Melhed/History/Age of Shadow/Summary/Twilight

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Twilight Rebellion in Irondale against King Tiberius Paxwax lead by Ryosuke Guile

Rebel Loyalist
Prime Minister Ryosuke Guile King Tiberus Paxwax
Rebel Member Loyal Member

Rebel Declaration

Letter from Ryosuke Guile
Message sent to Everyone in Irondale
Beloved Realm-mates,

It is with a heavy heart that I must write this letter to all of you. I shall not beat around the matter at hand due to sentimentality though:

1, The days of the slothful and indolent Monarchy of Irondale are at their end. 2, We shall establish a fully functioning Arcane Republic on the deep foundations of these lands.

Naturally, there is more to be said and reasons to be given. But those two lines summarise a bit for those of you who do not wish to read further:

As all of you know, I have been working tirelessly around the entire island, to seek a path forward for the entirety of Beluaterra. I did not leave matters unattended here at home though, and nothing escaped my sight.

The three major problems that I saw, even whilst travelling to the furthest reaches of the North and East, are listed below:

  • The continual failure of the Crown to fulfil more than just the bare minimum of the obligations of council duties.
  • The continued state of disarray of the realm borders, in part due to negligence and in part due to greed. These borders have made national security an increasingly desperate task.
  • The continual delays regarding all matters of state; be they domestic or foreign, evidenced most recently in the length of time our realm was without a Judge, as well as the delayed negotiations for peace with Thalmarkin after the lengthy and to be frank, failed, war.
After much urging and considerable deliberation, I cut short my pilgrimage to the capitals of Beluaterra’s Realms and have returned home to lend my hand to fixing these problems at their root. 

That, my friends, is the reason for this drastic action that has been undertaken.

We deserve better than an idle King who whiles away his time as we are plagued by the scourge of rogues that has begun to encroach on our territories. The desperation of those who hold power, to retain power, has been seen across every isle and every kingdom... and always it has led to even further collapse.

For the peace and prosperity of these territories, we ask for the unconditional surrender of King Tiberius Paxwax, so that a Republic may be created in order to find balance, Honour, and dignity that has been lost to an archaic way of thinking.

A reformation is needed, it is plain for all to see, otherwise I would not be writing this letter today... A reformation of our borders, within our holdings, as well as within our hearts and minds.

My friends, Beluaterra as a whole stands upon a razor’s edge. The rogue incursions are only growing, and I fear that if we do not take the necessary actions now... then it shall be too late to salvage any of the glory of our lands.

Irondale must have reform, for a brighter future and a clear path ahead always inspire the best in us all. The confusion and darkness of the days since Duke Urien’s passing can be utilised, right now, by all of us taking a stand together.

For together, we can pave our own roads into the days ahead! We need not flounder in the dark any longer!

Together, we shall split the night and secure a future for all of humanity!

Prisma Noctis rises my friends, and I ask that you raise yourselves up alongside us.

Vox Noctis,
Ryosuke Guile (Liberator)