Minas Ithil/Civil Ranking

From BattleMaster Wiki

Minas Ithil's civil Titles and descriptions

King / Queen

- The realm ruler chosen by the troopleaders

Prince / Princess

- Member of the kings council

- Commander of an city if availible

- 500 days in the realm and 300 honour

Duke / Duchess - Commander of an city if availible - 400 days in the realm and 200 honour

Marquis / Marchioness - Commander of an region if availible - 300 days in the realm and 150 honour

Count / Countess - Commander of an region if availible - 200 days in the realm and 100 honour or appointment of High Marschal, Banker, Judge, Duke

Viscount / Viscountess - Commander of an region if availible - 100 days in the realm and 75 Honour

Baron / Baroness - 50 days in the realm and 50 Honour

Lord / Noble Lady - 25 days in the realm and 25 Honour

Knight (Sir) / Lady - Regular troopleader