Taselak (SEI)/Tribune/1st Edition

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http://wiki.battlemaster.org/images/TaselakIcon_large.gif News from Glorious Taselak!
Price: Free for Taselakians, 5 coppers for everyone else Editors: Dennis, Jet, Valens and anyone else from Taselak! Just add your name here! Issue Number: 1
It's two on one, but Taselak will come out on top!
We're up and running!
I, Dennis, proudly present the first and only paper printed and written in Taselak as of 30 October 2006! Any Taselakian with a story to tell can add articles to this paper, and be sure to add your name to the list of editors as you post!
The Toren Herald is born, and we claim some credit!
The Taselak Tribune would like to welcome the Toren Herald to the ranks of SEI newspapers, and hopes that we can carry out a professional rivalry even while killing each other on the field. This paper would also like to claim some credit for it's birth, as the Toren Herald states that, "Yesterday, Cyperus pointed out that Toren was the only realm on the South-East Island that did not have a newspaper, and he suggested that someone create the Toren Herald."

It is a well known fact that the editor of the Ikalakian Times only revitalized his paper after news of competition first arose, thus this paper can claim credit for breathing life back into the SEI newspaper scene.

Now for a question for the Toren Herald. Where are their so called "allies", the Ikalakians? The major players fighting battles are only our realms of Toren and Taselak. This paper asks the Toren Herald to give their views on their allies no-show, and share any thoughts they have about it.

Written by: Dennis on 6th November '06

A battle brews!
Choosing to ignore our forces looting their regions of Kail and Neralle, Toren has gathered it's forces in the Cave of Guilt, and us of Taselak have gathered our forces in Falens to meet them. 16k CS of mobile and militia forces are gathered in these two regions alone, with more arriving every day. The situation is tense, and battle could erupt at any moment.

And as Baron of Falens, I can claim that we won't give it up without a fight!

Written by: Dennis on 6th November '06

Toren forces pushed back
Taselak has suffered a recent defeats at the hands of Toren and Ikalak, losing in Sandalak to Ikalak, and in Lesthem to Toren. However, today news has arrived that the Toren forces in Lesthem have been pushed back.

Battle in Lesthem (7 hours, 58 minutes ago) Taselak vs. Toren Estimated combat strengths: 6000 CS vs. 1000 CS

Attacker Victory!

Admittedly this was an easy victory, as we outnumbered the enemy forces by 6 to 1, but in this 2 on 1 war, any victory is vital to morale.

Written by: Dennis on 5th November '06

Lancer's new book a great hit!
Sir Lancer, a mentor in the service of Taselak, recently came out with a book chronicling his life and times. Taselakian nobles snapped it up, and apparently it was a hit all over the world. In Lancer's words, "Great Job you have finshed your book. You have gained 2 prestige and people love it all over the world your family gains 1 fame. Sweet."

Many interested nobles asked for copies, citing various reasons, such as for firewood or cudgels, and King Cronos, in a sudden and rare burst of misjudgment even stating that reading might be a better hobby than ale! We wish Lancer the best of luck, and this reporter would like to state that his scribe finds the book perfect as a shield for blocking arrows.

Written by: Dennis on 5th November '06

Cold reception for new Sandalak
The new Sandalak has received a frosty reception, with only 3 other troop leaders joining the realm since it's conception. Ikalak has over 10k CS sitting in Sandalak City, so it looks like this new realm won't last for long. Ah well... at least it is keeping Ikalak of our backs for the time being.

In other news, Lady Yanzi has recovered from her duel against Phear, and claims victory, saying: " Both of us are seriously wounded due to the duel we made. I am healed faster, and he is still in his bed, and I consider that I win the fight~".

Written by: Dennis on 2nd November '06

Welcome new nobles!
This paper would like to give a hearty welcome to all new nobles who have recently arrived on Taselak's shores. Most new nobles cited Taselak's two on one war as stated in our Ruler Bulletin as their reason for joining.

New nobles, I'm sure you will fight hard for Taselak, and bring us the strength needed to win this war.

