Oanais/The Alcove Archives/Sirion Stories, Roleplays, Discussions/The Visits To Perdan By Shadowdale And Sirion

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The Visits To Perdan By Shadowdale And Sirion

(( Out-of-Character Note: This page is for the...Saved roleplays, letters, and discussions from around the time Perdan City received diplomatic visits by Etain (Shadowdale's ruler) and Rearden (Sirion's ruler). These are bits and pieces, and there may be a few roleplays sent earlier before my character arrived to the city, so the saved messages may start where a previous roleplay session/thread was already in the middle of things...

Temporary Note: There may be more added to this page later, for now I only had time and knowledge to throw this page together with screenshots just so there is a rudimentary archive of messages players back in Sirion can read if they want to catch up on things going on in Perdan City (Since the character limit for writing messages in Battlemaster means it's more... tedious... to copy + paste several roleplays during diplomatic RP meetings between rulers like this, or any other major events... with the functionality added by Delvin to copy + paste 'Wikified' code from BM messages into the Wiki, I will be attempting to add that here at some point... and maybe a few other 'archive' styles... but right now, there will just be screenshots to at least get the point across, and more proper formatting and organization of the messages/RPs/archiving of things will happen later...! ))

Screenshot/Images of the Messages/Roleplays

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Wikified Version of the Messages/Roleplays

Roleplay from Alyssa Kingsley

Message sent to everyone in Perdan (11 recipients)

(Sorry about delay, work is crazy! Continued from last week)

Queen Alyssa stood as the Shadowdhavian queen and her retainers crossed the great throne room of Perdan. Whiteguards lining the grand aisle stood completely still at attention, while the Perdanese courtiers murmured to themselves at the sight of the enigmatic queen. Alyssa too, stood straight and motionless, years of her own practiced attention on display. As the queen approached, her elegant white dress flowing out onto the floor behind her, matching the Shadow Queen's own regal dressing for the formal meeting. Finally, both queens stood next to one another upon the grand dais of the throne room, and Alyssa finally moved to speak.

"Lions, today we mark the first visit of the sovereign of Shadowdale to our Capital. We have waited patiently for this day since the Great Peace; no reigning ruler of Shadowdale has stepped into these halls while upon the throne of Dale Kingdom. And yet today Queen Etain of the House of Dubhaine has finally arrived. This visit marks more than just a meeting of the Continent's Rulers. It marks a great step in the normalizing and progress of relations between two Kingdoms who have in the past under different rulers viewed one another with suspicion.

For a long time since the Great War, the North has held a fog of unease and mystery. No longer. Today I meet with Queen Dubhaine to work on friendship and creating a new relationship between Perdan and the Kingdoms of the North. We have many challenges to face, but we are both here together to face them in good faith and build a relationship that can truly last. Such is my hope."

A brief speech and not her best, but this whole thing was just a necessary formality. That did not mean it needed to be an overindulgent one. The crowd smattered with a curious and uncertain applause. Alyssa's hope was for peace and she knew the thought had begun making its way around the active nobles and lords of the Kingdom, but the courtiers and minor nobles she could not blame for their uncertainty. Shadowdale had long been an unknown factor, and little news came directly from the Lords of the Dale; viewed as mysterious and enigmatic people, they simply did not yet know the Shadowdhavians. Perhaps, she hoped, Queen Etain's visit would bring some enlightenment on that front as well. Besides there was much more to be accomplished than that.

She turned to Queen Etain with a flat and serious look as the assembled courtiers and ministers of Perdan applauded their Queen. "I hope you'll enjoy the reception." She said quietly to Etain beneath the noise of the crowd, leaning in slightly. "I'd like your opinion on a few important matters."

The Whiteguards each took a step forward in unison, saluting in the Perdanese style. Julian and Michal stood before Queen Etain, offering her escort to the attached ballroom for the reception. Kira walked right up the steps to the dais, taking her typical place as Queen Alyssa's shadow. She watched Queen Etain with a flat affect, saying nothing as the queens both descended the steps and made for the ballroom, the Perdanese courtiers following behind them, ushered by the Duke's guards and Queen Alyssa's own knights.

The party itself was fairly typical, the sort of thing Alyssa had come to expect for the visit of a foreign royal. It was in this room, she realized, where she had first met Etain, so briefly during her coronation. A great deal had happened since then, and she found herself slightly nostalgic. Better days, She thought. Though perhaps there can still be more. There can always be more.

