Light of Fontan/AkeshTempleCatacombsSecondExpedition

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The Second Expedition

The follow-up to the first adventure was perhaps more enlightening than anyone realised at the time. Led by the two main Priests of the religion, the knights discovered a magic portal, found their Paths and opened up new mysteries. Reginald's Amulet, Jerix's Lunarii Sword and, Gale's and Travis' Spears all proved to be magical to some extent. Reginald's Amulet was found to activate near evil creatures, whilst giving some protection to him and those near by. It is thought that Reginald may have healing powers...only time will tell.

Jerix managed to gain the favour of Lunar, an impossible feat for most of her followers. He discovered that he was now the Commander of the Lunar Order. The realisation of this has constrained Jerix to the Path of Lunar. It appears that the Guardian of the Catacombs/Buried Temple was part of the darkness that had invaded the place. Due to Jerix's actions, the Guardian was forced to leave, hopefully freeing the place of evil.

Gale and Travis proved themselves worthy of the holy spears they claimed to hold. Hannibal inspected their spears after the expedition and came to the conclusion that Gale's was from Solar and Travis' was from Celestial. The Solar Spear almost certainly imbues the wielder with a more aggressive and powerful persona, whereas the Celestial Spear helps the bearer to become more tactical and devious in battle. It appears that the magical effects are lost if the bearer loses contact with the weapon for a short period of time.

During this time, Hannibal was decyphering the Scroll he had discovered from the first expedition. He has now become certain that the source of evil is from many remote places, and even remote worlds. The Chaos Temple was originally part of the Light Temple network on this planet. For some reason it only appeared after the battle of Avamar, even though it has existed for many thousands of years. Hannibal believes that the massive amounts of death and destruction caused the Chaos Temple to gain enough power to reveal itself to the continent. Before the battle it is thought that the Chaos Temple's evil powers were too weak, and only the catastrophic events of Avamar were enough to fuel it back to life.

Jerix's discovery of the Portal and Guardian is crucial to the action the Realm must take. Did the Guardian head back to the Chaos Temple.... or did he go elsewhere, perhaps to another world?

What is certain, is that the sealed underground Pyramid in Fontan had pictures showing the past events. The pictures also went into the future (as described in Hannibal's Reports) which show great evil flooding the island and destroying all that is good. We cannot allow that to happen, which had already happened on a different plane of existence (it is believed that an intersection of bubble universes were responsible for the appearance of the Pyramid).


By Jerix:

Jerix reads the letter that his scribe had just recently delivered him. After putting the letter down on his desk, Jerix left the Temple library and started walking down the road that lead to the town at the base of the temple's mountain. As he was walking, Jerix thought about the upcoming trip into the catacombs and those joining him. I hope all goes well, and that those seeking answers find them.

A short while later Jerix made his way through the town and up to the Temple Inn. Entering he glanced around until he found who he was looking for and headed towards the a table in the back.


The four of you have expressed interest in venturing into the catacombs. I would be grateful for all of you to join me. I will be leaving Fontan and heading for Akesh first thing in the morning. Once we are all in Akesh we will enter. I would advise that you read the notes on the previous visit to the catacombs so you have a better idea of what to expect.

Jerix looks out the window as the sun rises. A soft rapping is heard on the wooden door of his room.

"Enter" Jerix turned to see a palace servant with a package in his hands.

"Marquis Jerix, this was delivered this morning from Ganfeld's in Negev."

"Just put it there on the table and let Ganfeld's delivery man know that I received it." Jerix replied.

"Will that be all?" the servant asked as he set the package on the table.

"Actually no, Would you please let the stablemaster know to have Eclipse, my horse, saddled and ready to ride within the hour. I must head to the Akesh Temple and am in a hurry to get started. Take this for the trouble." Jerix handed the servant a gold coin as he gave the instructions.

As the servant left, Jerix headed over to the table and opened the package. He smiled as he saw the daggers he had ordered. He inpected them and realized they were definitely some of Ganfeld's best work. He sheathed them in his wrist sheaths and the one located near the small of his back. While he hoped he wouldn't need to use them during his visit to the catacombs, he remembered his last experience well and wanted to be prepared.

After the last dagger was in place he headed down to the front of the palace, received Eclipse from a servant and headed down the road towards An Najaf on his way to the Temple.

