Jazuma Family

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The Jazuma warrior clan was started on a now lost island. They were fearsome warriors, with blonde hair and striking azure eyes, hence thier moniker 'The Azure Eyed Demons'. They looted, and killed the other inhabitents of the island. They're downfall came from within. During his trial (being aboandoned at age 10 in the jungle for a year)a youth named Jitte, a son of the greatest warrior family, was possessed by a demon. Driven insane he massacred his own village. When his brothers Malachite and Halcyon returned from hunting they we skickend by what they saw. Bodies lay like discarded rag dolls, children with their throats slit, and worse of all, Jitte sitting on a plie of corpses, covered in blood, laughing. Halcyon and the surviviors had to restraine Malachite, now chief, from executing Jitte on the spot. Instead they banished him across the Sea. Unknowingly they saved him from a worse fate. The other island's inhabitents heard of the massacre and began to arm themselves and hire mercinaries. Then they decesnded on the village. The Jazuma fought like demons they were called but to no avail. Halcyon, bearly consious dragged himself to a boat and cast off. Malachite escaped after killing many enemies. If any others survive it is not known.

Family Creed: May The Azure Sea Cleanse All


Malachite is a fearsome warrior, a brilliant tactician and an intelligent advisary, but at the same time a carefree man and a loyal friend. In battle Malachite fights with a zanbato, a massive Jazumamian sword capable of cutting down both a horse and its rider. Malachite is tall, with blond hair and piercing azure eyes. His home is Carelia. However at age 23 Malachite poorly staged a rebellion and fled his land of Carelia and headed to the land Tara. In Tara he was asked to leave for diplomatic reasons, and left, wit the same resualts, to the Cagilan Empire. After parting from CE he headed to Darka. After a hard choice he set sail across the seas. Coming to rest in Lansanar. But being a warrior, he prepared to set sail to The New World.

Positions held: Count of Tarree, Count of Scarbran, Count of Garnagi.

Jitte is possessed by a demon of mist. As such he has bouts of maddness and has killed his own men in said maddness. Otherwise he is usually calm, cool, and collected. He fights with a katana long sword. Because of the mist demon, his whole body is covered in moving tatoos of mist. When he was under the spell of the mist demon he massacered his home village. After his banishment he made his home Iblandesh.

Poisitions: Battle goup Captain, Elder of Band of the Lost Savages

Halcyon stays out of the confilict of his two brothers. He is serene and has an overwhelming calm about him. He scorns weapons, instead being a martial arts master. After the destruction of his clan he made his home Lansanar. He was great friends with the rebel Rekoi.He is a good man, a little innocent, and loves to try new ale. He is as much a scholar and diplomat as he is a warrior.

Positions: Baron of Upasael, Marshal of the army of Akanos, Founder of the Order of the Azure Knights.