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The laws of The Republic of Irondale, as written by Keeper of the Law Wallace Calder and confirmed by the Noctane Conclave. Every noble living within the borders of the Republic shall be held accountable to the standards outlined below. Any amendments to this law must be approved by a vote within Noctane Conclave. Amendments that add a law must be approved by a simple majority (note, at no point shall a law be added if it contradicts a current law). If a law is to be removed, it must be approved by a three fourths majority.

Article 01: Civil Law

Section A: Rights of a Noble

  1. Every noble has the right to a public trial. See 05,A Trial by combat is not recognized as a legal means of determining guilt and punishment.
  2. Every noble has the right to a duel of honor. Reasonable duels are not to be denied. It is the Keeper of the Law's discretion if a duel may take place. It is the Keeper of the Law's discretion if the duel may be to the death or not. Duels of honor are meant to be a last resort only. See 01,C,1
  3. It is the right of every noble to practice magic. A noble shall be held responsible for the consequences of any magic they perform, intentional or otherwise. A noble may not use a scroll for the summoning of undead or monsters without first receiving approval from the Noctan Conclave in the form of a referendum. A noble may not endorse the use of portal stones without first receiving approval from the Noctan Conclave in the form of a referendum.
  4. The right of a noble to free speech shall not be infringed upon. A noble may speak out in opposition of the actions of other nobles up to the rank of Hierophant without fear of reprisal. Slander and libel are not protected speech. See 01,A,2; 01,C Inciting of violence or rebellion is not protected speech. See 01,C,4
  5. A noble's freedom of religion shall not be imfringed upon. See 01,B,2
  6. A noble's right to choose his or her career path shall not be infringed upon.

Section B: The Right's of a Lord

  1. A lord manage the estates sizes, lord shares, and tax rates within his or her own region without interference.
  2. A lord may decide the religion of his or her own region.
  3. A lord may remove a noble from an estate within his or her region without fear of retribution.

Section C: The Conduct of Nobility

A noble is expected to treat all other nobles of Irondale with respect. Failure to abide by the rules outlined below shall result in a fine of no less than 50 gold for the first offense. Second time offenders shall be fined no less than 100 gold. In extreme cases, the prosecution may request banishment.

  1. Harassment and disrespect of other nobles is prohibited. Examples of this include but are not limited to the following: intentionally failing to use the appropriate titles of other nobility, belligerent comments both publicly and privately, slander, libel, and questioning the nobility of another, flippantly or repeatedly issuing challenges to for duels, insulting the god of another faith.
  2. No noble is to hang rebels without being ordered to by a superior.
  3. Insubordination is prohibited. Examples of insubordinate behavior include but are not limited to the following: refusing to maintain the region that you are lord of, disrespect of one placed in a position of authority, ignoring direct orders.
  4. Rebellion Any noble who is convicted of participating in the underground shall be banished.
  5. Treason: Treason is defined as working with an enemy of the state against Irondale or the Hierophant. Any noble convicted of treason shall be banished.

Article 02: Wartime Law

To be written by the general

Article 03: International Law

To be written by the leader. This outlines interaction with those outside Irondale

Article 04: Trade Law

To be written by the banker

Article 05: Addendum

Section A: Trials

When the judge issues charges against a noble, he or she MUST travel to stand trial. Failure to appear before court may result in heavy fines or even banishment. The participants in a trial are the following:
A Judge- The Keeper of the Law. If the Keeper is otherwise disposed, the Hierophant may act as judge. The ruling council must approve this with a three fourths majority.
The Defendant- The one who charges are placed against.
The Prosecutor- The prosecutor shall be appointed by the judge. No noble may be forced to act as the prosecutor.
The Defense- The defense is appointed by the defendant. A noble may choose to represent his or herself. No noble may be forced to act as the defense. Note: the defendant may requisition the service of a public defender for 100gp
The Witness- A witness is anyone called upon by the prosecutor or defense to provide testimony. It is the responsibility of every noble to respond to a summons to be a witness in. If the noble in question cannot come in person, he or she must write a sealed statement and send it to the judge's chambers.
When a trial is announced, the parties shall all be identified (excluding the witnesses), a message group named "Judge's Quarters" shall be established. All witnesses are to be announced before hand, and all written testimonial may be read by both parties prior to the trial date.