Old Rancagua Press/1st August 2006/News Reports

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August 13, 2006 -

Here follows a copy of the announcement made to the rulers, and thus the Nobles of the East Continent, from the longstanding Chancellor of Fontan, Gregor Relak:

Request from Gregor Message sent to the Rulers of this world (10 recipients)

If you could please gentlemen, pass this along to your people.

Lords and Ladies, Knights, and Noblemen and Noblewomen,

Please for a moment, lend me your ear for but a moment. The realm of Fontan, ancient democracy that she is, is holding a census of all Coimbrans still living at the request of the last known Coimbran of royal blood, Sartan Morningstar. Let the call go out, and bring word to Fontan of your heritage, for soon Fontan will fufill its ancient promise and form a New Coimbra. Spread this letter far and wide most noble peoples of the world, let none not have their opportunity to claim their ancient right.

When Responding, please indicate your name, and the realm you currently call home so that the records can be as accurate as possible. ((If you could also include a player ID, or player name that'd be great too)). Send word fast as you can, and rejoice in Coimbra's rebirth!

~Gregor Relak, Chancellor of Fontan, Guardian of the House of Relak

Gregor Chancellor and Minister of Finances of Fontan

August 13, 2006 -


As follows is a copy of the speech the rebel leader, Heel, declared to the Nobles of Old Rancagua prior to his initiation of the rebellion against the current government and in a 'passionate speech' he said:

Time to clean up Old Rancagua from the dirt. This is the end of incompetent officials and nobles that care only for their individual plans. Dekion is a good and fair ruler but he is surrounded by poisonous snakes that don't care for Old Rancagua. Rats, Ebion, Ragnel, Johnny and even Fuinur will be the death of Old Rancagua if something is not done to stop their influence. I will risk my life to clean this place up.I don't intend to change anything else. Dekion is still my ruler but something must be done.True supporters of Old Rancagua, you that you care, join me and help Dekion clean the dirt!

His declaration of treasonous intent was then followed by a procession of followers, some of which have had ties to Oligarch. Not surprisingly the bulk of his followers also turned out to be nobles who had only been in the realm for a very short period of time. Some as low as 14 days. However, it turned out to be a well planned rebellion and seemed to be on the verge of succeeding but, Old Rancagua was saved by, of all things, a large party of monsters which appeared in the region and wiped out the rebel forces.

With Heel gone and his followers in disarray, further names of potential traitors emerged until a full list of those involved in the plot have been uncovered. Booter (brother of Heel, in realm for 21 days), Brigitte (former Oligarchian, in realm for 20 days), Blue (former Oligarchian, in realm for 20 days), Ergharc (in realm for 114 days), Zwafir (in realm for 14 days), Abdallah (in realm for 17 days), Gertrude (in realm for 27 days), Vawrpihl (in realm for 15 days, and Xaath (in realm for 18 days).

This rebellion has been an unwelcomed change of pace for the Nobles of Old Rancagua, and coupled with the defeat in Stora has led to much anger and the galvanisation of many. The presence of former Oligarchian TL's can only raise questions in the minds of many, this has not helped Kalmar's chances at securing peace with their founding realm.

August 12, 2006 -


Unbeknownst to the Old Rancaguan High Command, either one or more Kalmarian infiltrators (all of which coincidently happen to be Avamarians/Oligarchians) wreaked havoc upon the roads, signs and passes which link the mainland to the islands. All seemed clear until the last moment, when some troops were delayed by up to 6 hours in some cases, resulting in only half the Old Rancaguan army arriving for the battle. This defeat has caused the full-scale retreat of all Old Rancaguan troops from the front, to return and refit, plan and return to finish the job.

Minor skirmishes on the front

Unfortunately, due to the super-efficiency of many units scouts, and added travel difficulties inherent in the hazardous ferrying from Kazan, there have been some accidentl early arrivals which have resulted in casualties on the Old Rancaguan side. As a result, of the some 14K CS troops which were marshalled in Kazakh prior to the invasion, of which 2K remained in the city and Kazan, only approximately 10K troops will engage the large Kalmarian army dug in Stora. News has also reached the Old Rancaguan High Command as scoutings revealed a surprising additional level to the walls erected around the capital city of Kalmar. One really has to wonder how Kalmar managed to achieve the funds to supply the architects with their meagre budget, perhaps it is the Avamarian section in an attempt to save their own skins, have delved into those seemingly inexhaustible family funds?

August 9, 2006 -

Old Rancaguan military at peak

However, with good news it seems, for through superior management and sheer grit and determination, Old Rancagua's military has been restored to pre-Charger's Rebellion levels, peaking at 28K CS.

Although some 12K of that CS being in militia to defend the Capital and the various other cities and important regions, the mobile army of Old Rancagua, in response to the call to arms has boosted up to an unprecendented 16 thousand CS. A number unheard of in many months of toil and bloodshed. Perhaps this is the first sign of a new and prosperous age for Old Rancagua and her Nobles? We can only hope....


Today King Dekion, in response to the overwhelming majority vote of all Nobles of Old Rancagua, declared war upon the Kalmar Isles with the intent to restore the Monarchy and return the isles to the few true Kalmarian nobles which remain in the East Continent. The response of Chancellor Prometheus to this declaration was fairly predictable and it seems that his road to recovery from Lalakis and his Lala-keys' poisonous subversion tactics will be a long one. But, as his brothers in arms we shall do all we can to return Kalmar to it's true form and hopefully restore him to the Prometheus we all know and love and not the puppet of Lalakis.

