Blint Family/Vahanian

From BattleMaster Wiki


The Early Years:

Vahanian Blint, brother to Leatho and Lillian. He began his career as a noble in Madina, but quickly joined the realm of Aurvandil. After proving himself a capable commander and natural leader he was appointed Duke of the Margrivate of Tower Fatmilak and named the Arbiter of Justice. He spent many years in these positions, but eventually, the weight of war and the combined forces of the enemies of Aurvandil led him to leave Dwilight in shame. He spent several years as a reaver, pirate, and mercenary until he met Katerina. He fell in love with her immediately and she with him.

Life in the North:

He gave up his ignoble ways for her and made a home for them in the North of Beluterra, among the people of Thalmarkin. He spent years with her, serving as a lord of the Wailing Woods and a protector of its people. During the 6th Daimon invasion of Beluterra, he took command of a large force of Thalmarkin soldiers. They proved to be extremely effective in combat, and with wills made of iron. In an attempt to destroy him, a Daimon Warband kidnapped Katerina, and Vahanian's firstborn daughter, Ellaria. Vahanian was soon captured as well, he spent weeks at the hands of the Daimons, as did his family. They did not survive imprisonment. When Vahanian escaped, he and 10 other Northmen hunted that Warband for months. Eventually finding it and Vahanian killed its leader in battle. After the invasion ended, Vahanian secluded himself from the world, sequestering himself away in the northern mountains of Thalmarkin.

A New Oath:

Vahanian had been growing tired of the internal politics in Thalmarkin, he felt the ruling council had lost sight of the true vision and purpose of the Northernmost realm on Beluterra. When he heard his older brother and only living sibling, Leatho had sworn himself and their family to House JeVondair, Vahanian was intrigued. He soon learned that there was a southern Queen, a Rania Eastersand JeVondair, whom had issued a call to arms for any nobles looking for a life to dedicate themselves to. With the loss of his family, and his waning patience for the politics of Thalmarkin, Vahanian answered the call. He was soon after tasked with Traveling to the Shattered Vales and establishing a foothold there alongside a man he'd never met. Kethan D'Espana. At their first meeting the two men established a friendship that would persist through time and distance.

Baptism By Fire:

Grief Devours Reason

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint Message sent to all nobles in Rines (9 recipients) - 15 days, 22 hours, 53 minutes ago

Vahanian waited on the sands of the arena. This particular arena was one that he'd ordered constructed during his time as steward and all the workers in this section were rather fond of him. They afforded him private use of their sands whenever he asked.

Today Vahanian felt neutral. His emotions had been in flux since Stheno's death, most days he was submerged beneath the waves of grief and pain, but today he felt oddly in control. Perhaps the anticipation of friendly competition with an old friend was lifting his spirits. Vahanian saw a figure approach from the other side of the Arena, he recognized the outline as Kethan and then he began his pre-match ritual. He crouched down and picked up a handful of the sand from the arena and smelled it, breathing in the scent of the grains. He rubbed his hands together letting the sand fall between his palms and back to the ground, before clapping once and removing any excess sand.

He stood, he was slightly taller than average at about 6 feet high, he wore a sleeveless, form fitting tunic. His arms were decorated with the tell tale signs of a swordsmen. Scattered white scars of mistakes and battles won and lost adorned his muscles. His hair was tied back in a loose braid with a black sateen ribbon. He wore dark trousers and leather boots. A weapon rack was off to the side that held an assortment of weaponry.

Kethan approached and bowed his head to Vahanian. "Good to see you, my friend." Vahanian bowed his head and responded in kind. He gestured to the weapon rack and allowed Kethan to select his weapon first. Vahanian was a bit surprised that Kethan went for the short sword. Vahanian towered over his friend by nearly a foot, he had a greater reach and he hadn't been frail and close to death a few days ago.

