Frostnova Family

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The eldest of the three brothers, Usanth is adorned in the family armour, tinted white like the winter frosts. Standing 6'5" and with short brown hair he is the spitting image of his father unlike his two younger brothers who take after their mother. Since he was just a small boy Usanth has dreamed of becoming one of the elite Cavaliers, a calling that his height and build seem to agree with.

Setting sail when he turned 17, Usanth decided to leave his homeland and arrived in Tara, having heard of their need for able soldiers. Almost instantly he was thrust into the front lines and did battle with the enemies of the realm, proving himself an able commander of men. Taking one step closer to his dream, he now commands a small cavalry force with the little money afforded to him.

Disturbed by the lack of unity and infighting, Usanth withdrew his support of Tara instead heading north until he came upon the realm of Eston.


The middle of the three brothers, Tharion wields the warhammer, Soulcry, and wears armour tinted a vivid yellow. It was Tharion who heeded the calling of his homeland and stayed in Greater Aenelia, intent on helping it to become a major power amongst the realms. He is also the more spiritual of the three and follows the teachings of the Aenil. Like his mother, Tharion has sandy blonde hair which he keeps at a short length. He stands 5'9", considerably shorter than his elder brother.


The youngest of the three brothers, Rhathar wears sky blue armour and has the shoulder length,sandy blonde hair of his mother, which he wears tied back. At 5'10, he is still considerably shorter than his eldest brother. Rhathar was born with wanderlust and the family spent many hours during his childhood on long searches for the missing boy. Equally adept on the battlefield and in the subtleties of court, Rhathar has the ability to go far in whatever he chooses. Leaving the family home he found himself a part of Arcachon but quickly left for the realm of Ethiala when he found himself both unacepting of Arachon's seemingly warlike nature and the apparent disjointedness of the military leadership. Since joining Ethiala, Rhathar has quickly proved himself to be a capable and trustworthy commander.