Avamar Times/Issue 9

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== THE AVAMAR TIMES == The People's Voice Head Editor: The People of Avamar
Reporter: Esperos
Special Thanks to: All Avamarians

Issue: No.9 (November - December)

Monthly Subscriptions: Avamar and Kalmar: FREE!!!
Former Oligarch and Former P.R of Avamar: 1 Gold Piece
Rest of East Continent's Realms: 5 Gold Pieces
Other Continents: Varies

   REPORTERS WANTED!: Are you a young and ambitious noble with good communication and writting skills? Is your desire to inform 
the citizens of all realms about the whereabouts of the Continent? Would you prefer to maintain your anonymity while working?
Then you are the right man! Contact our head offices at avamartimes@yahoo.com. All articles submitted will be handled with the
utmost discreet and no names of authors will be revealed.

News From the Front Line

City of Kalmar, November
During the last days, the Citizens of the Islands experienced the most brutal invasion ever made. Few thousand blood-thirsty elves, together with their Old Rancaguan puppets landed in Stora and in a murderous rage and a blood spree killed over 300 hundred peasants, utterly destroyed the economic and military infrastructure of the region, burned every bushel of food and marauded the Island. Despite the brave defence of the only few but brave Avamarians and the Kalmarian allies that joined them, there was nothing that could limit the plundering orge of the invaders.

As a nobleman present in most battles and skirmishes in the area quoted:

"It is the first time I experience such brutallity. I always considered Old Rancagua a honorable realm, but as it seems in their desperate effort to finish the war, they brought the help of their protectors and together their killing mood. It is very interesting though that the 1st and 4th most powerful realms, in military terms, attacked two of the weakest realms in the continent resulting only to the harassment of the poor local villagers."

Indeed, our military analysts argue the real point of the invasion. The "1st and 4th most powerful realms, in military terms" suffered considerable casulaties falling accordingly to the 3th and 7th military-strength position respectively. They lost more than twice the soldiers of the defenders. And all these to kill peasants and guarantee that during the next months some more thousands of innocent people will die from starvation.

Well done Sirion! You have proved that you are still the supreme power of the world!

Well done Old Rancagua! You have proved that you are indeed the incompetent puppets of your protector!

"A Dirty War Becomes Dirtier"
Lies, Deception and Brutality

As in every visit in Stora, Old Rancaguan so-called nobles, proved their failure in terms of strategy, tactics, honour and nobility.

Lies were shouted daily. Old Rancaguans insisted that there are people from their realm tortured and executed by the Islanders. An absolute lie that shows the brain washing that Old Rancaguan people have experienced during the recent months. According to our interviews with nobles from all realms involved, there had been two victims indeed. An Old Rancaguan infiltrator was executed by Artanis judge in the dicatorial regime of El Cid Rogala and member of the rebels that overthrown the Monarchy in Kalmar, while another noble of Old Rancagua was tortured continuasly by Tasadar, judge of the dictatorial regime of One Rogala in Avamar Selective that also executed his own people. Is this a coincidence? Not at all. Artanis and Tasdar are brothers sharing the family name Bladefist.

However the Old Rancaguans instead of thanking the Islanders for cleaning up the Islands from Rogala and his followers, they preffered to accused Pontifix Indira and the brave defenders for the evildoings of Rogala's clan. They also avoided to mention the unnamed tortures that Lady Julia suffered in the Old Rancaguan dungeons only few months ago. And as a famous politican quoted about the power of the propaganda:

A lie recycled and repeated many times may begin to sound like a fact

Moreover, the "Noble War" Dekion of Old Rancagua was preaching now lies in ashes. It is suspected that this decision was imposed by the Sirionite oligarchy that rules the elven kingdom.

Infiltrators lurking everywhere in the Islands, made an orchestrated attack on council members from Avamar Selective and Kalmar Islands. Perdanese and Sirionite infiltrators were summoned to help this vast criminal operation with much success. Pontifex Indira, the Duke of Chaos Temple, the Banker of KI, the Judge of AS were amongst those assasinated. This list goes longer if we add the failed attempts on other officials.

There is evident that the disproportionate use of force in the Islands will only lead to the total destruction of the human settlements there. After the war, only ruins will lie in the Isdlands' regions. However it seems that Dekion has taken the decision that instead of fighting a long and honorable war, it is much easier to kill every single Islander, using a disproportional military strenght (Old Rancagua alone has well more military strength than the Island realms together).

Finally it should be mentioned that rumors wants the enemy using intentionally black magic to achieve its destructive plans (see relevant article).

Everything is Allowed to Reach your Target
But is the use of Black Magic Appropriate to Reach the objective of a Final Solution to the Islands problem?

Rumors about the Pogrom that Old Rancagua and Sirion plans for the Islanders is well know and presented in our last issue. The punishement that awaits all those that chose the Islands as their homes, is also a known fact. But during the last days even more disturbing rumours have reached our front-line reporters.

It is said that Old Rancaguan Generals have taken advantage of the situation that exists in the God's forsaken Islands. Since their emergence from the sea, the Island Realms cannot appoint Marshals, a fact that Sirion and Old Rancagua was aware of. In a very rare consesus reached they decided not to use their Marshals' settings as well in an attempt to balance the unfair Godly decisions.

Many Marshals of the invaders, including the worthless Old Rancaguan General, used the Marshal settings to keep their army united and hide their complete incompetence to keep a vast army in the right formation without taking advantage of Godly decisions. The outcome of the battle was greatly influenced and consequentively altered, as the clever defensive tactics of the Islanders and their uniformity and cohesion had been discarded by the use of Godly powers given to the invaders and not granted to the defenders. The tactics used by the invading armies was seen as true magic from the defenders who never had the opportunity to experience something similar. As a result their morale also suffered, as the Gods were considered until now neutral to the conflict and not clearly in favor of one side. But unfortunately the fight is made with loaded dices. The barve Islanders alone cannot fight against the Will of the Gods.

Many Islanders prayed that the next Godly intervention would forbid from Old Rancagua to recruit troops, although high officials stated that in a case of such an unlike event a cease fire will be enforced to all Islanders.

However, the above fact constitutes an ourageous scandal that only Gods can solve.

Political Unrest in Sirion?
"Handow's Empathy and Evilears' Opression"

A Briefing on the Political Situation in the People's Theocratic Republic of Avamar