User talk:Vashmere

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Revision as of 13:25, 16 September 2006 by Vashmere (talk | contribs) (thanks)
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  • User Vashmere has shown an inability to comprehend the Game Concepts since he started playing. He has been reprimanded for this by other players OOC in-game, until they could not tolerate his disruption any more.
  • When he bagan writing in-game I (in RP) welcomed his character as one of high ideals and imagination. I encouraged his professed intention to record a detailed history of our shared (at that time) realm. What he actually did was try to impose an alternate fiction on all other players and insist OOC that he knew how to play BattleMaster better than those who have played for two years and more.
  • After only a few days of playing he was producing such a volume of useless chatter that several players complained both OOC and in RP that they could not sift through it all and be sure of finding relevant postings. This overburden of uselessness caused some quite seasoned players to discover that the "Ignore" option, which had been inoperable for a long time, was now working as expected. Every day after, for more than a week, other players responded with glee that "ignore" was giving them relief from the nonsense. Unfortunately those with more responsible characters could not afford that option.
  • I have never insulted the Player Vashmere nor his Computer. If I had, he should produce evidence of such. There is a big difference between reporting poor behavior and making a personal insult. However, User Vashmere has threatened me personally in my "User talk" page without showing cause. Recluse

Vashmere here.

Ummm. no you are wrong.

1- this entire post is another insult to me as a person.

2-Its an insult since it is mostly a lie. Yes people got upset that my PC talks alot, and yes he was interfearing with battle orders, but he was also "trying" to do just that. he single handly stopped the war from functioning more then oncer with nothing more then a pen and a few scribes. People got angry and started OCCing my about it. So, I retorted with a plesant "Guys, i know how to play, ive spent the past days reading every wiki etc etc, I am a dungeonmaster for 21 years and I am an adult who is doing somthing here for a story"

They then proceeded to twist those sort of points as me saying "You don't know hgow to play like I do! I am a better player then you! etc etc" That is poppy cock just like you being here doing this now.

3-You also insulted me by putting a caption on top of every page of mine that said I was a "meglomaniac"...This could have be construed as you meaning my PC, but you put the header ontop of other PCs of mine (the same header) on ALL of my PCs. Only one is a maniac of any kind.

4- You keep saying that what my PC is saying about his history is impossible and agisnt the rules. No such rule has been found, no such rules deams me wrong or a cheat. Its harmless roleplay AND possible insainity on behalf of a madman...whats the big deal?

Stop this...remove this...

Vahsmere here again.

Just wanted to will be the first of many who fill the wiki with problems with my plan, mythos and story that will unfold in the lands of BM. there are enough of us among you to see us as a stable growing group. What are you going to do???! OOOOH NO!

Look dude...grow up. The Mythos that you and the handful of other players dissagreed with is nothing to upset game balance or destory the laws of Tom. infact, everyone involved in this mythos we invented greatly respect Tom (infact love him) and his game (in fact love it).

So...let the hate mail flow

Not sure if I understand all of this...

But, if you think he's being a pain IC, ban him. Although really, you can't make up a past that didn't exist in your continent, that much is true (you can't RP around game mechanics). --The1exile 01:39, 4 August 2006 (CEST)

Vashmere here.

Actually you can "claime" to be from another world. At what risk? being called a crazy man...and if dozens of crazy men are saying the same thing, you have a cult of crazy men.

I have read from countless pages where people added harmless NPCs, madeup gods, other worlds, animals that don't exsist, claimes to be related to elves and what not...And some of that made its way deep into the history of the game.

The problem with this guy saying my PC can't say he is from anotner world is- that he can! He can also say he is a monkey, a hippo or a sandwhich...

As for him saying the problem was OOC, it wasn't. it was less then 5 people pissed off cus my PC wrote long messages and many of them. But he was a peace lover and an activist agisnt war...he was protesting and clogging the information flow of that war.

Nevermind...lets just put it this way, there are now new gods in BM, and me and a bunch of players have decided its time for them to rise. Deal with it however you want...ban, hate, laugh, ignore...its your call. But there will be a new mythos added.

