Mossy Family

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Revision as of 15:35, 9 September 2005 by Krashmoss (talk | contribs)


Born to a family of farmers, at a very young age, when Ashmoor was under the reign of Eston, he helped his parents to survive by working in the field and hunting. He wanted a better life, a better life for his parents, a better life for all the poor farmers working too hard in Ashmoor. No more suffering. No more Eston's tax collectors. His dream came true when he was 17. Vikings from Norland came liberate his region. He saw them cut the heads of Eston's troops, drinking their blood, mutilating their limbs. Now, he wants to become a true viking. A true warrior. A true man. A man of blood. A man of God. A man from Norland.

Memorable quotations

How many Estonian did you kill in my absence ? For my part,I tried to kill a prison guard with a bread...

Implication in his realm

Recently, he started his own comic strip to divert Norland's troops (I will correct grammar errors very soon !).

Krash Mossy comic strip

Little Ogre

Mossy Family found this "big" kid in a cavern. They adopted him but he grew bigger and bigger. All he wants to do is kill, kill and kill, without any reason. They tried to teach him how act civilly with other citizens, but he learned almost nothing. Everyone in Ashmoor called him "Little Ogre" because he was not wise and too big for his age, note that he is also very ugly (poor Little Ogre !).

The last person who saw him was Krash, his "brother". Its last words were : "Me going kill humans far from mother. Me don't want see mother cry. Me want mother happy." Some people think he returned in Moramroth mountains. Others saw him on a boat, emmigrating on the South-East Island.

Here is a draw of little ogre mossy, from his mother.