V'Orlan Family/V'Orlan Estate/Library/Letters/King Kay Peregrine

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After receiving a formal complaint from the Eponlli General Lionel about Duke Fontaine and Dame Aila's trespass in his kingdom, his Majesty King Kay conveyed the status of Partora in the aftermath of the Vix Tiramoran dissolution and the transfer of their lands to Perleone.


Mistakes were indeed made and we ae looking for ways to control the damage. Offer Lionel our sincere apologies, Imperatrix. I have already spoken to Duke Smiddich privately, for the time being we do not need additional chastising.

On a different note, I have finally received a definite reply from King Gaheris on Partora.

King Kay,

At this time, I must inform you that the Vixen people have chosen to keep the city of Partora. I ask that you respect their decision, and understand that it was not made out of a desire to deny Perdan, but rather because the Vixen people wished to keep alive a portion of their culture and heritage. I also ask that you remember that part of their terms during their merger with Perleone were that Perleone continue to support Perdan against the Northern realms. The Vixen people spent the last bit of political leverage at their disposal on behalf of the people of Perdan, so I am sure you can see that this relationship was very meaningful to them, and this is not a decision that they made lightly, nor is their desire to keep Partora born of selfish motives.

This being said, I understand your frustrations, and would like to help, if possible. Firstly - we do not yet know the status of the Northern War. I still believe it is likely to erupt again, with King Gray back in command in Eponllyn. If it does, I believe Westmoor would be an ideal city for Perdan to expand towards, and I would be willing to put my full effort behind such an endevour. Secondly, we have Akesh Temple, a stronghold that is ideally positioned as the second gateway between North and South, after Bescanon. Controlling this castle, besides it's strategic value, would allow Perdan to sustain further knights. Thirdly, Domus - the new capital of Caligus, through which King Rowan has attempted to influence Southern politics and interfere with our alliance. Under our Pact of Brotherhood, I would be willing to support Perdan's territorial expansion in any of these areas, all feats we can credibly accomplish together.

Finally- as you have mentioned Semall, I will say this - our planned abandonment of the city is in order to fulfill the wishes of the gods, not because we wish to- and while we shall leave now, Perleoni claims remain, and we do plan to protect the city even while it may be rogue. That being said, if you so desire, I am willing to also consider a transfer to Perdan, although I acknowledge that the geography of the region makes this solution less than ideal - hence my personal preference for the options noted above.

Strength and Honor,

Gaheris Camlann

King of Perleone

Royal of Perleone

Kay Peregrine

King of Perdan

Royal of Perdan