RedSpan Revealer/29th July 2006

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Banner-D.png RedSpan Revealer
Price: Free Editor: Tony, Knight of Stargard & Itterind, Knight of Stargard & Shamus, Duke of Stargard & Dielo, High Marshal of Redspan Issue No11 29th July 2006
Printed In Stargard

Disclaimer: The Redspan Revealer would like to remind its readers that this paper does not represent the official opinions of the Redspan Government, Only that of an old Man.

New Layout.....Like it?
Thats right Ladies and Gentlemen, the revealer has a new look, easier for us to get the stories to you! Check out regulary for updates on the happening of Redspan and the surrounding area. Tony Malone

No Contempt Towards Kybcyell
Very recently, forces from Minas Ithil, under the pretense of enforcing a broken treaty, started a colony in the city of Wayburg in Abington, one of Redspan's Federation Allies. Units from Talerium also assisted in the effort. Though Redspan disapproves of the aggression against a federation partner, the official view is neutral. Peaceful relationships have been kept with Talerium and Minas Ithil, except for a misunderstanding including a wandering noble who happened to be in Wayburg during an Abington attack. While Redspan is trying not to make more enemies, they are not making any attempt to become friends with the new realm or it's supporting realms. A closed-border policy remains for all non-allied realms. - Dielo

ASI storming the Islands
After only 2 weeks, ASI has managed to take partial control of 4 of the 5 "Islands" regions, leaving a surrounded Ashr'illy as the last region left on their conquest list. A slithering blitzkreig if ever there was one! Though a tragic emotional and financial loss for our neighbors & friends in Abington, it is this reporter's hope that the torrent pace of this war continues, and that a lasting peace can finally be established between Abby/ASI once the dust settles.

Written by Shamus

Da Daily Dose of Da Way
"A thousand roads leading to nowhere, but Da Smelly One showed me which road is leading to his Goatly Wisdom. I wish it wasn't such a bumpy road, because my back is hurting". -Omenn Unitea
High Marshal Speaks
The Redspan Revealer did an interview with Dielo Filador, High Marshal of Redspan:

RR: Dielo, you've been in office for about a month now. Tell us about it.

Dielo: As you said, it's been about four weeks. A very eventful four weeks, at least for me. I didn't really expect to be appointed, and didn't really know what I was getting myself into at the time. Thanks to the guidance of the realm's military advisory council and our allied generals Xuayne, Harpy and Gucky (and Garthon for a while), I think I'm doing ok now.

RR: You call it an eventful four weeks. Why?

Dielo: Well, we fought Caligan Empire in Craigmore and Ledunds, We took over (and lost) Tandsu again. Falasan lost Aigaling, Abington has lost four regions including a city to ASI (which means Ash'rilly probably will be going too, soon), and Wayburg to Kybcyell. We had some monsters to deal with, and now we're going out to help some of our allies.

RR: Which allies are going to be helped, how and why?

Dielo: We're going to be giving back to those allies that helped us survive the war with Tara, Darka, and Caligan Empire. Without them, we probably wouldn't still be here. Since we don't share borders with Tara anymore, and Caligan Empire is focusing on Carelia, it's a perfect opportunity to take the focus off of Redspan. As the Revealer stated, we're trying to not interfere in Abington's affairs, in order to preserve diplomacy. Other than that, I'm not at liberty to tell you what's going on, as it could jeopardize our efforts.

RR: Anything else you want to tell us?

Dielo: I'd like to thank all of the nobles of Redspan. They're really great people, and I wouldn't be here today without their help.

RR: Thank you!

Dielo: It's been a pleasure. Ask me any time. Now to go get that barrel of ale that I ordered...

And there you have it.

Welcome New Nobles
The RedSpan Revealer would like to publicly extend a hearty RedSpannian welcome to all of the new nobles who have joined us recently! Just in case none of you were aware, RedSpan custom dictates that you send your favorite Duke (wink wink) a barrel of Sullenport Stout, the finest ale in the world, as a sign of your devotion to the realm. I'll ... er ... I hear he'll also accept a barrel of Meldeenian Whiskey if you can't make the trip to Sullenport.

Be sure to introduce yourselves to the realm if you haven't already done so, and find yourself a Mentor or ask questions if you are confused about something.

Don't forget the booze!!

Written by Shamus

Da Great One visits Wayburg?
Just a few days ago, the most curious incident occured in the nearby city of Wayburg. A hostile force had taken control of the city, and managed to found a new realm there. Their allies armies stood guard around the city, anticipating Abington would be sending troops to reclaim the city. Sure enough, Abington showed up, but then a most curios thing happened. Rather than defend the fledgling realm, the Tal/MI armies joined Abington in assualting the city, and helped layed waste to the colonists! Logically, this reporter can only assume Da Hairy One was somehow involved in this.

Written by Shamus

Redspan Speak Out!
Again, the Redspan revealer would like to offer the opportunity for nobles of Redspan to speak their mind. Feel free to add anything here, but note: The Redspan Revealer reserves the right to eradicate inappropriate content. Also, the views in these commentaries do not necessarily represent the views of the Redspan Revealer or her staff.

A Trader's View
This seemed like a good place to post my views. As I read the Ash Sea Chronicle I noticed in the newest edition the Ash Sea Chronicle scorned Abington for starving the citizens of Ash'rily. Few in ASI may even know this, but the people of Ash'rily aren't the only ones starving. Cities as grand as Riverholm are starving as well and their citizens feel struggles everyday. ASI is starving Abington, ASI's wars to "reclaim their namesake" have beleaguered Abington's citizens by forcing their gold for food to be used for war and peace is the only solution. I have been on Atamara long enough to wish for peace. I believe that ASI is the true disruption of Atamara and she causes pain everywhere she goes. -Namus

You must like the peaseants for their dirtiness then. ;) - TTT

Rosegarden guy tells me how he's only interested in and gives a darn about people like my brother and I because unlike the common rabble (who I as a villain enjoy to watch suffer) are not caked in mud and enveloped in protective lard.