Those thoughts were interrupted quickly however as half a dozen courtiers had lined up to tell her she was beautiful, praise her reign, or wish her health, or any of the dozen other trifling platitudes that were offered to her right before enacing some ploy or making a request for some favor. She handled it typically with a stony expression and typical pragmatism. You all should be charming Queen Etain, not me. She thought to herself as some district official smiled and made lighthearted jokes and conversation. Alyssa openly ignored her obvious flirting, a tactic many attempted and none ever succeeded, which eventually shook the charmer off, though not after some strenuous efforts on the official's part. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

"Kira," she said, leaning slightly to address her bodyguard. "I'd like to retire. Please inform Sir Julian to let our guest know I'd be overjoyed to meet with her personally to discuss important matters. The Royal Library's restricted section should offer proper privacy"

"It shall be as you say, Your Majesty."

Roleplay from Benjamin Pryde

Message sent to everyone in Perdan (11 recipients)

Duke Benjamin took the opportunity to do something he loathed.

Mingle. At a party.

Well, loath was a strong word. Dreaded. Disliked. Distrusted.

People always lied in parties like this. Lied and connived and conspired.

And yet, in times like this, a man of his stature had to attend. Had to... mingle.

So he put his best stoic face on and moved from group to group to engage in... of all things... small talk. The inane babblings of people who thought they were clever but had no clue what really made the world work. People who had never seen a world end.

Benjamin persevered through the torture and swallowed a healthy amount of the Last Homely House's Special Tea to wash the taste of others' lies from his mouth after each conversation.

Then without warning, the scent of sweet flowers filled his nose and a soft, comforting hand wrapped around his free arm. He looked down at the woman who had sneaked up on him and delivered such a dastardly sneak attack against his senses and smiled.

"Lily," he whispered in a soothing tone.

"Ben," his wife returned. Then she smiled. "You look better now."

Benjamin grunted. Then he sighed. "I FEEL better. Thank you for joining us."

She nudged his hip with hers. "I didn't come for the party. I came for you."

"Then I am humbled by your coming." Benjamin smiled again. "And relieved."

"And indebted?" she asked with a coy smile.


Lily patted his hand and looked out towards the rest of the party. "You had best remember that tonight."

Benjamin smiled and followed her gaze to all the sycophants in the room. "I shall never forget."

"Good." And with that, Lily dragged him back to the mingling with an effortless grace he knew was as much an act as his own stoic calm.

She was burning her energy to be kind and nice to people who did not deserve it. She would burn herself out on them, and that did make him loath them. But she would do it for him, and he would remember his debt when the time came.

For now though, he had a way to give her some time to recharge at least. He waved at the musicians and they answered with the beginning of a formal dance tune.

Benjamin guided Lily out onto the dance floor, held her hand, and waited for the music to start the dance. He stood before her, his long and lanky frame the image of an aged scarecrow frozen in time. Her shorter frame stretched up towards him in a way that showed off her ample curves in a way she knew would catch eyes.

But Lily smiled and looked only at him. And when the music started, she did not see the other dancers. She saw only Benjamin, and he felt her relaxing and recharging as they flowed through one of the old dances of her people. A people gone but not forgotten.

Benjamin never forgot his debts.

Roleplay from Etain Dubhaine

Message sent to everyone in Perdan (12 recipients)

The Queen of Shadowdale maintained an enigmatic calm as her Sister Sovereign addressed the nobility of Perdan, delivering a fair-sounding speech of friendship and reconciliation to a polite scattering of applause. Not so much as to suggest a tyrant's grasp on the narrative, but neither such silence as might bury the warm the sentiments expressed. In truth Etain had expected a colder response, knowing full well the paranoia the Dales had long induced in their neighbours. A paranoia which even now complicated her efforts to engage with the wider world.

Many times Etain had passed this way since the Great War. A few times even when hostilities were still at their most intense, a shadow cast by powers whose counsel worked in the shade of the Shadow Throne. Grandmother had never overtly encouraged her wanderlust, but she knew the Old Lady had figured it into her schemes, a carefully placed thread to be woven amidst the complex skein of fate which only a Balance Walker could discern. Etain had swapped one pretence for another, the homespun cloak and battered armour of the ranger for the burgundy samite and tailored black velvet of the Queen of Shadows. It was a part she'd been groomed for, though others might struggle to see the method in Grandmother's approach. Enigmatic. Fearless. Familiar with all the little nooks and crannies of a world which for too long had been balkanised and broken. Perhaps indeed always would be.