(I just want to remind you all to make sure you bring a weapon or weapons as we may need them)


Nnix and his Knights arrive at Akesh Temple.

Riding up to the Temple Inn, Nnix dismounts and turns to his scribe.

"Send a message to Jerix. Tell him I'll be joining the catacomb expedition."

Entering the inn, Nnix feels the familar pain in his gut.

The pain's been getting stronger the closer to Akesh I get.... At least it's weaker than last time... I hope this trip I can locate it's source.


Jerix reads the letter that his scribe had just recently delivered him. After putting the letter down on his desk, Jerix left the Temple library and started walking down the road that lead to the town at the base of the temple's mountain. As he was walking, Jerix thought about the upcoming trip into the catacombs and those joining him. I hope all goes well, and that those seeking answers find them.

A short while later Jerix made his way through the town and up to the Temple Inn. Entering he glanced around until he found who he was looking for and headed towards the a table in the back


Travis scanned the large temple in front of him. He'd never been he before, but he felt like getting in touch with his faith. He turned to the 40 men sitting, snacking on wild animal meat and some vegetables. He called his seniour lieutenant over and whispered into his ear.

" The men can stay out here while we go down under. " The Lieutenant nodded his head and then got back to eating.

Travis stalked to the entrance to the Catacombs. He stuck his head in to look around and got a mouthful of stale air. He pulled his head out, caught his breath and sat down beside the entrance. He laid the spear (which he hadn't recieved word from Hannibal about, so he was still rather confused) on his lap and looked it up and down like he had done before.

The tip glowed stronger now than before, but he knew that was because he was near the religious capital, and he assumed that this spear, of course, tied in with his faith. He leaned his head back on the stone, a hair too hard, and he cracked his crown. He winced, but thought he was stronger and put on his stone face.


Gale reigned on his horse as he peered towards the top of the mountain.

"Could that be..." "Yes, Lord," answered his scout. "The temple yonder up that hill there is Akesh." "It looks like a very easy place to defend..." Gale observed. "The level of the slope, the terrain...even if there were only a few defenders, it would take a large army days to scale the mountain." This time it was his scribe that answered. "M'Lord," he said. "I remember hearing from my father that when the land belonged to Caligus, they were able to fend off grande armies which perhaps out numbered them by 1/3! In our hands, the temples have not yet been used as a defensive position because we have not yet had a large conflict or any at all in that matter." "I know that, Peter." But Gale said no more...

A young noble made his way across the front court of the temples of Akesh. The temple itself was not that much a sight to see, but he knows that most of the temple complexes are down below the ground. The young noble had with him two daggers, and a magnificent spear strapped to his back. He rememberd the night when his father had given him his spear for his protection in the catacombs...

It was the night before he left for the temples. Gale had been sharpening his own spear against a whetstone when his father sat down beside him. Gale had not seen his father for a long time, after Borris had gotten his spear, he had been down in basement examining the weapon. There are, of course, a few occasions when Gale saw his father come out of the basement, but that is usually during breakfast or dinner. So this time, it seemed to him, is a very rare occasion. "Gale." "Yes father," Gale answered. "I've heard from Peter that you will be going to explore Akesh Temples with Lord Jerix and several other nobles?" "Yes father," Gale replied. "Good, it will be a fine experience for you. Have you read the articles on Akesh in the Holy Temple?" "Yes father." "Then you know of the danger that resides within Akesh?" "Yes father." "Stop saying that! It's getting irritating!" Here, Gale's father looked down towards Gale's spear. "That's a fine weapon you have there." "The spear had won me a couple of duels, but it's edge has dulled over the years so I decidede to sharpen it a little. I've been grinding its blade against the whetstone for quite a while now, I think I'm nearly done. Do you think this spear will help me against the demons in the temples, father?" Borris shook his head. "It's a fine weapon, but not fine enough to use against the demons in that temple. Come with me." Gale followed his father to a little shrine by the garden. "I've been keeping the spear here. Inside this shrine here. I know I had been very secretive lately, down in the basement and all, but I was trying to make copies of this spear, and guess what? I succeded! Well...I almost succeded...I just can't seem to figure out what keeps the blade so strong...the spears I made are all susceptible to oxidation, but this one, this spear will hold its edge against anything!" Gale ran his finger over the edge of the blade, a trickle of blood ran from his finger. He proceeded to lift the spear, marvelling at it's ingenuity. "I still believe this spear was given by Solar." Gale's father continued engrossed in his theory. "It just suddenly appeared in this shrine one day, along with the stack and everything! The weird thing is...I couldn't lift it..." Borris's thoughts were disrupted by a sudden roar of thunder. He looked up to see his son with the spear in his hands. "How did you do that?" "Do what, father?" "Lift the spear?" "It just happened...I guess..." Suddenly, Borris knelt towards the shrine. "It's the will of Solar! He wishes you to use the spear in your protection from the demons in Akesh!"...

