Cagilan Citizen/Volume Three

From BattleMaster Wiki
CE-Logo.png Cagilan Citizen
Cost: Free for noblemen, 10 gold for peasants Honorable Head Editor: Sephirah

Honorable Assistant Editors: Cloud, Boba, Tsubasa

Volume 3
The honorable interpretation of events of the Cagilan Empire!

Seesaw of War

Well, unfortunate news for the empire. Garnagi's successful takeover was for nothing as Carelia has taken it back. Dontow has failed and Clyderee never got going. However, we still have the upper hand as we have more mobile CS than Carelia. Their only advantages are the shorter refit times and the knowledge of their own land. Carelia should fall within time. Later on, messages between Carelia and CE shall be summarized from the battle in Garnagi a few days ago.

Morrigan's Big Push

No, Morrigan isn't having a child. Though I'm sure Vatticus would like to have contributed to that. Anyway, to the topic at hand. The Big Push is Morrigan's name for her newest strategy. Her plan is to attempt several takeovers at once. This is a brainchild of one of my plans and I am a big supporter of it. It was first attempted with Nida and Oyonnaire and was quite succesful. However, it could be explained away as being succesful due to Carelia having a new general. Their old general has returned though now and the Big Push is working quite efficiently. Garnagi has succumbed and Dontow is on its way. Clyderee's takoever, under my own takeover unit, has suffured some setbacks but will be running soon. Eventually, our fair city of Skalk shall fall and Carelia will be reduced to a weak state. This is the fate of one who slaps her mother in the face and backstabs her own sister.