Luitolf Family/Edelyn/Signs of the Tidemother

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Roleplay from Edelyn Luitolf
Message sent to 37
After a few nights, Edelyn poured the last remaining brandy from her desk and reflected back on the wedding. It had been largely successful, a few hitches here and there, but still one of the best examples of a wedding Tol Goldora had seen to date. The hardest parts were the Trio Affair and Edelyn keeping herself in check, something she hoped was successful. She hated the thought that she may have played a part in making things worse for they would not like what was to come next, once they found out.

The Tidespeaker glanced at the crumpled note on her desk, filled on the inside with Zoisme's personal hand writing. The preparations are complete was the gist within, and Edelyn knew what that meant. In the harbor bobbed a ship, finally completed and ready to go, filled to he brim with supplies for she knew not how long she and her contingent would be gone. Looking in the direction of the bobbing cog, Edelyn could see that the clouds were climbing ever higher and darker over the seas, blowing in her direction. The flowing tempest could mean many things, a sign of approval, disapproval, even just a chance, and few could tell. Edelyn, however, had not received any communication from her goddess so surmised that it was not disapproval, but it could be a warning.

Slowly, and shakily after all the drink, the young blonde woman pushed herself from the seat. Making her way to the door, Ede moved through and down the hallway, the wading pools being her destination. The halls were empty, save fore a few acolytes and lower ranked priests roaming about the area, for it was late and most people had already retired to their homes. The Tidespeaker smiled at the couple of gentlemen, who thought nothing of seeing their high ranked matron in the halls this late as it was normal, and continued toward the warm waters over seen by a statue of the goddess.

Finally she reached the room in question. There were a few acolytes finishing up cleaning the waters. Calmly, Edelyn looked over to the trainees and spoke, "Give me the room". The words fell from her mouth in a choked voice, but the acolytes answered anyway. "Your Eminence, we were just keeping the pools and the statues clean for the worshipers that will arrive undoubtedly tomorrow." The Tidespeaker was already making her way into the pools as the acolytes spoke, staring misty eyed up at the statue. Mesmerized, it took the woman a moment to answer, but eventually did. "It looks fine for now. You can do last minuet touches before they arrive tomorrow. Before sunrise, someone will come and retrieve me, and you will have time to finish then."

Waiting until the acolytes faithfully obeyed, and after watching them leave, close the door, and place guards, Edelyn knelt in the shallow end of the pool before the statue and began to pray hard.

Your Holiness, Great Goddess of the Depths, Holy Tidemother, I come to you in a time of need. As you have known for a while, I have had issues putting together my own life on this island. All these people, all they see is the Tidespeaker, all they see is you, despite my attempts to serve both this role for you and be a person as well. I have prayed, and begged, before for you to send me a sign, and you sent him to me. I thought at the time that you were trying to show me that things were not as dire as I thought, but now I truly understand what you meant. You sent him to me to understand the truth I was not ready to understand. By having me grow close to people, just to be pushed aside like all the others, you meant to show me the levels of dedication that this path would lead. I just wanted to be accepted, to be loved, and I thought they would I really did. That is why you sent him, to show me the truth. My own wants, my own emotion, it is getting in the way of the job you want for me. I cannot fulfill the role of the Tidespeaker with these deep seeded feelings of confusion and jealousy. I made a promise to you long ago on the shores of Farrowfield that if you sent me a sign, one that pointed in any direction, I would follow it and obey. I now know you did, but it wasn't the sign I thought it was. You, My Goddess, are the only one that has not placed me as a secondary thought. I cannot believe I have not realized this before you, but I know the path I must walk. I would be lying if I said I was not hesitant, or that I wasn't scared to lose a part of myself, but a promise is a promise. I wish there was another way, but I don't know if I have it in me to try any longer. Tomorrow, we will go, and I will follow your will. We will see what the future brings.
Edelyn Luitolf

Roleplay from Lucius Navaar
Message sent to 34
Salt on his lips, and the occasional sting in his eye as sweat dripped from Lucius in the summer heat. The air was lifeless, hanging like a warm film dragged over the skin with each step his horse took. They had already taken a water break even before Svari’s Farrowfield estate had faded behind him. Now with Golden Farrow back in his sights, he felt himself looking forward to some of the comforts of the new palace, like the extensive baths. His horse slowed, and Lucius knew he was going to have to walk back the rest of the way if he continued, so he pulled off to the side and signaled for another break.

