Old Gods/Legends/Rangers

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The Old Gods

Force of arms alone will not defeat the monsters. For mankind to truly control the continent we need to win the Love and Respect of the Old Gods. First the Old Gods created the monsters, and set them loose to become masters of the land. They loved the strength and ferocity of their children, and value these attribute greatly. Then, humans arrived. The monsters, in fear of losing thieir favored status with the Old Gods, stopped fighting amongst themselves and began to fight us. Indeed, in the old times, the battles were harsh, and the monsters wreaked havoc and destruction. Tho Old Gods sent monsters in multitudes against us. We stood firm, and fought bravely. This impressed the Old Gods. They still send monsters to test us, but they are unsure who is better. We must prove ouselves to the Old Gods, and win their favor, so that they will allow us to live here, without being set upon by monsters.

The mission of the church is to spread the word of this revelation, so that others will hear it, and work to impress the Old Gods in whatever way they can. The Old Gods admire courage and strength, both physical, mental, and spiritual. Fighting well, conquering new lands, and building cities prove our fierceness, bravery, indomitable spirit, and inginuity. As each individual works for these things, they work to gain favor in the eyes of the Old Gods, and if they succeed, they are truly blessed. Each of the Old Gods values things differently, and each have their own gifts and curses to bestow.

~Rangers of the Church~