West Continent/Data

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Bad Lands

Framboise_Family is doing a lot of work on this right now..
Hopes to have some stuff pretty much ready by 2006-09-15 ...

Location: river
Weather area:Central Lake
lake, northern lowlands, central

North West

Darfix 420,201 :C
Miniath 519,126 :W
Under Darfix 446,262 :R
Raden 580,256 :W
Bberentaur 368,340 :R
Bbandasdor 390,423 :R
Samhain 480,380 :T
Eeborngul 570,350 :R
Crotona 570,450 :R
Ninith 640,99 :W
Kaigen 660,200 :W
Jenith 813,170 :R
Asurbanipal 730,290 :R
Mergrathor 720,410 :R
Jorradith 930,230 :R
Gaston Farms 890,330 :R
Gaston 860,370 :C
Mountain of Woe 900,450 :M
Forguthrie 1020,370 :R
Zereth 1100,250 :R
Ygg d'Razhuul 1225,270 :R
Aquitain 1190,370 :T
Valkyrja 1342,187 :C
Gelene Outskirts 1340,390 :R
Gelene 1308,455 :C
K'Dira 460,505 :R
Mountain of Chrysalids 617,570 :M
Corridor of Torment 485,622 :B
Kid's Rock 450,770 :R
Wallershire 590,690 :T
Shuberstone 530,810 :B
Vyanar 670,760 :R
Dunnbrook 730,840 :R
Mountain of Betrayal 740,495 :M
Chrysantalys Mines 780,620 :B
Chrysantalys 733,653 :C
Walefishire 815,760 :T
Mountain of Remorse 900,550 :M
Shrine of Seeklander 1050,512 :C
Duil 917,695 :R
Eidulb Outskirts 1040,613 :R
Eidulb 1065,681 :C
Grazne 990,823 :R
Tofino 103,1192 :R
Echiur 141,1095 :C
Echiurfield 192,1147 :R
Vakreno Heaps 300,1106 :R
Itaufield 535,882 :R
Itau 495,915 :C
Elets 626,931 :R
Mech Galen 765,921 :W
Kybcyell 528,1010 :R
Uppervia 482,1083 :R
Via 482,1142 :T
Lowervia 436,1195 :R
Mech Alb 685,1048 :R
Barrow Peaks 607,1172 :M
Mech Derris 823,1026 :W
Knyazes 887,877 :R
Demyansk 834,1186 :R
Mozyr 995,968 :R
Farrowfiled 916,1086 :R
Golden Farrow 981,1118 :C
Faithill 700,1214 :B

North East

Hvergelmir 1469,292 :R
Norrdir 1587,186 :W
Helhhir 1587,292 :W
Ymer's Fall 1600,362 :R
Nidhogg's Mark 1616,461 :R
Valldir 1750,157 :R
Odenir 1731,230 :W
Nifel 1738,274 :R
Nifelheim 1730,317 :C
Muspelheim 1771,439 :C
Muspel 1762,489 :R
Torrents Breath 1886,237 :R
Storms End 1943,190 :R
Storms Keep 1985,160 :S
Rye 2117,214 :R
Cold Spring 2179,135 :T
Springdale 2266,137 :C
Yaren 2200,314 :R
Cortlandt 2354,294 :R
Mt. Black Nastrond 1910,341 :M
Nifelhold 1988,333 :S
White Plains 2057,308 :R
Aegir 1749,578 :C
Aegir's Deep 1790,530 :R
Crotan 1958,478 :R
Bohai 2198,491 :R
Stratford 2297,408 :R
Taishan 2089,571 :R
Nimh 1980,624 :R
Donghai 2358,571 :R
Dongaiwei 2394,600 :C
Zhongyuan 2243,634 :R
Cailyn 2124,725 :B
Caiyun 2249,714 :T
Linhai 2361,714 :R
Moses' End 1543,661 :B
Well of Mimer 1540,740 :R
Mimer 1530,804 :C
Freke 1674,689 :T
Freke's Deep 1619,711 :R
Mimiravair 1699,791 :R
Mamaroneck 1949,805 :R
Eisenik 1761,878 :W
Weinschenk 1954,893 :W
Shomrak 2119,917 2118,917 :R
Huanghai 2268,816 :B
Ashrak 2283,954 :R
Shilorak 1693,957 :R
Unterstrom Vorstadt 1833,944 :W
Unterstrom 1915,955 :C
Tamirak 1881,1039 :R
Elntorak 2069,1050 :R
Fatexna 2219,1130 :B
Flow 2362,1036 :R
Flowrestown 2425,1020 :C
Turbul 2364,1132 :R
Shyyussen 1971,1126 :W
North Divide 2147,1184 :M

South West

Aspar 192,1318
Gonophor 260,1456
Vasser 432,1446
Inklen 618,1288
Shoka 572,1354
Shokalom 558,1404
Lavendrow 790,1296
Mistight 778,1400
Kosht 146,1420
Koshtlom 116,1460
Grympen Mire 140,1582
Dragon Song 364,1586
Overroot 564,1508
Dragon's Roost 482,1634
Underroot 688,1654
Vashgew 764,1496
Saffalore 886,1508
Chateau Saffalore 842,1546
Gretchew 842,1608
Chesland 998,1640
Odona 832,1724
Chesney 958,1676
Larur 996,1736
Ruins of Walfurgisnacht 144,1684
Volcano Nightscree 236,1720
Nightmarch 338,1716
Evenfell 428,1734
Eregon 586,1816
Thysan 764,1834
Paisland 932,1814
Paisley 1000,1846
Hawoq'y 326,1902
Masatodon 466,1870
Orphealis 332,2036
Wurzburg 428,1986
Twainwood 574,1938
Nark 706,1936
Twainville 624,1980
RettleVille 850,1934
Rettlewood 806,1990
Maeotis 956,1944
Ulitsa 516,2076
Gallaecia 620,2104
Evanburg 658,2186
Kydonia 750,2118
Lusitania 788,2224
Tubrel 834,2328
Celtiberia 860,2092
Agl 916,2226
Zerujil 868,2424
Candiels Fields 956,2316
Candiels 978,2364