Etain wondered if those who cheered would remain of such good will when events in the Far South were revealed? Or would they see in her choices the same untoward hand for which her predecessors had been decried? Justice and vengeance were often in the eye of the beholder.

When Alyssa concluded her welcome the Shadow Queen kept her response simple and to the point, "North and South are but directions on a map. For too long our peoples let them place boundaries upon our hearts. Let us never make that mistake again."

She let the words stand by themselves, resisting the urge to imbue them with greater power. She was a Balance Walker but she was not her Grandmother. These people could make up their own minds without the help of the Flow, and she would deal with the outcome whichever way fate fell. Those who had doubts would have ample chance to express them.

The gathering moved to the Grand Ballroom where refreshments had been set on trestle tables and smartly liveried staff were circling with platters of local delicacies and goblets of wine.

"Mistress?" Brie stood at Etain's elbow.

"Wine dear, and a plate of cold cuts and pickles... or the closest to them you can find," Etain's tone was warm and casual, as it always was with her favoured page.

The young girl merged into the crowd, mind focused on her mission, and the Queen turned her attention to the serious business of frivolity. A tedious few hours passed as she exchanged pleasantries with minor nobility and senior officials, graciously accepting their courtesies and doing her best to reply in kind. She spoke the Perdanese tongue passably well, though her vernacular was perhaps a little too... well, vernacular. Had she been of lesser rank she'd have spent much of the evening either apologising or remaining silent, instead she had the curious pleasure of watching those used to picking at such failings instead struggling to reconcile a complex mix of emotions as they did their best not to cause offence. Clearly if this rapprochement was to develop further she'd have to add grammar lessons to her already cluttered college timetable.

Of course Grandmother would never have found herself in such a position. Her command of the continent's languages had been as impeccable as it was precise. The well-honed blade of a career diplomat, shifting from high to low with a deftness Etain had always admired but never quite seemed able to capture. Perhaps if she'd behaved a little better at Finishing School, rather than being expelled for her headstrong ways...

Roleplay from Hendrik Renodin of Arescod

Message sent to everyone in Perdan (12 recipients)

(ooc: I'm on vacation, so this will be a short one! Nevertheless, I didn't want to skimp out of this :) )

The newfangled Duke of The River lands, Margrave of Bescanon walked these halls with a mixture of glee and anticipation for something worse. The mission on which he departed several weeks ago now had been a halfhearted success; he was not banished as many had feared, but on the other hand more than a feast in his name world be met with cold, distant stoicness. In the end, after many days of passiveness from both sides, he had returned home to receive his duchy. Furthermore, on the way towards his destination he had done a face error in trusting a report of undead, while it was in fact Eponllinian troops.

Although he was proud to wear this mantle, he considered the mixed successes of his political career and knightly successes both to be underperforming. Always had her tried to be a great knight who others could look up to, but never had he truly done that. As a result, he was more pompous then would be advisable, to hide the shame of his career.

Duke Hendrik participated in many great talks about the illustrious and mysterious Shadowhavian lands, as he had been there and returned. He told many myths about their people, some of which even contained an element of truth. But he was blind to the deceiving manner of most that were talking to him. He promised many things which he could not fulfill, but to openly instill hostility within him was avoided. It was all too clear that he wounded the wife of the Queen, despite it being but a training match.

In the end he was parched and dry, like a pen that had run out of ink. He was utterly spent, and returned to his private quarters.

Roleplay from Rearden Arylon

Message sent to everyone in Perdan (11 recipients)

As Lord Speaker Rearden Arylon and his entourage walked through the bustling streets of Perdan, a sense of nostalgia and anticipation filled the air. The grand architecture, vibrant colors, and charm of the city captivated him once more. It had been years since Rearden last set foot in this magnificent place, but the memories flooded back, vivid and fresh.

The people of Perdan welcomed them with open arms, almost like a returning friend not seen for too long. Their lively spirits and warm smiles created an atmosphere of celebration. Merchants lined the streets, their stalls brimming with treasures from distant realms -- distant to Sirion, at least. He did not see many of these wares in the far north. The sounds of haggling and laughter blended harmoniously, a testament to the vibrant pulse of the city.

As they made their way closer to the Royal Palace, Rearden's thoughts turned to Queen Alyssa Kingsley, his dear friend. Her unflinching support during his sister's disappearance had left an indelible mark on his heart. Her generosity and unwavering dedication to he and his family had forged a bond between them that time could not diminish.

