Talk:Old Taxes 2/Experimental

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Some questions:

-Would the normal troop leaders only get taxes through their region lord, or would they receive gold from the taxes sent ot the realm as well?
-If a region has too many knights, would it be possible for some of them to swear an oath to another lord to 'balance' things out?
-On FEI, I saw a new Oaths page, will this be implied along with the new tax system?

-Marouane 14:54, 21 August 2006 (CEST)

Eh, we have an 80 gold region with 8 knights. Problem. Is it possible that the local lord could request gold aid from the duchy to pay his knights? Otherwise I think the auto-swearing allengiance shuould go and all knights (maybe only those that were auto sworn, although separating that would be difficult/near impossible I would think) should have a chance to redeclare their allegiance to a liege of their choice. --The1exile 15:47, 21 August 2006 (CEST)