marcus Antonus. Former Chancellor VonGarrett stepped down from position a few days ago, but was appointed Duke of Creasur. The Supreme Judge is Bleeder, the Minister of Defense is Kelrond and the Minister of Finances is Artevan.