Somewhere between the horse and the nearest tree for shade, Lucius had pulled off his shirt, tired of the damp, humid clothing clinging to his every move. As his men milled about in silence, finding shade and any water skins that had not been emptied yet, Lucius sat quietly, trying to focus on anything other than the heat - Svari, the realm, a breeze would be nice…

Lucy’s thoughts went back to Barrow Peaks and the exploration into the old temple with Ede. He let his mind drift back to the statue, the pool, each detail still carved into his memory like he was still there. The way the air felt so… connected to everything. If only he could act like a real Galecaller. If only the wind would come for my prayers, he thought to himself.

All around him, the movement of his unit stopped. People turned to face Farrowfield where the faintest breeze came in from the west as if guiding the weary Autarch home. Ede would say this was divine, I bet.

The thought brought him some pause. Aside from a few letters, Ede had been largely quiet since the wedding, and while he had his suspicions why, he had opted to give the woman some space as he set out with the army to conquer regions. Now though…

The breeze picked up from a faint whisper to a pleasant gust. Not a cloud in the sky behind them, but some hopeful storm clouds towards the sea. With luck they would get rain to cool off the day before it was through. Lucy wanted to lean back and take a nap against the tree, cooling off. If at first the wind were guiding him, now it was urging. Lucius smiled and reached into a pouch on his hip, withdrawing the bracelet made of three colors of stones, a wedding gift from some minor noble he had taken a calming liking to. Starting from the grey stone, he turned it on the cord with his thumb and moved to the next. The blue stone turned. Then the green, alternating as he worked back toward the grey stone. His focus sharpened, honing in on the bracelet, his eyelids growing heavier.


The feeling came with such a rush, that Lucy bolted up straight and looked around. None of his men were paying any mind to him, yet he felt as though the message was clear. Move. Move? Had he heard anything, or was the word in his gut? Pushing sweaty hair from his forehead, he pockets the bracelet once more. “Captain!”

The young lordling turned Captain, Liebwin, came hurrying over. “Yes, sir?”

“Rest the men, and follow behind me when you're done. I think I need to move ahead,” he said, chasing his horse while walking.

Liebwin looked around. “Would you like a guard sir?”

Catching up to the beast, Lucius shook his head as he rummaged through until he found a sweat free shirt. It would do. “Just get me a horse,” he ordered as he pulled the shirt over his head.

Ede keeps telling me to listen. Well, the worst thing that can happen is I get to go back to my bath sooner.
Lucius Navaar (A very strong gust of wind)

Roleplay from Edelyn Luitolf
Message sent to 34
The night of prostration had been long, but finally after several hours, Zoisme entered the wading pool room. The woman noticed that the Tidespeaker had spent most of the night praying, but not solely within the water. Edelyn had moved to just outside the pools, to prevent complications that set in when people spent to much time within wetness. Zoisme moved toward her former liege, but Edelyn already knew of her presence before she arrived.

"Mistress Zoisme, I hope you come baring good news." Edelyn spoke as she lazily looked up at her companion.

Zoisme gazed about the room for a moment, unsure how to answer, until her eyes came upon the statue of the Tidemother. A grand affair that sat at the end of the pools, in deeper water so that her tentacled bottom have was safely submerged to represent her dominion over the seas and oceans. The part that broke the surface formed the sight of a hauntingly beautiful woman, hair windswept, so expertly built that one might actually think it were moving out of the corner of their eye.

"It is good news for you, Your Eminence," Zoisme finally responded after staring at the statue for a while, "The ship is stocked and ready, all that is needed is for you and your retinue to board. Though a simple warning, the storm is coming is quickly."

Edelyn pushed herself to her feet, and it was clear to anyone that she had spent the night here in the pool area, resting only briefly in-between prayers of careful communication with her goddess that ranged from fearful to reluctant acceptance, and everything in-between. "Zoisme, my friend, the storms do not frighten me. There was one the night Duke Aidan and I sailed out into the open sea to have me fully inducted as the Tidespeaker as well."

