Luz de Bia Chronicles/December Edition

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The Luz de Bia Chronicles
Price: 1 Gold
Written by Sam Malone. The latest gossip from Luz de Bia! Third Edition

Current News

Mio Dupaki is Ripped from our hands

December 7th 2006

This evenng Mio Dupaki was occupied by Riombara and they started a TO of Bym. This war has lost all honour, with 5 realms now against Luz de bia, Thalmarkin just here becasue they owe Riombar one. Well thats nice to know isnt it. Oh and Fronen are still up to thier acts of looting. --Article written by Sam

Eno Is To Secede

December 4th 2006

Today Distorted has anounced that he will secede Eno from Luz De Bia. The snake has probably assassinated the former duke and bought the title himself. He has a history of doing this, but Luz took him in to start anew. Now Distorted has become the most hated man in Luz: finally someone to replace Delvin at the top of the leaderboard.

--Article written by Sam

Congratulations Palthos and Yanzi

December 1st 2006

Today was election day. Nhoc had already said that he was not running for chancellor, so the race was on. The people of Luz de Bia spoke, and gave Palthos the chance to be their ambassador to the world. With Palthos being chancellor, that meant that we needed a general. That honour goes to Yanzi, sister of the murdered infiltrator Wincy. Let's hope that a new month will give us new hope.

--Article written by Sam

Comments for this month

Sam's Comments

New chancellor, new general, let's hope new times.