Trinity/Squeaks' Duty

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Lord Squeaks, Fiduciary of Alowca and Marshall of The Alowcan Holy Warriors, had this encounter with the God of Judgement, Alluran.

Preparing the documents of the Alowcan Holy Warriors in his palace room, Squeaks starts to doze off in his chair. Suddenly, he woke up from the touch of an ethreal hand. "W-w-w-who are you?" "I am Lord Alluran, God of Judgement. It is my will that you shall be Haruspex Maximus of Alowca. Once you die in battle, noble hero, you will take my place as God of Judgement. I have spent many thousand years doing this and I wish to rest now." "..." Squeaks can say nothing, he just looks off into the distance with a lowered head. "That is the correct way to start your journey, the rest will be left up to you." Lord Alluran starts to walk away, wistfully looking at the meadows beyond the city walls and at a certain scarred tree. "Thank you..." "Soon, my son." And with those last words,he disappears.

Squeaks slowly walks down the palace stairs and through the gate, looking at the very tree Lord Alluran chose. Reaching into the trunk's hole, he pulls out a long sword made of sapphire with a hilt of ruby. In amazement he finds it inscribed: 'Sword of Judgement, Lord Squeaks shall be bearer.'

(The following is written by Always)

This vision has been declared a heresy by Always Solo. There are several key concepts here that contradict with the doctrine of the Trinity. For starters, if any were touched by a member of the Trinity, they would immediately die. Also, a god of the Trinity cannot be replaced. A new god or goddess can be instated, but in no way replaced. Also, the only cases of a member of the Trinity appearing in physical form have been either to one who has the position of Pontifex, Paladin Primus, or Haruspex Maximus, with the only exceptions being Denariel on the field of battle and to myself several times in between and after my holding these positions. Also, the title of heretic has never been lifted from the head of Squeaks by the Trinity making all he says suspect.