Grabbing Zoisme's hand in hers, Edelyn started out the door, barely paying attention to anything within the temple on the way to the main entrance. Once there, a small contingent of the temple guards were assembled, their leader giving the mask, left eye, and Edelyn's paramerion over to the Tidespeaker. Edelyn gave a weak smile, and tied the blade to her waste, taking the mask and eye in hand and placing the eye in a pocket on her inner robes as she and Zoisme started to exit the temple.

"Alright, places men, form up and move out," Barked the leader of this guard group. A few of them placed themselves ahead of the Tidespeaker and her companion, while others formed a contingent behind them. Some of the guards carried halberds, others spears and shields, and yet a few others heavy crossbows. A galecaller, waveweaver, and stormsinger each joined them as they started to move down the main streets to the harbor.

While it had not started to fully rain yet, a few heavy drops were starting to strike, and the wind was starting to pick up harder than before. As they slowly made their way through the streets, one could see the markets starting to pack up their wares knowing that once the the storm unleashed its fury, no one would be out buying. The gusts buffeted their stalls and tents, threatening to blow lighter goods away as well. The loud clank of the guards boots could be heard over the wind, causing some of the merchants to stop what packing and look on for a moment. It was not uncommon to see Lady Edelyn strolling the streets normally, but she never had a personal guard with her, and it was rarely in the direction of the sea with a large storm blowing in.

"If you need help with your goods, my friends, send runners to the church. I am sure that the acolytes and guard recruits can be spared in your time of need," suggested Edelyn in a graceful voice before continuing their journey.

When they finally made their way to the docks, one could see the sky had already turned black as soot left over after a fire. Drops of rain were coming down more often now, but still not heavily. The deck crew were putting the last vestiges of the provisions on the ship, and the priests had already boarded, uttering prayers and blessing to keep the journey safe. Edelyn took a look back over the city, over her people while the crew finished the last minuet touches.

Everyone wants the Tidespeaker, they will have her. I have a promise to fulfill, and once I do, I will be able to serve you better. She thought reluctantly to herself as she took in in the sights of the city she had once fought and bled for.
Edelyn Luitolf (Old Promises)

Roleplay from Lucius Navaar
Message sent to 34
Lucius had made it into Golden Farrow ahead of schedule, but was at a loss as to why he had rushed back in such a hurry. The people were not panicked, except maybe the gate guards when the Autarch appeared ahead of his retinue. The biggest concern was the incoming storm forcing people to scurry about and get any errands out of the way before the weather turned. It was among the bustle of the commoners that Lucius noticed something calm. People parted as Edelyn made her way past, a gathering of followers attended her travels. It looked almost wrong to see her like that, under guard when she was always capable of taking care of herself. He thought to call out to her and paused. And say what? She's allowed to be about her own business. The gut feeling pushed itself through him as the wind picked up. Though, maybe there's something off here... he thought. Looking around, he knew he could use his name and authority to push through the crowd, but it would draw to much attention, something he didn't want to do if he wanted her to talk to him. The Autarch glanced around and spotted a convenient alley he could duck down first. If he could do this drunk, a little rain was nothing.

The familiar feeling of timber and loose stones beneath his hands and feet came back immediately as he climbed the side of the building with surprising ease for anyone that didn't know him, let alone it wasn't an action a ruler would take. Lucy's detour set him behind Ede a ways, but the benefit was that no one ever looked up, so he assumed only Edelyn would spot him if she was paying attention. Practiced light steps over solid timber, and careful balancing along the edges of thatched roofs, he caught up with a leap to another roof and paused long enough to study the roof. The docks? he questioned with a frown. A retinue, no ambassador trips planned, silence. It hit him like a stone as he felt another gust of wind urging him in Edelyn's direction.

The Autarch's eyes darted around until he spotted his path back down. No time for hiding now. That drowned woman! He checked the swords at his hips, making sure he was armed. The last time Ede got this bad it ended in a fight, and while he liked to think they could be more civilized this time, he wasn't about to discount it. With a burst of speed, he sprinted across the last roof, catching the lip as he hopped down. Dropping further, he caught a window sill and then hit the ground with a practiced landing. I'm no sneak these day, but I'm good enough to get around some folk.