Written by: Dennis on 5th November '06

Penny Avenged!
Battle in Lesthem (3 hours, 53 minutes ago)

Taselak vs. Toren

Estimated combat strengths: 9000 CS vs. 9000 CS

Scott (Knight of Taselak) (Taselak) was captured by Toren forces.

Sir Culpeo (Noble) (Toren) was captured by Taselak forces.

The hero Darkabe (Imperial Knight of Toren) (Toren) was killed.

Aethelmaer (Knight of Neralle) (Toren) was captured by Taselak forces.

Homus Cornelius, Marquis of Belus (Taselak) was captured by Toren forces.

Defender Victory!

A close loss for Taselak, but every cloud has a silver lining. Darkabe, the hero that slew Queen Penny, was killed in the battle, avenging her death and clearing Taselak's honour. Queen Penny, rest in peace, for your killer has been brought to justice.

Written by: Dennis on 2nd November '06

Sandalak Revived?
In a strange turn of events, the duchy of Sandalak has been seceded from Ikalak to reform the dead realm of Sandalak, a tyranny led by Hvrek, former duke of Sandalak. Details are sketchy at the moment, but any enemy of Ikalak is a friend of Taselak's. More news as it happens.

Written by: Dennis on 1st November '06

Interview with a General
Our very own General, Mischa, has graced our paper with an interview. We would like to thank her for providing our very first interview, and hope that more interviews will come soon.

1. What are your personal thoughts on the alliance between Toren and Ikalak?

I think Ikalak duped Toren by pretending that Taselak had approached them with a treaty. Toren were pressured into such a rubbish treaty by Ikalak pressuring them.

It was interesting, though. Moonglum signed the treaty and stepped down. Then Zack the Great approached Taselak with a modified version of the treaty Taselak finally sent to them, which Taselak turned down, as it was not fair to both realms.

2. Do you think Taselak can survive this assault?

Taselak will fight. Everyone will make mistakes, you just need to be able to capitalise on them, to gain an advantage.

3. How did you first start out here in Taselak?

I started in Taselak around 360 days ago, before the last fall of Taselak. I was a normal soldier until the reset. Penny approached me and asked if I would be willing to step up as High Marshal, as Viper was no longer able to fulfil the position.

4. In your opinion, who was the best general to grace these shores and why?

The Sandalak Generals Boswick and Sebastian were a great team. Their unorthodox tactics threw everyone. If they weren't attacked in a 3 on 1 situation, I think Ikalak would be owned by them by now.

5. Could you give us some insight into how the original NAP between the three realms was formed?

I wasn't included in the original negotiations for the NAP.

6. Finally, do you have any words to say to the nobles of Taselak struggling against superior forces?

Taselak is a strong realm, with nobles who are dedicated, which is why we are doing so well. If we keep up our current actions, we will give them the fight of their lives!

Written by: Dennis on 1st November '06

Ooh, we have competition now!
The Ikalakian Times has just resumed publishing, a long time after it was given up for dead. This reporter would like to welcome the Ikalakian Times back, as competition is always healthy and "friendly" rivalry always brings out the best in people.

Now to address some accusations made by their paper and point out a factual error that they made. Firstly, this reporter would like to say that Jet is perfectly entitled to his own views and that is the reason we allow anybody to post. If Jet wants to write unbiased articles, it is perfectly all right for him to do so and in fact, we encourage this. However, what this reporter meant is that the majority of articles would be from an unabashedly pro-Taselak point of view, and thus should be taken with a pinch of salt, and only the minority of articles would be an unbiased read.

Now for the factual error. The Ikalakian Times insinuates that the use of magical weapons by Taselak caused the freak lightning storm that messed up the usual order of things. All the nobles who are capable of wielding these weapons are currently still in Endelee, and thus would not have been able to affect things in faraway Sandalak City.

Let the war of the newspapers begin! :P

Written by: Dennis on 1st November '06

Ikalak's ruler down for awhile
An unnamed infiltrator has just taken down Zack the Great, Prime Minister of Ikalak. In a report to the realm, the infiltrator said:

"Ladies and gentlemen, i think this is a great notice:

You set out on a mission to take out Zack the Great, Prime Minister of Ikalak. You manage to sneak into his sleeping quarters unnoticed. Your target is quick and attentive, and spots you in time. You have no choice but to fight him one on one. You manage to wound him, but you have to break off before you can do serious damage. You successfully escape the guards and vanish into the shadows again.

