No Space Press/July 06

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Lightsmall.jpg No Space Press
Cost: Free Editors: The No Space Press Staffspace Issue: July, 2006
The only newspaper from the Light of Fontan!


Another New Editor

Today I, Deveron, will be helping with the production of this newspaper, and hope I can become a valued member of the team. My thanks to Lycastus for my appointment, and will hhelp this paper become the lights voice to all corners of the world.

Akesh Returned!

After Akesh temples short, and unplaned, return to Calgius, it has be returned to our light blessed realm. As you may or may not know, Akesh temple had been given to us by the realm of Calgius. But, due to unknown factors it returned Calgius, much to their suprise as much as ours. now it is in tip top shape and has been returned to us by the good peoples of Calgius.

Another Reigon?

Tokat, recently of the realm of Yssaria, Rebeled reacently, and, after much deliberation, was Peacful taken over by the Light of Fountain. Many reports from thet reagion suggest that it may stil be a hostial area and all are advised to be on the look out when traveling there. It is hoped that with our intervention there, The region will stabliz and be another peacful area. It is not yet known weather the reigion will be handed back to Yssaria, Only time will tell..