Coming out from between buildings, he slipped quietly into the crowd as though he had practiced the motions a thousand times. In reality, it was a lot more than that, just moving into the flow of traffic and not drawing attention. He stepped up his pace, trying to take two steps for every one of Edelyn's. He was gaining on her as the docks came into view. Her retinue was an arms length away as the crowds began to disperse around them as they realized who was around them. If he had any cover left it would be blown, so instead he took a few quick steps and fell in beside her. "Going somewhere, Ede?"
Lucius Navaar (Old Ways)

Roleplay from Edelyn Luitolf
Message sent to 36
Edelyn continued to stare out over the city for a decent while. The locals were scouring about faster and faster, the winds were picking up ever stronger, and the heavy drops of rain were just starting to drop more steadily. The scene was bittersweet to the Tidespeaker, on one hand the storm brought in smells of heavily salted ocean gusts, yet on the other this same holy manifestation could possibly bring about great damage. It seemed fitting for times like this, the storm seemed to be the Tidemother's way of saying she understood Edelyn's deepest feelings. How such an event could bring both happiness and sorrow, fear and elation, the tempest was a perfect match.

A shadow on the roof tops seemed to trip and fall in such a silent way, Edelyn didn't think anyone else would have noticed. Her particular skill set prior to priesthood was not exactly the type people took to kindly, even if she had never used it for unsavory means, but it was this skill set that allowed her to notice out of the corner of her eye. A crowd had gathered in the meantime, the people unused to seeing the Tidespeaker so readily guarded on one of her walks. Edelyn watched the figure make his way over to where she was, and the crowd started to murmur among themselves as they slip apart to let him through almost as naturally as an insect sheds its outer husk.

"Going somewhere, Ede?"

She glared at him, a mind muddled with lack of sleep and confusion, for a while. Several long moments later a small smile appeared when she realized he seemed at least happy. Edelyn was glad she could bring Svari and he together finally after these many years, even if that meant she went without. Going without, being left behind, it was nothing new for her and the reality showed it wasn't likely to end.

"It would appear that way, wouldn't it?" her words were low, escaping her mouth with little force, "I now know my place."

The guards stuck near their Tidepeaker, but gave the pair enough room to speak. The accompanying priests were already preforming their duties, the wind and water both seemed calmer thanks to the prayers of the galecaller and waveweaver respectively, and the stormsinger sang her songs into the heavens seemingly keeping the storm at bay just long enough for them to set off.

"Things don't always work out how we want, Lucius, but they do work out the way they are supposed to. I understand now, I understand everything. I know why my father tossed me aside to Tyra, and why Solomon was willing to throw me to the wolves for any and everyone else. I know why Svari says she loves me despite her actions showing its infatuation at best. I understand why you jumped in, despite claiming you didn't care and knowing how I felt."

She paused, breathing more heavily now, eyes burning with tears of both sorrow and fear. Not matter how bad things had gotten, she didn't want to give herself up, but a promise is a promise and one does not break a promise to a goddess. She looked over and glared into his eyes and continued, unable to hold it back anymore.

"I made a promise to you not to interfere and I have kept that promise no matter how much it is torn at me. Yet, that night on the beach, I made a promise to my goddess as well. I begged her for a sign, for anything to show me that I was wanted here as a person and if one was not sent I promised to devote myself mind, body, and soul entirely. At that very moment was when your letter came. One saying you wanted to be friends, one saying you were sorry and that you would try more. I thought that was my sign, that everything would turn around, but nothing did. Still people only every voluntarily speak to me if they want or need somethings. That was her real sign. I want to be both the Tidespeaker and serve her and still be my own person, but I have been shown that is impossible."

Breathing even more heavily, through gritted teeth, she was visibly growing more and more upset as time passed so she took another moment to calm herself to ensure she was heard properly.