The next day, Gale had left for the temples with the spear strapped to his back...

Gale unstrapped the spear, he had not taken a good look at the spear ever since he left for Akesh. Revealing the blade to the sun, Gale can see a red sheen to the blade. What ever this spear is, it is not an ordinary blade...perhaps it truly is from the gods afterall? Pushing the thought to the back of his mind, Gale strapped his spear, and walked towards the inn where Lord Jerix was staying...


Intro by Gale:

Six warriors of Light stood outside the Akesh Temples, ready to venture within. Behind them, a full moon shone in the night sky, illuminating their armour and weapons. From within the temples, a pair of eyes carefully watched them... It has seen two of them before... the two known as Jerix and Nnix...the others...not so familiar... nevertheless, it knew their names, as it had watched them ever since they were born...just as it had watched countless millions other insects live and die through the endless vacuum of time...It knows what they intend to do, just as it knows everything else in the eternal void known as space...The insects mean nothing to him, but what they intend to do may wreck the planning and work that took it centuries to was glad that the last time they came, they only got away with a scroll and a couple of worthless books, but they had come so close to close...since it cannot intervene directly, it had assigned new and more powerful guardians to the rooms this saw that the one known as Jerix bears a sword from Lunar and two others also had powerful weapons in the form of spears... it seems to recognize one of the spears, but it cannot recall its name at the moment... the other one is totally strange to him... but these three, they bare watching... nevertheless, it had also given its guardians weapons of its own... seeing as how the last two easily defeated its guardians of the scroll... they will not leave the catacombs alive this time... this time, it will consume their souls... this time it will kill them... this time it will taste the blood of these insects...


Giving last minute instructions to his seconds, who'll guard the Temple while they are within..Reginald rechecks his weapons, again.... He always adjusts everything twice. Suddenly a strange warmth eminates from within his chain-mail shirt.He pulls on the chain, and a strange glows envelopes the amulet he has worn since birth...All he can remember is that his grandfather's dying words: "Never, NEVER take this amulet off, it will protect you in times of peril, for your journey in life will not be easy" Strange that it has NEVER done this before....... Reginald returns the amulet to it's normal place,and as he does so, he notices, that the back of the amulet has an outline, eerily resembling the shape of the Temple..He's never noticed that before......He sits and awaits the signal too enter.....


As Gale stood under the moonlight, he suddenly felt as if he was watched by some great than was as if pure evil was watching them from within the temples...

Gale wasn't suprised when Sir Nnix cut his fingers and let the blood from the cut flow in the cup of the gargoyle. He had read about it in the Holy Temple. So Gale shouldn't be surprised when the gargoyle's eyes started glowing and the doors of the temple started opening by itself either. But reading about it is different from experiencing it and Gale cannot help but let out a gasp of astonishment.

"The Light blind me! I just cannot get over how they does that!" Gale asked.

"I can't either," Lord Jerix answered. "But we can conclude that it is due to the work of some dark forces."

As Gale entered the temple, he continued to stare at the gargoyle until just before he entered the doors, it seemed to him that the gargoyles had winked at him...

After all the nobles entered the temple, Lord Jerix and Sir Nnix led the rest of the party down the West passage until they came to a room with dozens of doors. The rag from the last encounter here in the Catacombs is still here, but as Gale looked behind him, he noticed two huge stone statues standing inside the room, beside the entrance. Each of the statues stood at about 10ft tall and had six arms; the gargoyle on the right had in each of its arms a sword, the other had, in each of its arms an axe.

"Lord Jerix, Sir Nnix!" Gale called.

"Yes?" They turned around.

"Have you noticed those statues the last time you came down?" Gale asked as he pointed towards the statues.

But before they could answer, the statues came to life and advanced upon the warriors.

