Van Schwartzenberg Family

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A House with old ancetry and many branches, the van Schwartzenberg have seen kingdoms rise and empires fall, and yet they endure.

Originating from the high nobility of the Morek Empire, the House is made of devout followers of the Bloodstars who went into exile to diverse realms across the world after the Empire fell. The House has branches of minor nobility that can claim to be descendants of the House, though the main branch currently resides in Perleone, where they own rich lands and enterprises.

Their symbol is the golden lily in a field of snow due to a mythical tale of the elusive flower that was once found in a glacier, the only life that would sprout in the dead cold. Just as the flower lived, so would the House endure even in the direst circumstances.

These are the chronicles of Leopold van Schwartzenberg, who has taken the task of writing the tales of the new generation of his House.

The Three Stars

Despite the many members that claim to be related to this House, this lists some of the more prominent ones either due to ancestry or feats.

Matthias, the Auspicious


The Webweaver

What is to tell of Matthias? Or better, who is Matthias?

Some say he is ruthless, others merciful; there are those that call him cunning, or perhaps trusting? Deceitful or honest? By all accounts, the man is an enigma.

Descriptions are often deceiving, for they are what nobles tell to embellish themselves before others - it is better not to delve into such details, and let his actions earn his fame and reputation.

What is known is that he leads his Schwartzenberg Landsknechts personally in battle, right in the frontlines.

And he has never broken a promise.

On a first glance, however, he is quite tall and bears a strong frame, with short blonde hair and a full beard with a pale complexion.

For his history, his past is unremarkable - schooled in horseriding, swordfighting, tactics and matters of state and diplomacy -, though the man sets his eyes on the future.

Notable achievements:

Leopold, the Austere


The Chronicler

The younger of the van Schwartzenberg is a character a shrouded in mystery as his older brother, Matthias.

He mostly keeps to himself, and while his older brother is renowned for his martial preferences, Leopold is the chronicler of his House and keeps a personal journal of his accounts and stories of his House.

Standing at 5'11 and with a more tanned complexion than his sibling, his face is considered by some maidens to be quite handsome. Though, of course, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

Notable achievements:

Susanne, the Maddening


The Steel Maiden

The wayward sister of the van Schwartzenberg is one known for leading her all-female company of loyal soldiers, and only accepts other women to fight alongside her.

She stands 5'9 and is easily recognizable by her signature short black hair with bangs, and for almost always wearing plate. Proudly displaying the white banner with the golden lily, the symbol of her House, she is a non-nonsense woman with a serious yet jovial tone.

Born and raised in Perleone, once she came of age, she took an oath to travel to the distant shores of Astrum to offer her sword, blood and life to serve the Bloodstars, with the approval of her elder brother and head of the House, Matthias. She aims to reestablish the House's glory in the continent of Dwilight after their exile following the fall of Morek.

Notable achievements: