The Ethialan Press/First Issue: Early April 2006

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Revision as of 09:20, 12 April 2006 by Bob (talk | contribs)
Ethiala.jpg The Ethialan Press
Price Free Editor: Luyten, Baron of Arempos, Marshal of Topenah Issue No 1 9th April 2006
Printed In Topenah
  • Disclaimer: This paper DOES NOT represent the official opinions of the Ethialan government, merely a general accounting for the public.
  • Newest articles can be found from the top of the page.

Arella is back

April 12, 2006- Of course, I am rather biased against that heretic witch, I mean former ruler of Taith Aenil, Arella. However, I might as well report that after disappearing so suddenly she is back roaming the Far East once again. I wonder if she wants the rulership back? I know that the current (slightly mental and possessed) Pontifex, Orphen, won't give up his office without a fight. Even though he has led the realm to ruin, for once the side-effects of their war declaration against Ethiala start to come to the fore, there isn't going to be much left for him to lord over. Is there civil war coming in Taith Aenil? We can only hope....

New King in Arcaea

April 12, 2006- Well, the Arcaeans have cast their ballots and Lacolus has been elected as the new ruler of one of the oldest realms in the Far East. With only 27% of the votes though. Seems that the Arcaeans were fairly divided in their search for a new King! It also seems that Yarah wasn't too forthcoming in telling his Nobles about the real situation concerning Ethiala and Arcaea, for the new King has asked for details concerning the dispute! I mean come on! It seems that Ethiala is one of the few realms that actually keeps its Senate up-to-date with the times. Oh well, hopefully Lacolus will be more willing to repairing the relations which Yarah and his foolish Judge managed to destroy.

Hupar under attack

April 12, 2006- Taith Aenil have invaded our southern most region of Hupar with forces numbering 2000 CS. They haven't looted, they haven't started a TO, I wonder what they are doing? Perhaps they are waiting for more troops, a portion of their army was massacred in the fruitless defence of Lantzas. Perhaps Helios has lost it along with Orphen. The Taith Aenilian leadership seems quite pathetic at the moment, I am wondering how they manage to keep the realm running!


April 11, 2006- War! Taith Aenil have refused to stay out of matters which do not concern them and entered the war. Time will only tell if whether this has been a good move or a mistake. However, with both his allies pressed from internal and external pressures, Orphen might be a little alone out there....

Arcaea without a King!

April 11, 2006- Yarah has stepped down and looks to be suicidal! It is unfortunate, for he was once a mighty ruler, but now has fallen into despair, for he has become arrogant of late and refuses to keep his Nobles in line. Good luck Yarah, let us hope that the new King of Arcaea is up to the task, for he has much to do! Let's hope its not Gunfire, for that would herald the destruction of the realm, if he's that offensive when an Arch-Priest, what will he be like when he's a ruler!


April 10, 2006- Arcaea has failed to meet the requirements of the reparations which Osric placed to force Arcaea to see reason and begin to act like a realm of Nobles once again. As nightfall descended the Main Ethialan army under the direction of Lancelot, High Marshal of Ethiala and command of Luyten and Ryft, Marshal's of Topenah and Talex respectively, occupied the region of Lantzas in fulfilment of the terms laid down by Osric 10 days previously.

Here is a report of the battle as written by Xarnelf, the Haruspex Maximus of Taith Aenil. Told from TA's perspective mind you, but it will do, I can't be bothered to come up with something myself: Battle Report, Lantzas

Tournament in Masahakhon

April 9, 2006- This promises to be a great event, although shadowed by the secession of Palnasos from Svunnetland into the realm of Ragnaron and the recent unpleasantness in the north between all of the realms which occupy the lands up here. Known Ethialans to be competing will Valion and Thrasymaque. Thrasymaque, the last tournament's joust champion, is Ethiala's greatest hope for gold and fame, he carries the hopes of us all. Good Luck Valion and Thrasymaque!


April 9, 2006- As some of you may or may not have heard, Arcaea has only very recently committed a heinous attrocity in the near execution of the Lady Jacqueline, a former Ethialan and the beloved of Osric, King of Ethiala. Surrounding this murderous event Osric demanded reparations in the form of 1000 gold from Yarah for his Arch-Priest's misdeeds. However, believing his request to be excessive he reduced it to 200 gold to be delivered to Topenah within 5 days and an immediate public apology from Gunfire, the Arch-Priest of Arcaea.

However the isolent fellow practically threw the laxness of the reparations in our Lord's face and has single handedly ruined all the months of hard work towards a possible alliance we worked for. He has insulted our King, our Senate, our Lords and our Nobles with his vain foolishness. It may be time for something to be done....


April 9, 2006- Well, unfortunately this reporter does not have much to give about this issue, it seems to be a very southern Far East issue. About all I can tell you is that the ruler is not too right in the head and has practically declared war on every realm in the Far East! However, the Principality of Zonasa and the remnant of Svunnetland will probably have some strong words to say concerning the realm's existence. The Principality has already taken Tunozo from them, which makes the old Principality whole again I believe. Zhao Ziyang's fight has been realised, however he is not here to see it, will report more as the information reaches me.

The Ethialan Press!

April 9, 2006- Well, the time has come! Ethiala finally has a newspaper of her own! I grew tired of outdated accounts of the goings on in the Far East and I thought that Ethiala could use a newspaper, to tell everyone about us! So here goes...