Rearden couldn't help but reminisce about their last meeting when Queen Alyssa had herself visited Sirion. They shared meals, exchanged stories, and strolled through the streets of Sirion's capital city. It was a respite from the weight of his responsibilities, a reminder of the enduring connections that can be formed amidst the chaos of politics.

Now, the tables had turned. Rearden was no longer a mere governor or a retired Lord Speaker; he had returned to the pinnacle of power in Sirion. The office of the Lord Speaker was once again his, and he embarked on this diplomatic mission with a mixture of pride and trepidation. Approaching the imposing gates of the Royal Palace, Rearden paused, taking in the splendor before him. Memories of their previous encounters flooded his mind—the conversations, the laughter, and the shared dreams for a better future.

Entering the palace grounds, his heart quickened with anticipation. He knew Queen Alyssa awaited him, her regal presence radiating strength and grace. He had very much looked forward to this moment, when he saw her once more. With each step, Rearden's determination grew. He had come to represent the goodwill of Sirion, to strengthen the bond between their nations. But deep down, he knew this journey held a deeper significance—a chance to reconnect with a dear friend, to find solace in the familiar presence of someone who understood the burdens they both carried.

As he approached the doors of the Royal Palace, Rearden straightened his posture, summoning all the confidence and certainty that had become his hallmark. The passing years had marked him with gentle signs of aging, but his resolve remained unyielding. No longer the young and naive man who first set foot in Perdan, he stood as a seasoned leader, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The time had come to inform Queen Alyssa of their arrival, to deliver the message of friendship and goodwill from the people of Sirion. Beyond the formalities and diplomatic protocol, Rearden was looking forward to simply resting, and enjoying the stillness of staying in one place for some time... something he was unable to do for so long as they had been on the road.

And so, with steady heartbeats and determined gazes, they stepped forward, ready to embark on this next chapter of their intertwined lives.

Roleplay from Alyssa Kingsley

Message sent to everyone in Perdan (10 recipients)

The Royal Garden was beautiful this time of year. Summer flowers were in full bloom and the bright green leaves of the trees and bushes matched the lush grass that surrounded the courtyards and cobblestone paths winding through the garden.

Alyssa, the Queen of Perdan looked up from her book at the sound of metal footsteps against the stone of the path to her private little clearing. It wasn't designated as such but the staff knew not to disturb her when she took time to relax in her favorite spot in the garden. The sun shone brightly above filling Alyssa with an easy peaceful warmth. She felt good today and stretched with a gentle sigh as two knights in polished armour approached.

"Your Majesty." One said with a salute. "My relief has arrived. I will leave you in the hands of your Blade of White."

"Thank you Darrien." Alyssa said, setting her book down and folding her spectacles up to set beside it on the stone bench she rested on. "Kira." She said, acknowledging the other knight who promptly fell to one knee in reverence. Her blonde hair fell forward as she drew her eyes directly to the ground.

"As you were, Kira." Alyssa said gently, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. The golden blonde of Alyssa's hair now showing a few strands of silver shimmered in the sunlight just as brightly as the armor of her knight who stood promptly and stiffly at attention.

"How are you today, Kira?"

"Well." Kira replied in iron. Not exactly the conversationalist, though Alyssa seemed to get more conversation from her bodyguard than any other was able to. Perhaps on a nice day like today she would have some success. Isana had always helped Alyssa see that she was more than just her duty, something she was grateful for more than anything. It was a reason to fight and to defend just as much as her oaths to her Kingdom and people. An oath is important, but a knight needed more than that not to waver.

"Kira, what do you do to entertain yourself. When you're not protecting me?" Alyssa asked.

"I am always protecting you, Your Majesty. It is my sworn duty, even when I am not physically present."

Alyssa sighed. That was true enough, but a knight was still a person, with feelings, joys, sorrows, and idiosyncrasies. We must be more than that. She thought to herself.

"When you are not physically present in my vicinity, what do you do?"

Kira thought about this seriously for a moment. "I train, typically. To better protect my Queen."

Queens. Alyssa mentally corrected though the thought passed quickly without further consideration. "So what else besides that?"

Kira thought for a moment longer, shifting slightly uncomfortably. "My sister taught me how to make miniature sculptures from paper. Sometimes I fold them if I find myself idle." She paused slightly before blurting out "Which is very rare."

"I didn't know you had a sister." Alyssa said inquisitively.

"She was killed in the Great War." Kira said flatly. An awkward silence errupted between them.