"You are lucky, Lucius. In her letter back to me she said she was willing to leave me aside because you needed her. Yet, no one cares what I need. No one sees that I need people too. No, all anyone ever sees in me is the Tidespeaker, never Edelyn, never the woman underneath. I made a promise, and the people seem to want a fully embraced Tidespeaker so that is what they will get. I have only one question for you, my Autarch, why are you here? How did you even know to come here? This trip was secret, hence why all the people are curious even during the storm. You couldn't possibly have known."
Edelyn Luitolf (Reluctant Promises)

Roleplay from Lucius Navaar
Message sent to 36
Lucius stood quietly, watching his friend struggle with something he understood in a twisted way, that desire for someone to be something they inherently are not. No one should be faceless, a tool to some higher power. That was his entire childhood, but to look past himself... It had taken time. He wasn't strong enough at first, and wondered if Ede was in the same position. Patience had been the only way to work through it. Svari had done it with him, and he would have to with her if anything. He thought back to their time together, replaying all of the clues that were coming together. He had admittedly not treated her like a friend in the beginning, but they had worked past that. There was a reason he was happy to let her snip at his answers, the same reasons he had other people in his council. Sharp minds, and people who would oppose him given the chance. He trusted her as a friend to let him know when he was being stupid and playing with fire, and to hear that she was still bottling everything up...

Briefly, the thought of just throwing her over his shoulder and dragging her away came to mind. Oh, he would regret it. Beyond yelling, kicking, leaving himself relatively exposed to someone good at hurting others... He would probably feel it in the morning, if not before the end of the street, but it was possible. He recognized the guards were close, but knew there would be hesitation. Devotion versus livelihood would give him the opportunity, and he could fend off with one weapon as well as two. When he first took over, Solomon had suggested that he find a way to stop nobles from leaving. Perhaps the hands on approach might be a little too crazy though.

"I have only one question for you, my Autarch, why are you here? How did you even know to come here? This trip was secret, hence why all the people are curious even during the storm. You couldn't possibly have known."''

Ah, the one question Lucy was unsure of how to answer. He pondered a number of answers, from a gut feeling, to I think the Tidemother spoke to me, but none of them felt the right way to capture it, let alone impress upon her that she was driving herself insane, not keeping a promise. Lucius closed his eyes and took a deep breath, exhaling with a thought not too unlike something his uncle might have said. If you're really helping me, I'll need something here.

Pointing to the sky, he opened his eyes with a smile just as a strong gust of wind came rushing through the port despite the other priests' best efforts. "A very dear friend of mine told me I had to listen more. And, even now, I'm still trying."

He cast a glare to the priests and guards to give them a little more space. Authority was something Lucius was taking to wearing well, even if he hated it. Returning his attention to Ede he smiled before looking up in time for a fat water droplet to hit him square on the forehead as thunder rumbled across the sky. "Even though I try to keep my friend close, we had a bit of a rift form between us, a difference that was not easily reconcilable for me, and I can't help wonder if maybe that's why they feel unheard and unneeded. It's a shame though. I always thought she was always the strongest person I knew, but I suppose maybe that's why I needed to listen more."
Lucius Navaar (More Promises)

Roleplay from Edelyn Luitolf
Message sent to 36
Edelyn looked on in more confusion as Lucius pointed to the sky, seemingly speaking to someone other than her, but to her at the same time. Edelyn shot a glare back at the guards right after the Autarch did, daring them to move a muscle. They were under her command, not his. They worked for the temple, her domain, not the city, realm, or his palace.

Lucius continued, more talking about her than to her. Edelyn could feel anger mixing in with the confusion and sorrow held within. Not only had he brushed her off like everyone else, but now he had to gall to stand here and mock her to her face. With exhaustion setting in, her mind muddled with thoughts of being trapped, Edelyn was in no shape of mind to pick up the subtleties. After Lucius finished, Edelyn brought her hand up, a mixture of emotion in her eyes, and slapped him.

"How dare you mock me! I know that you don't believe in any of this, but it's real, she speaks to me and I made her a promise. You were supposed to be the sign, but not only have you not lived up to what your letter said, you now stand before me and mock who and what I am! Is it not enough to forget about me as a person, you have to mock my profession as the Tidespeaker as well?!" Edelyn fumed, screaming at this point. The crowd was staring, but a small number of the guards were walking off to break them up.

"Move along, the storm will be here soon, you all don't need to be caught in it." the couple could hear some of the guards saying in the back ground.

