Avalon/Roleplay Section/Hector/Book 2/Dark Waters

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Hector sat atop his steed, roling with the walk of the horse, heading towards Orombo trying to catch the main army. He had fallen several days behind the main army and was hoping to make up some time. His thought drift back to a day when he was in love.

A woman, whom now was lost, continued to consume his thoughts. He had grown sloppy. He was once one of the best swordsman in the land, now he rode a cavalry unit into battle. Not bothering to run or get off his steed, he rode a horse into battle. His depression had sunk in pretty deep when he lost his best friend in all the land, Revan. One day, he got a note that Revan had quite litterally vanished from Avalon. Never to be heard from or seen again. They found his sword, horse and belt at his residence, but he was gone and they never found him, or his body.

Hector had dropped out of the Druid faith he had sworn to uphold. He had become a priest for a time, but gave it up to get back into battle to kill, and quench his pain from his loss, but it doesn't really work. For a time, he helped the General and even became General to lead the armies into a few victories. But even that has not quenched the pain.

It was once read to him that through a man's pain, he defines his heroism. Hector laughs out loud while staring down, his men turn and look in bewilderment as if he were mad. He avoids their eyes, and tips back a skin full of ale. He's let himself go, quite a bit, he thinks to himself. What will it take to right himself? What will he need to become the man he once was.

The other night in yet, another bar fight, a woman yelled out to Hector as a man lay at Hector's feet, she said, "If you were half the man you thought you were, you'd be twice the man you are!" He shrugged it off, but it hit home. It hit home hard, and Hector wondered when this dark cloud would ever end. When, in the name of the Devine One, would this end?

His men were embarrassed to be several days behind the main army, but that's how long it took Hector to get over his hang over.

Something had to change, and something had to change quickly! Hector began to ponder at what it would take to surface from this dark water he was in.