Ikalak is without ruler for some turns..."

Good news for Taselak, what with Sandalak reviving itself and all. Perhaps the war is swinging in our favour?

Written by: Dennis on 1st November '06

Scoop! Treaty between Ikalak and Toren revealed!
This is the treaty that Toren and Ikalak signed before attacking Taselak, brought to us courtesy of Wraias, who in a wise move defected to Taselak from Ikalak.

Nobles of Ikalak,

It is time for the course of our future to be revealed to all. This is the new agreement we shall be operating under until Taselak is history:

This is a war agreement between the realms: Ikalak & Toren. The agreement will be signed by the below rulers but is an agreement of the realm and any ruler of the realm is obligated to enforce the following terms, until those terms are fulfilled.

This is a war island there will be times where our realms' troops will cross each other and do battle. This will not be looked on as an act of breaking these terms. A direct attack (4 or more TLs at one time in a region they have no legitimate reason to be in) will be addressed by the ruler and decided if it constitutes an act of breaking the terms.

The agreement is to obtain Ikalak two cities and Toren one city and one stronghold. Plus divide the realms as reasonably as possible on a war island before engage each other in the final battle for conquest for the island of South-East.


1. Ikalak & Toren will form a cease fire between their realms and solely attack the realm Taselak. The cease fire will continue until the regions of the island are finalized in their division as agreed in #4. At that point these terms will be reviewed. If the terms have been met and agreed upon by the rulers of the realms, this cease fire agreement will be completed and all realms involved will be free from these obligations. At that point, final battle for conquest for the island of SEI will begin on the date the rulers dictate.

2. First priority will be obtaining Sandalak City for Ikalak. Ikalak will directly enter Sandalak City at their first opportunity and focus all its resources to completing the TO of that city. Toren will indirectly aid Ikalak in the TO by drawing Taselak away for Sandalak City. Toren will accomplish this by focus their first efforts on attacking the Taselak regions around and including Taselak City.

3. Once the TO of Sandalak City is completed and stabilized, Ikalak will move it capital to that city. With Ikalak having the resources of their new capital closer, Ikalak will then commit the largest portion of their forces in directly aiding Toren in obtaining Taselak City. While the smaller part of Ikalak’s forces will aid by starting the take over of their rightful regions. This will be coordinated between the generals.

4. Once Taselak City is under the control of Toren, the following land division will take place before the cease fire is completed:

Here is the final region division:

Ikalak: 1. Ikalak (City) 2. Wellaf 3. Korlok 4. Unagae 5. Kietrem 6. Aboal 7. Abykal 8. Mewun 9. Triewa 10. Ibyp 11. Dwamon 12. Unlib 13. Adrelhia 14. Sandalak (City) 15. Fali 16. Saenna 17. Gwohadda 18. Yayhan 19. Figobar 20. Rhic


1. Toren Stronghold (SH) 2. Lesthem 3. Seggelin 4. Bieth 5. Kail 6. Neralle 7. Riakond 8. Jerelin 9. Dakan 10. Berakor 11. Eledrir 12. Cave of Guilt 13. Falens 14. Astin 15. Endelee 16. Eraus 17. Moeth 18. Kheif 19. Cirannor 20. Belus 21. Umkinnu 22. Taselak (City)

Signed by confirmation,

Moonglum Spearhawk, Prime Minister of Ikalak Moonglum, Prime Minister of Ikalak

Phear Fantom, Pontifex of Toren Phear, Pontifex of Toren

Taselak history? Not very likely!

Written by: Dennis on 31th October '06

Sorcery afoot!
Accusations of Ikalakian use of sorcery have been rife in the realm as of late. As reported in this paper, a freak lightning storm prevented a battle from taking place in Sandalak City, and the Ikalakians used the opportunity to send in more forces, thus causing the eventual battle to result in a victory for them.

In the words of Tsuboh, Duke of Taselak, "The storm and fog cleared just in time for the Ikalaks to regain the wall. I claim witch craft. We should have sacked the city a turn ago. Bloody witches."

