Taselak (SEI)/Tribune/1st Edition

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http://wiki.battlemaster.org/images/TaselakIcon_large.gif News from Glorious Taselak!
Price: Free for Taselakians, 5 coppers for everyone else Editors: Dennis, Jet, Valens and anyone else from Taselak! Just add your name here! Issue Number: 1
It's two on one, but Taselak will come out on top!
We're up and running!
I, Dennis, proudly present the first and only paper printed and written in Taselak as of 30 October 2006! Any Taselakian with a story to tell can add articles to this paper, and be sure to add your name to the list of editors as you post!
Sorcery afoot!
Accusations of Ikalakian use of sorcery have been rife in the realm as of late. As reported in this paper, a freak lightning storm prevented a battle from taking place in Sandalak City, and the Ikalakians used the opportunity to send in more forces, thus causing the eventual battle to result in a victory for them.

In the words of Tsuboh, Duke of Taselak, "The storm and fog cleared just in time for the Ikalaks to regain the wall. I claim witch craft. We should have sacked the city a turn ago. Bloody witches."

His claims were further substantiated by an unsettling event which happened as our forces tried to move out from Sandalak. The men and horses appeared to hit a sort of invisible wall, which stalled their movement. As a result, the Ikalakian troops had a field day slaughtering our injured and tired soldiers, which only further proves the cowards they are. This paper challenges the Ikalakians to stop using witchcraft to their advantage, and prove their prowess in a fair battle on the field.

Written by: Dennis on 31th October '06

One man party and other news
This editor was forced to spend a one man party in Taselak, as the other nobles were all too busy at the front to turn up. It seemed wasteful to let all the ale go to waste, so this reporter consumed it all, resulting in a hangover that nearly prevented him from making it back to Falens on the next day. C'mon Taselakians, show more enthusiasm for your new newspaper!

In other news, Toren has taken over Lesthem with brutal force, much like we did merely two days ago. However, we are sure that once our armies regroup and refit, Toren will be sent packing once again. Yanzi, Countess of Seggelin, appears to have been seriously wounded in her duel with Phear, Pontifex of Toren. At least it was only a wound, it could have been much worse.

This newspaper would also like to clear one thing up. We are TOTALLY biased towards Taselak and have no pretensions otherwise. For an unbiased read, please go elsewhere. Thank you. Written by: Dennis on 31th October '06

Shenanigans in Sandalak City
As the brave soldiers of Taselak marched on Sandalak City today, they prepared for a tough fight, knowing that the Ikalakian defenders would fight hard in defense of their city. As both sides braced for battle, to their surprise bolts of lightning struck down from a clear sky, injuring several Taselakian TL's, and killing an Ikalak hero, Moonglum, one of Ikalak's former Prime Ministers. Dumbfounded, the Ikalakians carelessly left the city gates unguarded, and the Taselak troops streamed inside. As of now both sides are currently staring loggerheads at each other from opposite sides of the city, but neither dare make a move till night falls. More news as events unfold.

Written by: Dennis on 30th October '06

Duel to the death!
Yanzi, Countess of Seggelin and Phear, Pontifex of Toren have agreed to fight a duel to the death at sunset. Yanzi is seeking to avenge her fallen sister, Penny ex-Queen of Taselak, who fell in a battle against Toren.

In her announcement to the realm, Yanzi declared that "Blood shall shed, and all the bad experiences in the past shall be forgotten. A new page of history in SEI might be opened, once this very fight is end. We shall see......."

This reporter certainly hopes that Yanzi will prevail, but a duel is always a risky thing. We will bring you the result of the duel as soon as possible.

Written by: Dennis on 30th October '06

The Quest of Taselak
It all started when Valens received a cryptic message, telling him of magical weapons and armor that select nobles could wield. He managed to find several of these "chosen ones", and handed out magic armor and weapons that he somehow got hold of. Fighting off a monster attack, these select nobles then headed out to Endelee in search of more weapons. Currently, they are still searching, having little results. If these nobles manage to uncover these wondrous weapons that are supposedly hidden in the area, Taselak's might will surely be unchallenged. Check The Quest of Taselak for more details.

Written by: Dennis on 30th October '06

Valens injured again, keeping count?
Yes, yet again Valens get injured in another battle. Anyone keeping track of how many this is now? If not, here is an update, Valens has now been injured a total of 5 times. One time he was attacked by an infil, and the other four he was wounded in battle. How long till wounded number 6? Next battle? Battle after that? Next round? Who knows, but from the rate he is going, most likely the next battle he is in. Well, depending on the numbers in the battle to of course.

Written by: Valens on the 30th of October 2006

Launch party with complications
Due to the release of the very first Taselak Tribune, Dennis is throwing a wonderful party in the glorious city of Taselak. How many nobles that will be able to attend is, at this time, doubtful, as our strong realm is currently pressed on both the Toren and the Ikalakian front.

The editors are still confident that our proud realm will stand fast against the hordes of enemies, and we hope that many nobles will be able to join in the celebration of the finest and, above all most balanced paper to grace the South-East Island.

Provided they are not needed at the frontlines, of course.

Written by: Jet on 30th October '06