"This is not good..." Gale thought as he unstrapped his spear.


As the statues came to life Nnix's pain sudenly flared up. It felt as if a hot fire burned in his stomach. Gripping his short lance tighter, Nnix braces for the statues' charge. Beside him, the other Knights drew and readied their weapons. The room grew brighter as some of the weapons started to glow brightly.

The statues stepped forward, slowly at first, as if waking from a long sleep. After a few steps they picked up their pace and started running. The knights charged forward as well.

The sound of clashing steel on stone echoed throughout the catacombs.


The sound of clashing steel on stone echoed throughout the catacombs...

It was three on one and the warriors of Light seemed to be on the losing side. Sir Nnix, Sir Blackfist, and Sir Travis surrounded one of the stone idols while the Lord Jerix, along with the two youngest nobles (in age) faced off against the other one...

Gale can see that several other nobles' carried items that gives off a bright glow in the darkness. Lord Jerix's sword, Sir Travis' spear, and Sir Reginald's amulet. (OOC: When you guys are roleplaying, it would be nice to describe the light given off of the items you are holding...just a suggestion...) His own spear, which his father believed so firmly to be a gift from the gods is not glowing. It seems that the weapon is not reacting to the danger at all, except for making that thunder which seems to be quite a distraction to the other nobles.

"Why can't I hurt them?" Gale thought as he tried to desperately jab the statues again and again.

As Gale backed from the pressure of the stone idol, he felt, on the bottom of his boots...rags...

"Oh...god..." Gale whispered as he fell towards the ground.

The stone idol moved in to pin Gale to the floor with its feet and swung two of its axes at Gale's exposed neck...

With a sudden burst of strength, Gale grabbed the stone idol's feet with both of his hands and swung it off balance, then, taking his spear from the ground, he threw it into its face...the head of the idol exploded and its body fell to the ground...exhausted and with a half-crushed chest, Gale too, dropped towards the ground...


How could I have been so stupid? Jerix thought as the statues came to life. Drawing his sword, and with it casting a pale "light" that eerily resembled moonlight, he noticed the other nobles readying there weapons. Quickly scanning the arrangement of the knights he realized it would be two groups of three fighting.

Looks like Gale, Reginald, and myself will take one, and Nnix, Travis, and Blackfist can take the other. I only hope the other knights will follow Nnix and I . With that last thought lingering Jerix and the other knights charged in.

Not knowing how adept Reginald was with his sword or Gale was with his spear, Jerix quickly tried to draw the statues attention towards himself so that the other two knights could attack from the flank.

After several failed attempts, Jerix noticed the statue seemed to be targeting Gale. Why would it be focusing directly at him? Too late Jerix understood. While Reginald and he had been trying to get around to attack the sides and back, the statue had driven Gale towards the circle of rags.

"Reginald, attack the rags with your throwing knives!" Jerix yelled as he watched the guardian start to materialize and trip Gale. Amazingly Gale was able to knock the statue off balance and desperately hurl his spear into the head, utterly destroying the monster.

Jerix arrived at where Gale lay a split second later than Reginald.

"He appears to be ok." Reginald said as he examined Gale.

"Thanks the gods." Jerix said as he glanced across the room to see the Nnix, Travis, and Blackfist backing the other stone monstrosity into a corner.

"Reginald, I want you to stay with Gale until he is able to move again. If the other three knights look like they need help give it to them. I am going through that door, I want you and Gale to follow when you can." Jerix said as he pointed to a door with what appeared to be a lunar eclipse surrouned by stars.

"Jerix, is it a good idea to split up down here?" asked Reginald. Probably not though Jerix. "I'm sure it will be fine, let Nnix and the others know where I went before you follow." Jerix replied as he sheathed his sword and entered the door.

Jerix passed through the door and into the hallway beyond. Slowly making his way he came to a dusty staircase leading in a downward spiral. With no other path available, Jerix rested his hand on the hilt of his sword and started down the staircase. After what seemed an eternity he finally arrived at the bottom where he found an archway leading into a room.

As he stepped into the room, torches lit, as if the room sensed his presence. As the room brightened Jerix gasped.

"What is this place?" he whispered to himself.