South East

Sallowild 1648,1354 :B
Sallowtown 1664,1406 :T
Nyuushi 1888,1230 :W
West Divide 2034,1274 :M
Balance's Retreat 2102,1252 :C
Desert of Silhouettes 1864,1404 :B
Alley of Swords 2262,1344 :B
Tranquil 2368,1270 :R
South Divide 2192,1416 :M
Flying Hongrns 2464,1362 :R
Girich 1828,1546 :R
Axewild 2034,1534 :B
Lupa lapu 2184,1560 :R
Dantooine 2352,1492 :R
Poryatown 2396,1580 :T
Poryatu 2386,1624
Mattan Dews 1944,1636
Ciarin Tut 2088,1692
Nid Tek 2294,1660
Garuck Udor 1884,1762
Thar Gortauth 1796,1800
Shinnen 1980,1828 :C
Sinnen Purlieous 1956,1856 :B
Sulorte 2058,1892 :R
Aveston 1768,1868 :T
Moon Bay 1784,1938 :R
Smokey Hills 1982,1924 :B
Vaal 1942,1968 :R
Palm Sea 1916,2118
Drowenton 1788,2254 :T
Libba 1720,2302
Fissoa 1696,2388
Fissoa Fields 1750,2412
Mangai 1862,2322
Munawai 1840,2424
Kamade 1970,2308
Nuas 2122,2356
Maraba 2094,2286
Maf 2232,2214
Mellifera 2144,2052
Irvington 2338,2090
Cadier 2414,2026
Herle 2422,2112
Orz 2436,1894
Santoo 2436,1766
Outer Giask 2372,1934
Giask 2268,1946
Grodno 2136,1982
Askileon 2280,1782
Askileon Purlieus 2264,1716


Panamana 1130,2310
Tower Fatmilak 1048,2436
Fatmilak 1016,2486
Tovabur 1104,2524
Bol 1186,2494
Lugagun 1270,2394
Laraibina 1316,2148
Panafau 1486,2246
Lawataling 1518,2362
Panabuk 1346,2322
Madina Gardens 1404,2448
Madina 1438,2496
Port Raviel 1246,1728
Raviel 1270,1788
Port Nebel 1378,1622
Nebel 1438,1588
Qubel 1466,1522
Qubel Lighthouse 1546,1510
Libidedd 1296,820
Libiddo 1220,880
Dizeddo 1338,876


Surrounding NorthWest
100,100 1337,90 1237,131 1099,119 940,50 741,46 431,44 307,167 223,258 304,528 327,738 380,900 300,986 100,1040 62,1302 270,1231 461,1307 1342,328 1461,437 1460,616 1333,739 1105,780 1118,989 972,1283

Surrounding NorthEast
1511,1300 1724,1229 1734,1126 1860,1106 1794,1068 1634,1002 1588,874 1556,860 1468,850 1404,742 1504,608 1668,622 1722,684 1726,704 1774,762 1924,722 2010,738 1938,658 1822,630 1746,628 1672,590 1558,518 1814,373 1750,367 1611,393 1486,385 1386,336 1422,208 1548,102 1764,94 1922,88 2034,80 2124,22 2220,52 2300,98 2442,226 2500,100 2474,400 2416,468 2294,482 2359,526 2451,533 2458,639 2429,650 2434,726 2470,838 2368,938 2482,988 2392,1082 2450,1130 2466,1210 2508,1284 2556,1300 2526,1414

Surrounding SouthWest
100,1312 72,1398 58,1436 24,1474 32,1592 22,1682 64,1824 172,1870 192,1948 298,2076 448,2070 464,2146 536,2212 614,2256 706,2278 748,2322 800,2474 938,2462 1020,2394 1030,2304 962,2192 922,2096 964,2012 1028,1918 1050,1878 1060,1796 1072,1732 1076,1648 1008,1586 966,1488 880,1452 876,1390 886,1318 932,1260 954,1222 1000,1597 880,1638 770,1646 736,1680 698,1739 669,1726 663,1707 545,1702 555,1662 577,1688

Surrounding SouthEast
1692,1240 1558,1282 1566,1418 1640,1440 1694,1460 1714,1506 1788,1574 1862,1680 2086,1762 2202,1780 2262,1814 2290,1854 2312,1894 2232,1882 2204,1920 2154,1900 2114,1860 2056,1806 2016,1782 1862,1726 1672,1778 1684,1884 1676,1920 1658,2014 1662,2136 1716,2194 1670,2214 1664,2312 1680,2350 1652,2408 1718,2474 1844,2520 1940,2426 2166,2384 2326,2256 2456,2176 2532,1990 2500,1878 2518,1758 2412,1688 2488,1646 2429,1569 2482,1494 2559,1391 2558,1315 2466,1224

Surrounding Central
1302,748 1414,894 1164,918 1344,1152 1232,1358 1444,1458 1584,1514 1560,1580 1488,1680 1350,1652 1298,1566 1218,1638 1328,1810 1184,1804 1250,2054 1446,2114 1596,2186 1622,2338 1560,2502 1444,2552 1366,2542 1258,2460 1258,2572 1102,2568 966,2472 1128,2418 1116,2222 1228,2314 1290,2344 1248,2278 1180,2182