Unless it's on EC, or perhaps FEI, I don't really care. But understand that the other characters will dislike it and sending a large amount of messages is spamming. You can disguise it as IC "disrupting the info flow" of the war, but frankly, tahst what it is. if you have to, keep it shorter, or send it to your cult. --The1exile 02:18, 4 August 2006 (CEST)

Vashmere here. Well the thing Recluse seems to forget is that there were many people loving my form of roleplay, asking for more interaction and playing along. All three of my PCs are currently loved by many players. I have alot of players saying things like "I love reading your posts, keep it up". In fact, i get far more of these types then bad views on the way I post and play.

I think I actually have the last known sent letter from King Carriantor, sent hours before he left. His words are being kept saved on file for possible future publishing. But I am afraid to show them becuase they sided with my PC and were very friendly in secret conversations agaisnt some very high ranking people. The entire thing is blown out of truth's limits by less then 5 players who started a OOC fight. I have saved the entire log of it incase these people wanted to twist it in their favour (like they are doing). I will be the first to admit, I got angry and spoke wrongly in OOC fasion...but that was well after these players went as far as to say (ooc) that I sucked at this game, shouldnt play, and that BM wasn';t a kind of game for me.

I was angered and I even said I was sorry. Saddly, people took this to an IC level, and got ruthlessly rude. This also resulted in my saying OOC that what they were doing was really wrong. I have that post too (the first OOC I ever typed), It was me being polite and saying that it was offensive to hear people being so rude to my personal self as a player...they returned with things like "cry baby" and "awwww is the big dungeonmaster complaining? Just go away".

Anyway. I have made alot of friends in Abington (one wanted to follow my PC around the world to simply see what Id say and do next). Alot of players actually stood up for me many times saying people were being rude becuase they don't enjoy roleplaying and insist its just a button pressing get-the-gold game. I am a roleplayer who thinks very deeply about PC motivation and way of being...this is why I love this game.

Annyway...I have many letters from very high ranking Nobles, and well respected players sideing with me in private. I wont share that info, but if they read this perhaps they can verifiy what I am saying is true.

lastly...I must say again, I WAS very wrong getting angry. I said I was sorry , they did not. The writing that was said to be "too much" was printed out to be just under 5 pages in over 7 days...if THAT is too much relivant posting for a roleplay game or a normal player to read, I feel bad for the reading habits of those types. I read books, lots and lots of books. Some people don't mind reading interesting posts...I know i look for people's long written stuff. Some of the best roleplayers Ive met are in Abington, its sad that I have been reduced to talking to them in emails.


If you have any problems like this in future, I suggest you instead postto the RP discussion list. This way those that don't want to read it don't, whereas those who do enjoy good RP (such as myself) will read it. But please don't bring any conflictsb with Recluse to the wiki. --The1exile 14:05, 4 August 2006 (CEST)

Vashmere here um dude...he made this page...and has been defacing my pages with insults. Ummmm,,,,I'm a new player whos just trying to be left alone by him. And well, you came here and added to his crap, so I had to retort. Soooooooooooo....take you own advice and don't post here too...shhheeeesh. People around herre. You can not add to a problem then point at the problem and direct it.

Can someone erase this page? I won't erase his work...he put it here and I want it gone.

I meant instead of posting your RP's to the realm post to the list, or everyone in your mythos. I am trying to help you ifnd an alternative that doesn't make 5 players dislike you, whether unfounded or not, maybe they have a point. Also, I think you are confusing people by saying PC; many of us haven't done D&D, BM is not meant to be D&D. The community usually uses the word character or failing that, the shortened version "char". This would explain the original statement by Recluse saying he never insulted your computer. Do you see how these things get ocnfusing, and the lack of communication is a problem? To him it may well semem like you are blaming it on your computer that it is streaming out longwinded RP's that he has no interest in.

I think you would be looking for Meta:Delete Request.--The1exile 14:34, 4 August 2006 (CEST)

Outer Tilog

You mention Outer Tilog on your 'Evil' pages. If you're interested in the colonies, your insane blabbering (and I say that not as an insult), and evilness would be very welcome there. Of course, don't expect to be able to start your Cult there, as agreeing to follow laws would, of course, be illegal. AlexTurner 16:34, 10 August 2006 (CEST)

Character page

Moved your character page so that the links under the title work hope you don't mind. --The1exile 13:12, 16 September 2006 (CEST)

Thanks Not at All! Thanks! I am still too new to get alot of stuff right...Im shocked i learned this much, and everything I learned was from looking at what people did to fix my mistakes....thatnks homey. Vashmere 15:25, 16 September 2006 (CEST)