The room was huge. A triangular table was in the center. The table itself was split into three triangles, with a gap in the middle. On each triangle was a symbol for Solar, Lunar, and Celestial. Adjacent from each point of the three triangles were rows upon rows of seats. This reminds me of a Senate building, or meeting place. Jerix thought.

He headed towards the far side of the room to look at one of the sets of seats. Upon further examination he realized the seats had other symbols that appeared to represent other gods. Does this mean the other gods are subject to the three or that they are just less influential or something completely different? Intrigued he moved back towards the center table to examine it. The symbols were intricately carved and seemed to have some power beyond mere representation.

"I wonder what this place was used for?" Jerix asked aloud.

"It was a meeting place for the High Priests, Commanders of the Three Orders, and other various servants of the gods." responded a voice behind Jerix.

Jerix whirled, looking at the speaker. "Who or what are you?"

"I am a guardian of sorts." replied the strange being.

Jerix continued to study the being. It seemed to be human in shape, yet seemed as though it had no mortal essence. "Can you tell me more about this place? And what do you mean by guardian?"

"Ah..I can answer both those questions, for answering one, will answer the other. Those symbols on the main table have the power to open a communication gate with other temples. A high priest or commander from each order, or an individual who has received the blessing of all three, or one of there lessers, must touch the symbols to activate them. When activated the center of the table becomes a "gate", so to speak, that allows them to communicate with those looking at another gate."

As the being continued talking, Jerix thought: So there must be one of these in each of the temples on this Island, yet why hasn't anyone known about these? He said commanders of the Three Orders, was this sword used by one of those commanders Jerix subconciously moved his hand around his sword hilt.

The being was still talking: "These rooms allowed the followers of light to efficiently keep the darkness at bay, and allow the citizens to leave in peace without fear. That is until the darkness took over."

With that last sentence Jerix was wrenched from his thoughts. "Darkness took over, is that why this place seems to have so many unnatural creatures? We assumed these catacombs were places of darkness sealed and kept in check by those of the light, are you telling me that these were originally used by them instead?" asked Jerix.

"Yes," the being replied "These places were not always inhabited by darkness, they were once the sanctuary and fortress of those who would bring the light to the land."

Jerix thought he detected something in those last several words. Sarcasm? Anger? "How did darkness take this over then?" asked Jerix

"Unfortunately, I cannot tell you, because I am the guardian of this place, and I am to guard it from followers of the light." a wicked grin appeared on the creatures face at this last sentence.

Jerix quickly stepped back and away from the creature and glanced at the archway across the room. As he thought there were now creatures like Hannibal had described, ones that guarded the scroll, and more than a few blocking his escape.

Jerix slowly tried to draw his sword, and slowly glanced around to see where potential enemies may come from first, but realized he couldn't move.

"That will do you no good, young one. Your weapons will not harm me nor my followers, and you don't have your precious High Priest with his shield here to protect you. Besides it appears your soul isn't strong enough to resist the darkness." The guardian drew a long, pitch black sword and slowly advanced towards Jerix, while other creatures came in the room from unseen entrances.

Jerix stood his ground paralyzed by a fear and pain he had never known as the ethereal being slowly stalked towards him. It was as though the darkness that every human has had paralyzed him.

Lunar, I have asked for nothing from you, until now. I need a heart that carries on through the pain, A soul that never ceases to follow the light,despite the darkness within it.

As Jerix finished his desperate prayer, he found the fear and pain where manageable and he could move. The being noticed that Jerix had was able to move and stopped. At that instance Jerix drew his sword and charged.


Gale woke up as if from a dream...

"Where am I?" Gale muttered as he came to consiousness.

"It's okay, you're with us." replied Sir Reginald. "Lord Jerix has gone ahead."

"Lord Jerix!" Gale tried to rise, but the enormous pain on his chest forced him down.

"Don't try to get up." Sir Reginald said. "You have suffered a fair wound on your chest, it will take time to heal."

"Lord Jerix!" Gale shouted. "He's in danger! Leave me here, go on and find Lord Jerix!"

Then, it seemed as if the pain on Gale's chest doubled in strength and Gale cannot help but slip back into unconsiousness...


" Meet back here when you have found him. I will go. " Travis nodded to the other explorers and went through a random door. It slammed shut behind him. He leveled his spear, ready for attack. It was pitch black inside the room, and Travis started to breath heavier.

