Gerard Crewins' Heroic Announcement

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Background Information

This document was shared by Sir Reilley Buchanan, High Priest of Trinitism, on Sunday, 14 November, 2021. The letter was originally sent to Priest Reilley alone, but Reilley decided to share the letter with all of Caligus, as he deemed it appropriate to do so. This missive has been archived here for it's posterity in our country's history.

Prior to this document being penned, Yssrgard had taken to raiding small Caligus, a realm of only 16 nobles. True, Yssrgard was not much larger in population of landed nobles, but their people were more experienced and active at the time. Caligus stood strong, took some close losses due to minor mistakes, and eventually drew them to a standstill, stopping them in Supra, after their raid of Abadan. Afterwards the Caligans gave chase, but only half of the army was able to advance quickly and stay on the Yssrgardian's heels. There was a terrible slaughter of Caligans in Betholm, and afterwards, King Matthew Mcloud stood to face the Yssrgardian Queen, Adrianna Le Monte, in single combat. However, the nobles of Yssrgard taunted and teased the losing Caligan warriors. Some of the Caligans wrote back, but this incensed the Yssrgardians and their taunts and jeers became more vile.

Eventually, the Marshal of the Wings of Retribution, Gerard Crewins, stood up to the uncouth nobles, and accused them and their Queen of being many things, most too terrible to write down again. And every accusation was accurate and true. But the Yssrgardians could not stand the light of the truth, and one of the best swordsmen in their lands, Finlay Keswick, challenged Marshal Gerard to a duel to the death, to defend the Queen's honor. After a fierce combat, Keswick struck a series of wicked blows, and grievously wounded the young marshal. These wounds took a long time to heal, and some stay with him still now. But death did not take him then. After more than a month, Gerard felt that he should make a change, and penned an important letter to convey it.

Roleplay from Gerard Crewins

(Personal message to Reilley Buchanan) - 8th November, 2021

To fear death is not cowardice. Any real warrior fears death every day maybe even more then the average person. When you are on the battlefield death is everywhere. You will see friends and enemies die. Some great warriors some you will barely remember just another headless body or a man missing his arm. As a warrior you are reminded how easy it can be to lose your life with every battle and war you survive. To fear death is not cowardice. To fear death more then your ideals? That was the mark of a true coward. He knew what was going to happen when he spoke out against Yssgaard's wretched queen. Some noble would call him out and challenge him to a duel to the death thinking his words empty and hollow, and that he would do the very thing he accused their queen of doing. And he feared, truly feared, for his life. The warrior stood with the posture and stance of someone skilled far beyond himself. But he would not break and when the challenge was called he stared death in the face and accepted his fate. He sent out letters to the realm to let them know they may not be speaking to me for much longer. When the time for the duel came, and when his opponent's mighty claymore crashed into his body, Gerard had only smiled. He was a dead man but at the least he was no coward.

These were the thoughts running through Gerard's head as he watched the young man outside his manor retelling the story of his failed duel to the masses. A gnawing feeling chewed at his insides. Did he truly deserve this praise? They call him a hero but from what he can tell he has been personally responsible for two lost wars. And when challenged to single combat could not even put up a real fight. If he was going to be called a hero it was time he earned it.

​​​​​​Gerard made his way outside waiting as the young man finished retelling the tale. As he walked up to the young priest he gave a light nod I thanks saying "Continue the great work! I could not tell the tale better myself if I tried. I'll be making a small announcement now and then you may resume."

"To those of you gathered here I wish to make a promise. I will be open and honest. I do not feel I deserve the praise and awe given to me. I was a man who made grave mistakes and a man who nearly lost his life. I am not a hero. But I will do my best to change that now. There will come a time where our enemies will knock upon our doors and they will find me waiting to give them a proper welcome. The next time someone dares call Caligus cowards they will find me unwavering and unafraid. no longer will I be in the back amongst the other commanders while my men fight on the Frontline. I will be in the front leading my men with unwavering strength and conviction. I will die on the battlefield with my enemies all around me. And for as long as I have breath in my body I will enact Ánradh's strength to defend anyone that calls Caligus their home. If you take one thing away from this speech let it be this. Caligus is not a realm of cowards, instead we are a realm of unwavering courage where no challenge shall go unanswered."

Gerard takes his leave promptly. He is a sh it noble when it comes to speeches but hopefully he got the point across, and only time would tell if he could live up to these words, but he would certainly die trying.

(OOC: this is my IC way of saying I'm playing as a hero now))

Gerard Crewins

Earl of Tokat

Marshal of the Wings of Retribution