Demon Hunters

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Revision as of 18:19, 10 June 2006 by Pjcandy6 (talk | contribs)

We are the Demon Hunters. Are goals are few but vital to survival of humanity. We exist to study and destroy the demons that ravage our lands. No longer will the demons enjoy the shroud of secrecy that hides their movement across our. No longer will we let their dark deeds go unpunished. We will find there layers and set them a blaze. Their crypts, from which they defile our dead, will be torn down brick by brick! For every man, women or child they kill, we will kill 100 more of them! For we are the Demon Hunters, we are the experts in destroy their filth. We are the ever watchful eye tracking their every move! We are the haunting death lurking behind every corner. It is today, not tomorrow but IT IS TODAY THAT WE START A CHAPTER IN THE FATE OF OUR LAND!

Doom Shifter, The Night Hunter


On June 4th, 2006 Doom Shifter, The Night Hunter left the guild, but it was not closed down. Instead two brave semi-new members, Aenerion Shadowguardian and Kyroso Myogone have taken over the guild operations. In fact, since they have taken over many new members have applied for the guild and are already working on their initiation tasks. Also since their take over, the guild has implimented some new things into the guild. This is a guild that has the same general goal, but a new format to it. The guild is always looking for new members, so contact either Aenerion or Kyroso if you want to join, if your thinking about joining, or if you just have some questions and they'll be happy to help.


The goals of this guild are simple. To track and destroy any demons that dare set foot on Beluaterra.



All guild members are required to report any demon sightings and battles involving demons. If one feels that this would endanger the security of their realm; simple report consisting of the location, type and number of demons. As well as their own involvement in demon related battles.

Update on Reporting

Since the new updates given to the guild reporting is still big, but the first priority of a scout report obtained by a member or applicant that involves the guild is to turn it in to a higher ranking Demon Guild Member that they has been assigned to them for these things. So do not worry about endangering security because the guild just doesn't see how that is possible. If anything, not showing it would itself be endangering regions, realms, and the helpless peasants in these places. So don't be afraid to turn things in.




A guild members rank is symbolized the amulet worn by the member. Each rank has a different amulet associated with it. Ranks is determined by achievements in fighting and tracking (giving scout and battle reports) the demons. In other words, members who are more active will increase in rank faster.

Update on Ranks

Attire will no longer be symbolized by just amulets, instead a mulititude of clothing, but this idea is still under construction. Also, ranks are not determained by whether or not the head honchos "feel" like you've done enough to get your next rank advancement. From now on you must complete a series of tasks in this system. The system format and tasks will surprise any individual new to it, so tasks will not be posted on anything on this website or anyother website for that matter. At least, for now it won't be.

Night Hunter

Dark Hunter








  • Aenarion Shadowguardian (Ashborn)
  • Kyroso Myogone (Enwiel)

Current Applicants

  • Ethan McKoy (Enwiel)
  • William Tylor (Enwiel)
  • Slayer Immortals (Enwiel)
  • screndt2 Faracan (Enwiel)
  • Amelia Rachel Rairiki (Enwiel)~Initiation completed
  • Secundus Mason (Enwiel)

Realm Guild Positions


Demon Hunter Realm Master

  • Kyroso Myogone~Tracker

Vice Chief Demon Hunter Realm Master

  • Amelia Rachel Rairiki~completed applicant


Demon Hunter Realm Master

  • Aenarion Shadowguardian

Guild Locations


Ircymbar: Size 2 Headquarters


A list of demonic sightings and battles.


The treasury is for all members, though the higher ranking members can take more out. This money can go toward anything that will assist the guild member in fighting/tracking the demons.

Update on Treasury

Right now there isn't much of a treasury since the reformation of the guild. So donations will mostly go here and it will help to buy new guilds, to dispose of monsters, and to help other guild members in dire financial need. The Treasury can only be accessed by several high-ranking Demon Hunter Guild members who will hold all of the guild's treasury. If they are caught spending it for personal gain without permission there will be severe consequences in order!


Donating is in no way required and will not affect standings with the guild. This is not a money grabbing guild so if you want to or don't want to give gold to the guild, it's all good.

Update on Donating

Since the take over something has been realized at the guild. There is only one guildhouse and nobody wants to travel to it. So for the time being the guild is accepting any donations possible. The guild asks that you not send the money until asking so that the members know exactly what they are recieving and to confirm that money is needed in that realm for the guild. Right now any money you send in will only go into the guild treasury because it can't be used usefully elsewhere.