Eras of the East

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  • Edition One
    • The Era - Oligarch Ends, From Ashforth to the fall of Westmoor

Scandals, affairs, tournaments, region maintenance, and dealing with a Chancellor who favored a newly formed realm over our own. That is the story of Fontan after Oligarch. Fontan's military prowess on the battlefield was thanks to none other than the legendary general, Teshup.

The Era - The End of the Three Last Players (Early July 2006)

Fontan's Fundamental Freelancer. The newspaper that covers as much of the East Continent as possible from the free realm, where opinions used to matter and voices were once shouted in unison. Falling on less than ideal times, Fontan has become nothing more than another actor in the great drama known as the NA versus the SA, drawing close now to final act, already passing the climactic fall of Oligarch and heading into the soft demise of the three remaining realms- Caligus, Ubent, and proud Perdan.