Edition One

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The Era - Oligarch Ends, From Ashforth to the fall of Westmoor

Now months in the past, still beating in the minds of the continent, lingers the stale memory of Oligarch, home to the enemy of Sirion the 'Sleeping Giant' over the past many years. Known by many as Orcs, by my own mother as her life's motivation, the place no doubt caused the strongest passion that the continent ever knew. Whether it's friend and ally, or bitter, bitter enemy, everyone was united in the purpose of North versus South. The continent was divided. War was struck, and the nobles were happy. Or, content, at least, to war with one another. The time saw many fall. The first time my family saw Oligarch's military might was when Eleador lost Ashforth to them. It was from Sirion's point of view that they watched that. They watched the seperation of Avamar, the war between Rancagua's and then, another perspective came into view - Coimbra. From there, they saw its own end, and its absorption into Fontan, saw Ibladesh and Itorunt cease hostilities, saw Fallangard's peasant's form its own military, and then their view from Sirion ended as Avamarians pulled down one of our own from his noble horse and honorlessly slew him. Times passed and our family dissapeared from the act, exit stage left.

That is when I came. And I came back to a new place. A Fontan who had Krimml as a capital. Eleador, a distant memory, Rancagua, lost to the ages, Avamar, finally eradicated by the complacent Sirion military surely with alot of help. Oligarch on the ropes, and the south relatively unchanged, except that Perdan was gaining the upper hand. Oh yes, and the Kalmar Islands had erupted.

Things come closer into view, and the war finally caught up to Oligarch. In retrospect, the downfall was likely caused not only by the war of attrition, but by the forcing of Perdan to turn South to confront the now called 'Ibby-Runts'. 'Orcs' and 'Ibby-runts', who comes up with this stuff? In any case, the times progressed as they always did, but now, finally, the continent was actually shifting its precarious balance of power in a way that it had not done in ages. First Ashforth was reclaimed, then the inevitable blow to Oligarch city. Following the usual retorts that come with the takeover of a capital, Oligarch essentially ended. With the fall of Westmoor next and the regions surrounding Oligarch an afterthought, The Black Sword and the Crimson Banner were no more. ~continuing currently