His claims were further substantiated by an unsettling event which happened as our forces tried to move out from Sandalak. The men and horses appeared to hit a sort of invisible wall, which stalled their movement. As a result, the Ikalakian troops had a field day slaughtering our injured and tired soldiers, which only further proves the cowards they are. This paper challenges the Ikalakians to stop using witchcraft to their advantage, and prove their prowess in a fair battle on the field.

Written by: Dennis on 31th October '06

One man party and other news
This editor was forced to spend a one man party in Taselak, as the other nobles were all too busy at the front to turn up. It seemed wasteful to let all the ale go to waste, so this reporter consumed it all, resulting in a hangover that nearly prevented him from making it back to Falens on the next day. C'mon Taselakians, show more enthusiasm for your new newspaper!

In other news, Toren has taken over Lesthem with brutal force, much like we did merely two days ago. However, we are sure that once our armies regroup and refit, Toren will be sent packing once again. Yanzi, Countess of Seggelin, appears to have been seriously wounded in her duel with Phear, Pontifex of Toren. At least it was only a wound, it could have been much worse.

This newspaper would also like to clear one thing up. We are TOTALLY biased towards Taselak and have no pretensions otherwise. For an unbiased read, please go elsewhere. Thank you. Written by: Dennis on 31th October '06

Shenanigans in Sandalak City
As the brave soldiers of Taselak marched on Sandalak City today, they prepared for a tough fight, knowing that the Ikalakian defenders would fight hard in defense of their city. As both sides braced for battle, to their surprise bolts of lightning struck down from a clear sky, injuring several Taselakian TL's, and killing an Ikalak hero, Moonglum, one of Ikalak's former Prime Ministers. Dumbfounded, the Ikalakians carelessly left the city gates unguarded, and the Taselak troops streamed inside. As of now both sides are currently staring loggerheads at each other from opposite sides of the city, but neither dare make a move till night falls. More news as events unfold.

Written by: Dennis on 30th October '06

Duel to the death!
Yanzi, Countess of Seggelin and Phear, Pontifex of Toren have agreed to fight a duel to the death at sunset. Yanzi is seeking to avenge her fallen sister, Penny ex-Queen of Taselak, who fell in a battle against Toren.

In her announcement to the realm, Yanzi declared that "Blood shall shed, and all the bad experiences in the past shall be forgotten. A new page of history in SEI might be opened, once this very fight is end. We shall see......."

This reporter certainly hopes that Yanzi will prevail, but a duel is always a risky thing. We will bring you the result of the duel as soon as possible.

Written by: Dennis on 30th October '06

The Quest of Taselak
It all started when Valens received a cryptic message, telling him of magical weapons and armor that select nobles could wield. He managed to find several of these "chosen ones", and handed out magic armor and weapons that he somehow got hold of. Fighting off a monster attack, these select nobles then headed out to Endelee in search of more weapons. Currently, they are still searching, having little results. If these nobles manage to uncover these wondrous weapons that are supposedly hidden in the area, Taselak's might will surely be unchallenged. Check The Quest of Taselak for more details.

Written by: Dennis on 30th October '06

Valens injured again, keeping count?
Yes, yet again Valens get injured in another battle. Anyone keeping track of how many this is now? If not, here is an update, Valens has now been injured a total of 5 times. One time he was attacked by an infil, and the other four he was wounded in battle. How long till wounded number 6? Next battle? Battle after that? Next round? Who knows, but from the rate he is going, most likely the next battle he is in. Well, depending on the numbers in the battle to of course.

Written by: Valens on the 30th of October 2006

Launch party with complications
Due to the release of the very first Taselak Tribune, Dennis is throwing a wonderful party in the glorious city of Taselak. How many nobles that will be able to attend is, at this time, doubtful, as our strong realm is currently pressed on both the Toren and the Ikalakian front.

The editors are still confident that our proud realm will stand fast against the hordes of enemies, and we hope that many nobles will be able to join in the celebration of the finest and, above all most balanced paper to grace the South-East Island.

Provided they are not needed at the frontlines, of course.

Written by: Jet on 30th October '06