Greystoke Family/Edmund

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Edmund is the trader in the family. He was heard to say "I thought I would try my hand as a trader. The constant go to a battle, wait for the takeover to finish, back to refit, on to the next battle was beginning to seem a little dull. I didn't have enough honor or prestige (or something) to become an infiltrator, and the realm didn't seem to need any beaurocrats."

After being a trader for a week, he said "There must be some kind of trick to being a trader." And so, he wrote The Art of Trading.

Eventually, through the help of Ethiala's banker (Lord Jeselek, Baron of Lantzas), he was able to purchase 300 bushels of food at 5 gold per 100 bushels. Then, through the black market, he picked up another 100 bushels at 16/100. This caravan train he took to Nighthelm in th efar south. Sold all 4 caravans at 20/caravan. 80 - 13 = 67 profit. However, the trip took about 8 days or more.

On his return, he found two new facts. One, the academy in Topenah has a class for traders! It works just like swordmanship. Only, we don't know how to see if his performance has improved or not. The second thing, is that due to recent region acquisitions, Ethiala did not have any more excess food to sell!

After talking with the founder of the Mercator Conlegium guild (a trading guild), it was decided that Edmund be given enough power in the guild to utilize the guild to better help traders. The plans are still in progress.