" Travis? Travis? Is that you, Travis? " Someone called out from the Darkness. " It is me, your brother. "

" No, It's not my brother, whatever you are. My brother is off in a faraway land preaching some spouting nonsense to villagers without a clue. " Travis shouted back into the darkness, frustrated.

" No, brother, I've returned to see father. He has fallen terribly ill and we must now choose a patriarch. " Travis swung out into the darkness, his spear clanging against the ground. Someone sucker punched him in the back of the head.

" You're an idiot, brother. " Travis swung behind him, hitting rock again. A spark flew off the wall and he caught a glimpse of the creature before it hit him again. Lizard-like in appearance, it hissed at him.

" The charade continues, brother! Where am I? How is Percival? " Travis swung all around, connecting spear with scaly skin.

" Ungh! " it shrieked. Relentless in his attacks, Travis swung multiple times, cutting down the beast. The torches in the room sprang to life and as Travis looked down at the pile of bones and blood he created, a wall slide open. Travis walked through it, not so afraid anymore.

" If this is all you can muster, than what a cakewalk this'll be! " He shouted at the walls.

It watched him. Gathering it's blood and bones into a neat pile, it began to rebuild itself. Eventually, when the deed was done, it got up and stalked after the boy, revenge in his head.


Crashing metal sounded throughout the chamber as the Guardians sword met Jerix’s sword. The Guardian seemed surprised to have met resistance, but that surprise was gone in an instance and replaced with a savage bloodlust. Weaving in and out of the deadly dance, Jerix and the Guardian of Darkness continued to test each others skills with the sword. Attacking, feinting, looking for weaknesses, the battle continued to go on, and Jerix absently noted that the other monsters where just watching…..and waiting.

“Mortal, where did you get that sword?” the guardian asked as he lunged at Jerix.

“It was a gift.” Jerix managed to get out while he concentrated on keeping his opponents sword at bay.

At that answer the strange creature backed away and started to laugh.

“So you are the chosen commander of the Lunarii Order? You are better with that sword than I thought you would be, a pity though, you will suffer the same fate as those before you.” With that the Guardian signaled and the creatures who had been silently watching charged Jerix.

Jerix briefly saw the creature move towards the center table before he had to turn his full attention to the attacking creatures. Jerix swiftly killed the first two monsters to reach him, but knew from Hannibal’s account that they would keep coming. His only chance was to make a mad dash for the entrance he had come in from and use the doorway as a chokepoint.

But can I make it? he wondered.

Sprinting as fast as he could, Jerix ran towards the archway, dodging in and out of the way of monsters, and slicing down any monster that he couldn’t avoid. Arms and legs aching from the running and fighting Jerix arrived at the archway. Making his stand he continued to slice down monster after monster as they relentlessly attacked. After what seemed to be an eternity Jerix realized that the rest of the monsters had retreated back into the chamber and were watching him. Using his sword to keep him upright, Jerix looked into the chamber and saw a blue glow in the middle of the circle. Is that the gateway thing the guardian was talking about?

Jerix saw the Guardian say something to a creature who appeared to be a leader of sorts, the creature yelled something in a gibberish language and the creatures started to slowly move towards the archway again. Jerix watched as the Guardian disappeared into the blue glow, and then it too disappeared. As Jerix slowly lifted his sword, he idly wondered what might be happening to the others who came down here with him.


After caring for the wounded man,and setting wards......Reginald runs towards the sound of the fighting.........As he runs his amulet flops out of his shirt.As he rounds the corner and sees the monsters.....they leave.....The glow of the amulet recedes a bit,and he enters too see his friend with sword drawn,looking rather confused at where the monsters went.....


Jerix readied himself as the monsters started to move in, then suddenly, they started retreating. He looked around the chamber and noticed all of them had backed away, as if there was a force that was keeping them from getting closer. Jerix then heard the footsteps behind him, What now? he thought as he turned to see who or what was behind him.

"Reginald, am I glad to see you!" Jerix said seeing him round the corner.

Jerix and Reginald quickly conversed, and decided it was time to leave the catacombs and report about what they had found. They both quickly headed back up the stairs to pick up Gale and head out.

I only hope Nnix, Travis, and Blackfist are already on their way out. Jerix thought as he and Reginald carried Gale, and not liking the thought that he and Reginald may have to come back in to find them.

(Thanks go to Jerix for collecting the RP from BM)