Rowan's Riders Chapter One

From BattleMaster Wiki

The Commander's Introduction

Welcome Inside the Mounted Knights of Minas Ithil!

Being a part of the Riders means more than fighting hard, being active, and pulling daring manuevers. We are brothers and sisters in arms. We are family, and while we may have our squabbles, we will go out of our way to make sure each and every one among us make it home, where we can celebrate another well-fought campaign.

The Mounted Knights of Minas Ithil

From the plains of Eston to the plateau of Abington, the Riders have seen their share of combat. Now battle-tested, they can call themselves a solid team. Before too long, this team of exceptional nobles will be well-known around the continent as one of the best and finest teams ever.

  • Commanders
    • - Rowan MacGregor - Commander
    • - Katherine Yorke - 1st Lieutenant
    • - Raziel2 Himoura - 2nd Lt. & Fidelis' Aegis (SF Division Cpt.)


  • Mounted Division I
    • - Kenji - White Knight <0> =]V[][= White Scars
    • - Long - Lance Leader <0> =]V[][= Long's Lancers
    • - Jes - Golden Dragoon <0> =]V[][= Dragoons
    • - Ramil - Red Raider <0> =]V[][= Ramil's Raiders
    • - Sidd - Dark Angel Knight <0> =]V[][= Fallen Angels


  • Mounted Division II
    • - Conner - ? <0> =]V[][= Conner's Karstarks
    • - swift - ? <0> =]V[][= ?
    • - kostas - Silver Cavalier <0> =]V[][= Templars
    • - Albrecht - Phalanx' First Pike <0> =]V[][= Ithilian Phalanx
    • - Willard - Green Knight <0> =]V[][= Willard's Walruses


  • Special Divsion
    • - Raziel2 (Special Divisions Captain)
    • - SF Op A <0> -{SF}-
    • - SF Op B <0> -{SF}-
    • - MI Op 1 <0> -{SF}-
    • - MI Op 2 <0> -{SF}-
    • - MI Op 3 <0> -{SF}-
    • - MI Op 4 <0> -{SF}-


  • Undercover Operations
    • - Infiltrator Eric - Black Night

Battle Readiness

Every Elite group has a standard to bear in mind. Ours is to be be about quality, not quantity, to value troop strength and cohesion over troop numbers. Cavalry are valuble, both on the battlefield and in the literal sense of the word. They are expensive to hire and more costly to maintain than normal troops. That is why our normal goal is so narrow. One Division or One Full Division at or above 500 Combat Strength has been proven to last longer, fight harder, and suffer less casualties. At times, we will come across an opportunity to raid enemy lands, and then perhaps one could set their new goal to a Battalion or even a Legion of Cavalry! Other times, we may be hard-pressed at the front-lines and needed quickly. In that case, our new goal would be to recruit and get to the field, sometimes with less troops than we would like.

  • less Cavalry - A Patrol Group
  • 15 Cavalry - A Regular Patrol
  • 20 Cavalry - A Platoon
  • 25 Cavalry - A Division
  • 30 Cavalry - A Full Division
  • 35 Cavalry - A Regiment
  • 40 Cavalry - A Battalion
  • more Cavalry - A Legion

These are the recommended amount of Paraphernalia per unit, though I do encourage the purchase of extra banners.

  • A Patrol(20)
    • 2 Scouts, 1 Healer, 1 Banner
  • A Platoon(30)
    • 3 Scouts, 1-2 Healer, 1 Banner
  • A Legion(40)
    • 3-4 Scouts, 2 Healer, 2 Banner

Minas' Mounted Medallions

  • Medallions to Earn

~coming soon~

  • Medallions Earned
    • ~Knight Templar Rowan~ No medals
    • ~Knight Lt. Katherine~ No medals
    • ~Lieutenant Raziel2~ Honorary Pancake Medal (exclusive)

Minas Ithil's Regular Cavalry Choices

  • Name------------------------------------------------Train---Equip---Region----------Cost/10
    • Pony Express----------------------Cav----20%----45/35---Amdor---------------37 gold <-- low training
    • Nightmares On Horseback----Cav----30%----40/50---Lothruin-------------44 gold <-- low training
    • Minas Ithil Lancers----------------Cav----55%----25/35---Leohampton------49 gold <-- poor equipment quality
    • Knights of Shan--------------------Cav----55%----35/35---Shanandoah------52 gold <-- poor equipment quality

    • Amriels Horseys-------------------Cav----30%----50/60---Amriel---------------49 gold
    • Elite Riders--------------------------Cav----40%----45/45---York------------------50 gold
    • River Riders--------------------------Cav----50%----40/50---Amriel---------------56 gold
    • Leohampton Heavy Cavalry----Cav----60%----50/60---Leohampton------68 gold

Next Chapter

Rowan's Riders Chapter Two (~coming eventually)

Finish Book

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