Soulja Family/Shady

From BattleMaster Wiki

Shady Soulja</http>

====-16/06/2006-==== The latest update for Mischa is that she is being enrusted with more duties to serve Taselak. With the new heirarchy, she is beginning to enjoy her service of Taselak and is contemplating making her stay here permanent.

Shady in Oligarch

Shady's first home, and start of it all was in Oligarch. He came in at a very bad time for Oligarch, as they where losing in the wars they where fighting. After a few months, and time after time again Shady proved himself on and off the battlefield for Oligarch. He was appointed as a temporary General when the General was wounded. Things did not seem to get much better for Oligarch though, and the Banker left. Soon after, Lysander put his faith into Shady and appointed him Banker. Using what he knew, Shady made a plan to stop starvation in the few Oligarch lands and continued to do his best to keep Oligarch from falling. Then it happened, a rebellion in Rancagua, which was successful and turned Rancagua from an enemy to an ally. Soon after, Shady disappeared from Oligarch and nobody would see or hear from him for quite some time.

Shady in Old Rancagua