The Tidespeaker stood there, staring at her Autarch, before the realization of what she had just done set in. She was shaking with fear, frustration, confusion, and a all manor of other emotions. Her glare softened to a sheepish glimpse for a moment.

"I made a promise to my goddess, Lucius, whether you believe it or not, she speaks to me. I kept my promise to you, to stay away from Svari, even though you knew how we felt before all this happened. Why would you think I won't keep a promise to a literal divine being that is so powerful she has literally sank an entire island and keeps other gods sealed away to protect us?"

Edelyn didn't know what would come next, she was a powerful woman, a leader of people, but she was not a ruler. Sleep depravation setting in, she stood there as confidently as she could. "Call your guards to have me arrested if you wish, but know this. I am a strong woman, Luc, but everyone needs someone. Do you know what it feels like to have everyone come to you and expect you to solve their problems, but once you are done they just disappear? Do know how it feels to be tossed aside by everyone who claims to care about you just because someone they care about more comes along? I made a promise to my goddess, and it is clear that she is telling me through these actions that I have to do this. Even if I do not want to. How else do you explain it?"

The Tidespeaker spun on her heals, intent to walk away and board the ship, the guards and priests already having boarded. The storm had blown in now, and the rain was starting to drop more regularly now. "I can't ignore a promise to the goddess, so unless you can explain this more satisfactory than I already have, then I have ritual to complete."
Edelyn Luitolf (Lashing Out: Covering Vulnerability)

Roleplay from Lucius Navaar
Message sent to 36
Lucius' eyes narrowed as Edelyn started to walk away. He lifted his hand to his face, the lingering sensation from the sting of her slap still bothered him. A dozen paths opened before him, including just walking away at that point. If the woman wants to drive herself insane, let her. That wasn't right though. That was anger talking. If he was sent here it was to keep her from doing something stupid, this was it. Taking a step forward, Lucius caught her wrist and yanked Edelyn back. He spun her around and gripped her shoulders tightly, holding her in place. Looking down he met her eyes, a mix of anger and concern on his face. "You..." he started, before taking a deep breath, nostrils flaring as he exhaled warm breath in the cool air. "I have never once said I don't believe. Trust, probably, but never believe. When I felt...heard... I don't know what it was. It told me to move, and it resounded through my body with the wind, so I came back. I'll thank the Tidemother that I did if you are going to go run off because you think no one wants you around. If she told you to run away, then it was so she could tell me to come stop you." Was she really being foolish? Maybe he had imagined the entire thing. No. It wasn't the time for doubts. Maybe the gods had failed him in the past, but he had relied on this Goddess to bring him Svari home safely, and now she was righting something else. "This is the second time, Ede. Every time you try to bottle it all up and run away, I will drag you back, thrown over my shoulder in a sack like some drama villain if I must."
Lucius Navaar (Lashing Out)

Roleplay from Edelyn Luitolf
Message sent to 36
The skies had opened up, and the rains were falling now, more heavier the more the couple stood there. Thunder crashed, and lightning split the air brightening the skies like day for a second, yet Lucius seemed not to care about any of it as he held her in place. The priests and the guards watched the two from the ship, unwilling to interfere, as Edelyn stared at Lucius listening to his spiel. Her knuckles were chalk white there were gripping the mask so tightly.

Edelyn could not believe her ears as he clearing insulted her, but that was not what fascinated her. She was unclear as to what exactly he was trying to say, but it almost seemed like he was claiming the Tidemother had spoken to him. No, that was a ridiculous thought, Edelyn had never heard of the goddess speaking to anyone else before directly. Whispers on the wind were one thing, but directly, that was something completely different.

"Trust is faith Lucius, without trust you have no faith. Without faith, there is no belief. Do you think I want do be out here? You were supposed to be the sign but every chance there is, whether it is about the church or our own lives, you seen to just push me aside. She says she loves me, and did before you even came along, but is willing push me aside for you as well. My father, Solomon, Tyra, Alya, all very similar. I made a promise in a moment of weakness, but I have to live by that. Unless... The Tidemother did speak to you... I wish it were more than that, I wish I could have what you have, but it would be enough to know the promise doesn't need fulfilled and that would mean..." her voice was low as she glared into his eyes, then looked a way to take a moments break before continuing, "I swear by the depths, if you are lying to me Lucius Navaar I will ensure you are dragged into to the abyss with the void gods myself."