The thought of Kethan's recovery brought back a flood of emotions, Vahanian fought them with all his might. He fought the irrationality that crept into his brain. He hated the irrational, it had no place here, it only served to cause things to be unorganized and disorderly. Vahanian hated those things, but despite his best efforts he couldn't keep a thought from pervading his mind, he couldn't help but think that if not for Kethan, Stheno might still be alive. He walked over to the weapon rack and grabbed twin short swords. He wasn't in full control of himself and that only fueled his anger.

The two friends squared off. With a practiced eye Vahanian read the battle on Kethan, he could smell it, taste it, hear it. Today it sung of cowardice. Today it tasted of neutrality. Today it smelled of caution. Today it looked like fear.

The arbiter of the match called the start and Vahanian launched his attack. Baldwin watched in great anticipation. He loved watching his master fight. With short swords Vahanian usually started slow, but today was different. Baldwin was shocked at the aggressiveness of Vahanian's attacks. Kethan held his own, for a time. But the sheer force and onslaught of Vahanian's attacks were causing him to tire. There was a moment when it appeared as though Vahanian had overextended himself, and Kethan was surprisingly fast. He countered and slashed at Vahanian. The clang of steel was the first indicator of who was going to win.

Kethan had chosen short swords because he thought speed would be his advantage. He clearly didn't know Vahanian's own personal affinity for short swords. They were, arguably, his favorite and best weapon, and it showed. Kethan and Vahanian locked blades for a brief moment, until Vahanian kicked Kethan square in the chest. Launching the man backwards. He recovered well, which spoke volumes to his experience as a soldier. But Vahanian was not deterred. He moved in while Kethan was still on his knees, and batted away his sword. Vahanian moved past Kethan and slashed downwards, harder than he'd meant to and cut deeper than he meant to. Kethan grunted and fell forward. The Arbiter called the match Vahanian's victory, but as soon as Vahanian saw the blood pooling on the sand, he felt like anything but a victor.

The Arbiter rushed forward and Vahanian was still in the throws of his emotions. This time he was overcome with shame and dishonor. He leveled his blade at the Arbiter, the point just touching his throat and through gritted teeth said "I will see to him." The Arbiter swallowed, hands outstretched to show he meant no harm and backed away.

"Baldwin! The Healers!" Vahanian barked. Baldwin nodded and hurried off. Vahanian knelt next to his unconscious friend and lowered his head. mumbling under his breath. He cut a strip of tunic off with a blade and wrapped it as tightly as he could around Kethan's torso, giving him a makeshift bandage. "Forgive me, old friend. I'm not yet myself." Vahanian whispered to Kethan.

Roleplay from Kethan D'Espana

(Personal message to Vahanian Blint) - 10 days, 23 hours, 17 minutes ago

It was the day.

When sunrise came, Kethan was already preparing himself. Today was the day he would be fighting Vahanian for the first time. The past few weeks since Stheno's death had been a roller coaster of emotions, ebbing and flowing between the downs of reflection and memories and the ups of excitement and challenges since he had been chosen Grand Inquisitor.

Once he was ready, he took a deep breath and began walking towards the arena where Vahanian had suggested to meet. It was very early, but the streets of Rines were already alive with the movement of peasants, traders and artisans as they got ready to begin their work. He had no problem finding the fighting grounds, and he saw his old friend waiting for him when he entered the place.

As he walked towards him, he saw Vahanian crouching and picking some sand, probably some sort of ritualistic preparation for the match. He waited for him to finish, and closed his eyes to mentally prepare as well. When he opened them, Vahanian was already standing up, and Kethan's anticipation for the fight began waning a little. Vahanian was much taller than him, at least a foot if not more, and the old man was considerably heavier and more robust as well. He knew that, of course, but he hadn't had to fight him before, and he could feel his nerves flaring up when considering the likely outcome of the match. It didn't help to know the reputation Vahanian had, a proficient master of the blade and probably much more skilled than he was after so many years without practicing.

