Temple of the Trinity Gods

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Revision as of 14:40, 25 August 2006 by Antonine (talk | contribs)

The Temple of the Trinity Gods

In the Beginning

In ancient times the three supreme gods created the world and the Race of Man. Each of the Gods gave a part of their spirit to the Human race: Creation, War and Peace.In this time Man spread and covered the face of the world. At first the Gods spoke with Men and helped them tame the world. Great temples and cities were built in a complete union of Heaven and Earth.

The Age of Anarchy

As the power of Man reached it's zenith it collapsed into decadence and the Ancient Realms fell apart. As wars waged the temples and cities were destroyed. After a period of anarchy and war lasting one thousand years the Age of Anarchy drew to an end. But in this time all knowledge of the Ancient Times and the Gods was forgotten.

The Age of Rebuilding

As the Age of Anarchy ended Men began to build new realms and cities without any memories of what had gone before. It invented new Gods to worship and the Trinity Gods faded out of memory. Because every Man has part of the power of Creation in them the False Gods, whilst not True Gods, gained some of the divine powers of True Gods when enough Men beleived in them enough for them to take form. Thus the Trinity Gods were replace with the False Gods and so the Age of Rebuilding came to an end.

The Return of the Trinity Gods

We are now living in the time in which, according to an ancient prophesy, buried in the vaults of the Octavian Family, says that two men will be born. One will be born in a time of war under the sign of the Eagle and he will become a warrior king and rule over a mighty realm. The second will be the Prophet of the Trinity Gods, born in the reign of the first as a star falls from the sky. He will bring Man back to the true faith and unite Man as one heralding the Golden Age which will last untill the end of Creation. The first of these men was born seventeen years ago and is coming of age right now.