"Can you show me what your sculptures look like?" Alyssa asked finally to break the silence.

Kira looked visibly uncomfortable and shifted awkwardly at the question. "Trivialities, Your Majesty. My sword is what matters."

Alyssa took pity on her knight and guard and changed the subject. "Then perhaps you can demonstrate your level of technique." Kira seemed somewhat surprised by this as well. "I have been fortunate not to need to see my bodyguard in action, I should know her capabilities." Alyssa said raising an eyebrow. "Perhaps a staff member could bring some training weapons."
Wooden swords clacked through the little courtyard as Kira and Alyssa traded swings, dodges, and parries. Kira was clearly holding back to Alyssa's annoyance but Alyssa's insistent technique forced the knight to remain vigilant and focused on her opponent. Kira was well trained but Alyssa, despite her approaching middle age, was still nimble and decades of experience in swordplay found little match in the younger knight. With quick lunges and pirouettes Alyssa had her knight on the backfoot.

"Your Majesty, diplomats from Sirion had arrived." Both women froze, swords in hand and turned to look at one of Alyssa's courtiers, standing with Rearden Arylon and his party.

Alyssa blinked and stared at the Lord Speaker who was looking at her in return. "Lord Speaker. Winds were swift, I hope your trip was safe."

Roleplay from Naismith Willarc

Message sent to everyone in Perdan (11 recipients)

Naismith, the Old Knight, had volunteered to journey with the Lord Speaker of Sirion, Rearden Arylon, southwards after Shadowdale's Ruler, Etain Dubhaine had visited Oroya City some weeks ago, but here with Knight Dominic Rea, the three of them were perhaps the only Sirionites to currently be so far from home, at least as part of any official entourage accompanying a government delegation.

"Your still listed as a diplomat, milord." A clerk had reminded the Old Knight as they had passed an earlier checkpoint on their way into [Region:Perdan] -- he had been too busy with reading tomes about the Perdan City's history and had been hoping to enter through the famed 'Lions Gate', but he was likely sure it had been the northeast 'Green Gate' they entered from, given they had travelled through [Region:Bescannon]. It had been said by notable sources that each gate was historically overseen by a loyal knight in the city governor's service, a scion of an old and reputable house. Although the title of Gate Warden was rumoured to be more of an honorary position for the city's most prominent knights.

"Hrmph," The elderly sack of bones had grunted at the time, "I've forgotten that I'm no longer a Courtier and Trader at this time... but instead a Warrior and Diplomat... according to the government paperwork... but my heart lies much more with my old work as a courtier of the realm... and assisting with affairs relating to the hunting of monsters and undead by both nobility, and adventurers... and keeping track of matters pertaining to adventurers and hunting rogue beasts and undead through the Adventurer's Guild and Hunting & Swordfighting Guild..."

The Old Knight hadn't been sure if he would be invited as part of the entourage visiting Queen Alyssa directly with Lord Speaker Rearden, but he had prepared for several tasks to do, either before and after the initial meeting between the two rulers, or even during the meeting, if he was permitted... most of them relating to the continued monitoring of monster and undead hunting operations by Sirion nobility back home, as well as any Guild business to do with the Adventurer's Guild and Hunting & Swordfighting Guild. However, he had also partly accepted to make this journey, even in his elderly years, to perhaps begin learning more of the culture abroad in other realms, one of them the rumours that abounded of Perdan having a vast production of quality cheese... But more importantly, it was Queen Alyssa whom had made a warm mark upon the Old Knight's heart when she had visited Sirion City quite some time ago. There was something that had told the Old Knight that this was a Queen who had the kindness and character of one whom desired peace, in a world that had shown a sorrowful pattern of tending to war and conflict, over, and over again. This world may forever be for those who are the masters of battle, and realms may constantly sink to war, treachery and politics... but at least the Old Knight could find solace during the times of calm, and in those that created havens of goodwill and hopes for a peaceful future, like a candle among the darkness of night.

The Old Knight would mostly spend much of his time in Perdan City exploring the city and investigating, with an elderly eye, for foodstuffs relating to Perdanese cheese production, visiting several guildhouses such as The Last Homely House and the Golden Dawn and even signing up to become a member, and of course poring over documents and reports concerning undead and monster hunting operations back home and with Guild's related to such activities, as if he was back within Sirion's borders, trying to assist with High Commander Lorenzo's orders to hunt down rogues as they cropped up... he had been curious about being told from scout reports that a member of House Calder was here in Perdan City, and he furrowed his eyebrows at the sudden thought of a member from House Rea meeting with House Calder... and he for some reason he had smiled, without knowing quite why.