Kethan couldn't also avoid looking at Vahanian's arms, covered in the many scars of previous fights. He had his fair share of battle marks, most of them coming from Daimons during the last Invasion, but he had to admit that he felt intimidated. He had chosen a relatively tight tunic as well, dark green in color, for it was his favorite, as well as dark brown trousers and light leather boots, all properly fitted. Trying to regain control of his emotions, he bowed his head to Vahanian and greeted him, with Vahanian replying in kind. He then turned to the weapon rack and immediately went for a particularly light shortsword, which seemed to surprise Vahanian somewhat. Kethan had been considering it, and given the size difference and greater reach of his opponent, he had decided that speed would be his best asset on this match.

He was also surprised when his friend picked dual shortswords, and he wondered what was in Vahanian's mind. It was a very unusual choice, and it required a lot of skill to properly pull through. However, he quickly lost that train of thought when he looked at Vahanian's eyes.

Anger. There was anger in those eyes, and a promise for pain and a swift ending. If that was part of Vahanian's battle mask to intimidate his opponents even more, he could definitely feel it working. He shuffled his weight between his feet, feeling uncomfortable and not sure anymore about the battle. His fighting stance was a dead give away of his chosen tactic for the match, a very neutral and conservative style to simply know Vahanian through the duel. When the arbiter called the start, he barely reacted in time.

Vahanian launched himself like a wounded lion, his strikes just as fast and powerful as Kethan had feared. He was sweating to simply hold his position, and did not dare to even attack for fear of missing a parry. That was why, when Vahanian overextended himself, he launched a punishment strike as fast as his muscles would allow him.

But it wasn't fast enough. Kethan didn't know if Vahanian had tricked him or if his recovery had just been exceptionally swift, but there wasn't much else he could do now but watch. He watched, too slow and weak to react in time, as Vahanian's kick launched him backwards to the ground. He watched, still trying to get on his feet, as Vahanian batted away his sword. He watched, defenseless, as his friend moved past him and slashed downwards, cutting deep in a curve from behind his left shoulder all the way to the side of his lower ribs. With a grunt of pain, Kethan fell forward, darkness coming to welcome him as he embraced his unconsciousness.

When he woke up, his wound bandaged and already under the care of the healers, Kethan could not help but wonder why Vahanian had behaved like that. Goosebumps came when he considered the possibility that it may have been intentional, and he felt the room spin around, covered in sweat, for the many nights it took his wound to become yet another scar.

Balance Returns

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint

Message sent to everyone in Rines (12 recipients) - 21 days, 1 hour, 58 minutes ago

Vahanian still felt bad about the last time he'd met Kethan on the sands. He'd lost control, he'd been off balance, and emotional. He was still grieving, still in pain from the death of his ward, but he was much more in control. Much more reserved. He'd been spending a lot of time in the Arcane libraries beneath the temples. He'd been studying magic tirelessly for the last few weeks. Reading everything and anything he could. He shook his head. "Here and now." he muttered to himself. He took a breath. Began his pre-match ritual once more and waited. Kethan approached and looked nervous.

"My friend." Vahanian said, bowing his head. It wasn't in his nature to apologize, but he sincerely hoped Kethan could understand how much Vahanian regretted wounding his friend. Kethan responded in greeting and Vahanian wondered what thoughts swam behind his friends nearly hazel eyes.

Vahanian indicated to the weapon rack and Kethan walked over, selecting a Hand-and-a-half sword. Something with longer reach and better defensive capabilities. Vahanian raised an eyebrow, not really surprised by the choice, but intrigued. He himself walked over and picked up a Halberd, testing the weight and balance, he put it back, dissatisfied with something, Kethan could only guess at.

Kethan's eyes narrowed and if Vahanian had any doubts that Kethan would fight defensively before, those doubts had now been crushed. He walked back and forth before the weapon rack, and finally selected a rapier and a buckler shield. Vahanian hated shields, but it'd been too long since he'd practiced with one.

