Talk:LoF's true belief

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Revision as of 01:49, 19 September 2006 by Vellos (talk | contribs)
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Ooh, sounds ominous. Now what would TL's of, I believe, Caligus and Perdan, know of the beliefs of LoF? --The1exile 15:18, 1 September 2006 (CEST)

  • Who sais I speak in the name of Caligus and Perdan? I am but the starter of this page, because I happen to have an account already and great credibility in the EC. Truly, if you are intrested you should wait some more, it could take a while though... Foreign Curs 15:23, 1 September 2006 (CEST)

And I am but slightly dead. My curiousity is simply aroused. There are others on the EC who have accounts (hence the proliferation of the generations of journalism). --The1exile 15:34, 1 September 2006 (CEST)

Is this IC? --The1exile 19:35, 18 September 2006 (CEST)

  • Yes this pages are all IC Bart 20:08, 18 September 2006 (CEST)

This is considered as a leaflet, say 'a small newspaper' if you want. It's just as legal in the game to have this as a newspaper. Every message in it is recieved IC, every word in it is spread IC under the name of the Leaflet: 'LoF's true belief' Foreign Curs 20:11, 18 September 2006 (CEST)

It's mostly a load of bollox. So many lies in there, the basic facts are completely wrong. what can I do, but listen to bull sh-t? :/ --Dave 03:02, 19 September 2006 (CEST)

Was that an IC comment or an OOC comment? lol, are you saying someone took the time to forge, what, something like 120 messages it looks like? Thats a whoooole lot of time for a game. Not just that, but they do a superb job of emulating speech variation and writing style variation between the various players. I can understand if that was an IC comment, but it looks like an OOC one to me... Vellos 03:49, 19 September 2006 (CEST)