She gazed defiantly up at him now, still utterly confused but not caring anymore. Inside she unsure if he was even being truthful at this point, if he ever had been truthful before. For all she knew he could be telling her what she wanted to hear for Svari's sake, but then that would mean he was mocking her by claiming to talk to the goddess.

"If you are lying to me, and take the one thing I have away, it would be unforgivable."
Edelyn Luitolf

Roleplay from Lucius Navaar
Message sent to 36
Lucius smiled back to Edelyn, trying to appear easy-going, but not able to hide the relief in his eyes. "Ede, a couple of hours ago I was in Farrowfield. My men are still trailing behind. I know what I... experienced." He still couldn't say if it was a feeling or a word, but it definitely called to him. "But you and Svari have given me enough cause to put some trust in the Tidemother. I've been able to come so much father than relying on the mess of Beluaterran Gods I knew before."

As the rain poured down on them, Lucius finally released his grip on Edelyn to reach into a bag on his hip, withdrawing a ruby red cloak. He dropped it over Edelyn with a chuckle. "Can't have you getting sick out here," he said as he straightened it out. I asked about it, and I understand this was yours before I had it converted to a cloak, so I think you know how to take care of it." Smoothing it out on her, he even pulled the hood up over her head. "We seem to be connected in a lot of little ways, don't you think?" he asked, and as he pulled the hood forward to frame her face better the Autarch leaned a little closer. "Just make sure you return it to me when it's dry," he told her before giving the hood one more tug. It was just enough to jerk her head forward and -

Did he actually kiss her forehead or was it an accident?

Lucius seemed undisturbed by the act, but he had a good mask when he needed it, courtesy of being the Autarch. "The next time I'm in Demyansk, I want to see how the bird is doing," he said as he backed up from her ignoring the rain soaking him. "I don't think you ever told me its name. Also, Svari hates them, but I think I finally finished my collection of Daimon study sketches from Beluaterra, and you're the only one who will probably want them, and can help me compare them to the Zuma." Maybe he was talking a little too much. Maybe?
Lucius Navaar (Connections in Mirror May Be Stronger Than They Appear)

Roleplay from Edelyn Luitolf
Message sent to 36
Though glaring, blood shot, eyes Edelyn stared at Lucius as he spoke. The rain was starting to pour around them, lighting and thunder crashing occasionally in the sky. As Lucius placed the cloak around her shoulders, she immediately noticed the material it was made of, with her suspicions only being confirmed when he explained it she had owned it. The ruby red cloth felt soft around her shoulders, the hood slipping up over her head to fit so snuggly it was as if it was made specifically for her.

"If you are lying to me, I will make you pay, Lucius Navaar," she whispered through a barely opened mouth, "I have already had the one person I thought would always be there taken, I can't have my goddess taken too due to a broken covenant."

When he leaned in and kissed her forehead, she stood there shocked for a moment. Thoughts raced through her mind trying to justify it, but nothing came to mind. It was out of character for a man that had seen her half naked and didn't bat an eye. No, the only explanation was that her own befuddled, sleep deprived mind was playing tricks of her. In her delirium, she must have imagined having a closeness strong enough for that, but even in this state she wasn't insane enough for anything truly wild. So, just a peck on the forehead was imagined.

Shaking her head enough to bring herself out of the stunned state she continued, "Soon to be Lady Calypso, Duchess Consort Itau, would be interested in them. She is very interested in daimons. Personally I have theory that the Zuma are just a more powerful version of the monsters, like the prime lieutenants of the Void Gods, or maybe even direct avatars of them."

Edelyn gave one more longing look at the ship, now bobbing more erratically in the waves, unsure if she should trust this at all. Everything made sense before, it was perfect, why did it all have to be ruined? Why was she only good enough when there was trouble?

"I need to go to my apartment. The storm is to alive now to risk going out even with the priests. Besides, I am confused and don't even know what's real anymore. I need to sleep before I decide anything."
Edelyn Luitolf (Questioning Confusion)