(( OOC: Might likely be the only major writing contribution I make while us Sirion players are here in town, I'm busy taking care of some personal health matters this month of June, and won't really be in a wise position to respond further to any RP sessions that include or mention my character... but I wanted to try and at least write one thing to say thanks for having us along this far south, and our characters. Talking on Discord is still quite a different experience than getting to meet many of you through your characters here in-game, on the www.battlemaster.org website... Well, at least be in the same region as your characters, and not be having our realms at war with each other :) ))

Roleplay from Rearden Arylon

Message sent to everyone in Perdan (13 recipients)

Rearden stood in front of Queen Alyssa of Perdan, looking at his old friend. Flanked to his left and right was Knights Naismith Willarc and Dominic Rea who had made the journey with him.

After quickly looking him up and down, seemingly in surprise, the Queen spoke. "Lord Speaker. Winds were swift, I hope your trip was safe."

Rearden nodded. "Indeed, Highness. Our delegation was... unburdened by things that would slow us down. Our journey was surprisingly easy through the overland route south."

She gave an almost imperceptible affirmation, and what he thought may be a smile. It was often difficult to read Queen Alyssa, particularly when she was acting in her official duties in public, in front of other members of her realm. She always projected control, discipline and royal dignity. Familiarity and the more casual style that Rearden preferred was not something that was really an option for her in her station.

"Highness," Rearden continued, "may I introduce to you those accompanying me on this delegation. With me are Knights Naismith Willarc and Dominic Rea." Rearden lifted his hand, pointing to each of them behind him in turn. "They have journeyed south with me and are eager to experience the hospitality of your beautiful city."

Both men responded to their introduction by making deep bows to the Queen. She, in turn, acknowledged their show of respect to her.

"We certainly have much to speak of, Lord Speaker," Alyssa said, giving Rearden a knowing glance.

"Indeed we do. On our journey here we heard the news of the outbreak of war between Perleone and Yssrgard. I would be curious to learn your thoughts on the matter, as both of those realms are here in the south."

Alyssa nodded.

"We have much else to discuss as well," she said.

Rearden know of what she spoke, of course. Rearden and Alyssa had traded letters prior to his journey discussing the state of the Continent, and the possibility of setting up new alliances which would reshape the centers of power in the East. Realms that had once been domineering Empires were now barely functioning, and others that had been insignificant were now ascendant. Through it all, Perdan and Sirion -- once implacable enemies -- remained strong.

The question in front of them would be whether or not the diplomatic relationship between them would go beyond simply being at peace. Could they forge an alliance formally? Should they? If they did, what would that mean for both realms, and the continent? These were the things that the Queen and the Lord Speaker would need to discuss.

To do that, though, they needed to speak privately.

"Certainly, Highness. I know you had invited my delegation to a state dinner in Perdan, and I look forward to once again sharing a table with you. I wonder if you would be interested in giving my knights leave to explore the city, while you and I speak privately about matters of state? We could perhaps have our discussion, and then reconvene for the dinner in your hall at a time of your choosing?"

Roleplay from Naismith Willarc

Message sent to everyone in Perdan (13 recipients)

Attempting to match the bow of the younger-by-60-years Knight Dominic Rea, at the gesture and words of the Lord Speaker's introduction, Naismith the Old Knight would go on to enjoy the remainder of the time spent in Queen Alyssa and Lord Speaker Rearden's company, alongside Knight Dominic, before they were given leave and the signal to be allowed to depart and explore the rest of Perdan City for the duration of their stay.

The old and elderly sack of bones would turn out to be quite pleased with the journey by the time the Sirion delegation would decide to return home, and he took on a grateful sense of perspective for having chosen to make the journey and volunteer to travel with the Lord Speaker this far south, and away from the Ancient Republic. Not for war, as it had been last time during the days of Perdan's Atanamir of Umbar's ruling days, but for more peaceful exploration and cultural research.

The Old Knight may have decided at some point to depart Perdan City early, out of necessity, depending on if his funds had run out to continue paying for his troops before safely reaching banks back in Sirion holdings.

'Only 15 coins left,' he could be heard muttering before one of his afternoon naps on one of the more recent days, 'How long can two rulers take to meet? And where in the blasted irons has that Knight Dominic been? And my herbal tea... I miss my herbal tea...'