Lightsbane Family/Aedwin

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Aedwin is a man of 18 years of age, possessing wisdom and insight beyond his years. Though not the most intelligent of men, he is valorous and strong, nearly capable of cleaving a man in half with his large axe. He is the second son of the Lightsbane family, and has always upheld its honour and been willing to sacrifice his life for its' wellbeing.

Aedwin has always possessed a strong character, generally passive but defiant. He will do what he considers right, and will not be afraid to oppose authority if he believes they are being unjust. Death does not hold fear for him, nor does pain, because he accepts that if such a thing comes to pass, then he has fulfilled his destiny and the tasks that accompany it. Loyalty is a powerful virtue in Aedwin's eyes, one of the most important things in life is to stand by those you care about no matter the situation.

Combat is a subject which attracts much fascination to the young man, and he does well to observe all he can concerning techniques, vital points, stratagems, effects or possible consequences. He is the most bloodthirsty of the children aside for Pragus perhaps, his elder brother. To make sure he is as efficient as he can be in battle, Aedwin has honed his body to perfection through rigorous training and sparring sessions, often insisting that there be multiple opponents to pose more challenges and make it more realistic. He once heard his father, Yvaen, say: "Battles and wars are not consisted of thousands of private duels. That is for the dreamers. There is no true respect for honour in those moments... only blood and gore, broken swords, and shattered shields lying amidst the field. Death and Chaos reign, as there is no place for Order when in a fight for survival. Men will stab others in the back, destruction will be unleashed through the humming of bows and the explosions from catapults. This is the life I have experienced -- and your mother, as well-- and this is what you will find in the years to come. The only question will be: Are you ready for it, or will it consume you when you are unprepared..."

After six years of disappearance, Aedwin has finally encountered his older brother Pragus. His hatred for his sibling runs as deep as a bottomless chasm, for all the years of terror he spent under Pragus' cruel fist. Aedwin has vowed to avenge Haley and his family's suffering, and will not rest until Pragus lies dead, with his soul sent to the Pits of Hell.

Aedwin is related to the Hashimashidas by their father and his mother. He has strong bonds with his cousin Tokeru.

Aedwin is currently the Lord of Hosiel, a region in Lasanar.