Here is now a copy of King Dekion's declaration of hostilities, followed by Prometheus' response "in the name of Kalmar" and of course, Lalakis (the true ruler of Kalmar from behind the scenes) had to have his word too.

August 4, 2006 -

Is war with Kalmar just? Does the KIC have it's own stories?

But, for once they have said something worthwhile, you are right, we are on a vendetta, a vendetta against a realm full of usurpers. It has been decided in Old Rancagua that we would rather have a realm of only 3 Nobles than a realm filled with Avamarians and Oligarchians. Some of which were also part of one of the most infamous event in Old Rancaguan history, the hated rebellion of Charger. There are some in "Kalmar" that have dealt a mortal insult to everything Old Rancagua (and the realms she creates) stands for.

The invasion will indeed come, and it is to restore the monarchy. Many Old Rancaguan's cannot believe that Lalakis and his Lala-key's would really think that just because Prometheus is the Chancellor of an Avamarian dominated realm we would end a conflict to restore Kalmar to it's true form. Kalmar will not be destroyed, it will be reformed and restored, and then, when the slate has been wiped clean, the few remaining true Kalmarians can return, and the realm can be reborn.

Kalmar under the dominion of Lalakis, is a danger to the entire East Continent, because for as long as it remains a breeding ground of Avamarian ideology and the corruption it inspires, Old Rancagua will continue it's war. Avamar and it's subesquent spawn or affiliations, namely shadowy groups such as the "the Brotherhood of Gentiana", "the Hand of Wisdom" and the remnants of "the WCC" are the bane of all realms and it is Old Rancagua's pleasure to disperse Avamar and it's spawn once more, turning them out into the cold and restoring more lands that they have taken hold of illegitimately. Sirion and Fontan only wish they could assist us, but they have other issues to deal with.

Of course we question their motives, Avamarians help the realm they need to infest, the fact that it is Kalmar makes no difference. If there was a new and consequently weak due to their fledgling status, realm in Kazakh or in Partora, they would have infested that instead, because that realm would be far stronger. Lalakis and his Lala-key's are drawn to power and vulnerability. They care for none but themselves and we can only hope that they will be caught and made to pay for their crimes against the East Continent.

Finally the banner, it doesn't have to look Avamarian, the symbolism it represents is enough to show that Kalmar is not what it once was, and that is a point which many Avamarians have been pushing to the East Continent since they usurped power. Changing the banner clearly shows that Kalmar is not what it once was, and that is something that must be prevented at all costs. The only way Kalmar will ever change is under a legitimate government, which is decided upon by a smooth transition of Kalmarians. Not a group of usurping Avamarians.

Old Rancagua comes, and this time we are not stopping, now is the time for Kalmar to end it's psychological warfare, it's wheedling, cajolery and inncessant "negotiating". For when we come, they will not be spared and Kalmar will be restored to the Monarchy.

August 1, 2006 -

Old Rancaguan resolve to cleanse Kalmar renewed!

Much has been said, much has been discussed, theorised and decided upon. But, it seems, after only 22 days of "peace" the conflict shall be renewed. Eventually, the decision came to a realm-wide vote in which the overwhelming majority decided in favour of resuming the conflict.

Much of the debate raged around the issue of the large Avamarian/Oligarchian section of the Kalmarian society, a section of the realm which clearly plays a large part in Kalmar's administration and decision-making process, both privately and publically. The existence of a "House of Avamar" guildhouse also cannot be ignored. Though Prometheus is Chancellor, it is clear that he only remains so, in order for the Avamarians to be saved from the righteous might of Old Rancagua and the other members of the Northern Alliance. They have contributed much to Kalmar, but only in an effort to save their own skin.

Inside sources have shown that they do intend to change the banner of Kalmar and much of her appearance to resemble further Avamarian traits, as well as private message groups which are comprised solely of Avamarians under the command of the only man they will ever be loyal to, the ever omnipresent Lalakis.

It is clear that they do not consider themselves Kalmarians at all, that they have merely poisoned or coerced their fellow nobles into following their beliefs in the way the realm should be run and where it should be taken. It has been decided that Old Rancagua would prefer a realm of only the last remaining Kalmar loyalists, than allow a realm of its own creation to remain under the dominance of a man such as Lalakis.

New High Marshal of Old Rancagua

In the end, and after some controversy, the longstanding incumbent Arch-Priest Lord Johnny was appointed as the new High Marshal. Though, his appointment as the new military leader, Lord Johnny chose to relinquish his office as the Arch-Priest leading to a vote to decide who would maintain justice amongst the nobles. After a very clean and good-natured campaign with several contenders, Lord Antan, the former Baron of Obando and Royal Treasurer of the realm was elected. Congratulations Antan and Johnny!

We're back!

Well, for a while there at the end of July we disappeared for a while, renovations in the offices in Ashforth were the main cause, transporting all that paperwork from city to city is a tiring excercise! But, with the start of the new month we are back and bringing you the true story from the north once more. War with Kalmar is brewing once more, and we have to make sure that the KIC doesn't get too cocky! :)