The Arbiter was about to call a start to the match when Vahanian raised a hand and said "First blood drawn on the torso, or first to yield." Kethan nodded his agreement to the win conditions and then the Arbiter rung the bell.

Vahanian didn't move. he stood, sideways, facing Kethan, his rapier's point planted in the sand in front of him. A light breeze picked up and billowed out at the fringes of his tunic and trousers. Kethan likewise didn't move. Vahanian smiled, he wanted Kethan to attack, wanted to see how the man moved. He'd been too aggressive in their previous fight and wasn't able to get a measure of the man. Eventually, it became clear Kethan was nervous. Vahanian advanced slowly, defensively. Throwing out the occasional attack to get Kethan to respond. His parry's and counters were technically perfect. Gradually Vahanian picked up the speed as did Kethan. Eventually both men settled into a rhythm, Vahanian felt himself relax as the music of battle overtook his senses. This truly became a display of mastery from both men. Vahanian felt Kethan relax a little as well, he was still defensive and guarded, but he began to loosen as they fought.

Kethan threw a strike at Vahanian and he caught it on the edge of his shield, the metal rim cracking and the sword burrowing into the wood. Vahanian threw his weight away from Kethan and disarmed him. He dislodged the sword from the shield and discarded the shield. Tossing the blade back to his friend, he grinned and settled into a low stance. They began again and the sound of steel clanging against steel echoed throughout the arena, several exchanges later and Vahanian had slipped inside Kethan's guard, he lightly raked his blade against Kethan's torso, just enough to draw blood, before spinning out and leveling his blade towards Kethan. He had judged the strike perfectly, it was as deep as he'd intended - which wasn't very deep. It would heal nicely, and probably wouldn't even scar. The Arbiter called the match in Vahanian's favor and he nodded to his friend. "Well fought, but you fight afraid, and that makes you stiff and slow. Next time." Vahanian said, it was a critique, but also a challenge. He was interested to see how Kethan would respond in their next bought.

– Vahanian Blint

Roleplay from Kethan D'Espana

(Personal message to Vahanian Blint) - 17 days, 20 hours, 42 minutes ago

When Kethan woke up for the second match against Vahanian, he was very, very tempted to simply skip on his compromise, sending a courier with apologies and very believable excuses to the arena on his behalf. He was this close to doing so, but finally got up slowly and carefully, his left side and underside of the shoulder still tender and sore from the last encounter. He couldn't believe Vahanian had gone so hard on him, particularly so out of the blue. And those eyes...

When he arrived to the arena, his pace was considerably slower than the first time. He had even arrived a few minutes late, and tried to greet his friend without showing his nervousness. It probably didn't work.

When he saw Vahanian performing his ritual, he carefully studied the man. He seemed to be somewhat different to the last time, but he could not put a finger on what was it exactly that had changed. When both of them crossed their eyes, he thought he could see a hint of something familiar. Was it remorse? It certainly looked like it.

Still, he didn't completely trust Vahanian as he motioned towards the weapon rack, and he knew what he was going to pick even before his hand closed around the handle of the hand-and-a-half sword. Speed was out of the question, he needed to defend himself from Vahanian's attack. He had considered a shield, but didn't dare to take the loss in visibility and reflexes that would imply. No, a defensive longsword would have to suffice, and he prayed to Obeah that it would be enough to stop Vahanian, at least for a little while.

He watched uneasy as his friend picked different weapons, one of which he wasn't even familiar with. When he picked a halberd, Kethan's eyes narrowed, his mind working at full capacity to imagine all of the disastrous wounds Vahanian could cause him with the polearm. His friend finally settled on a rapier and a buckler shield, and Kethan sighed audibly at the final choice. The shield would make things even harder and the rapier could be a problem, but severe injuries were less likely with the light weapon.

The Arbiter was about to call a start to the match when Vahanian raised a hand and said "First blood drawn on the torso, or first to yield." Kethan nodded his agreement to the win conditions and then the Arbiter rung the bell.

Kethan waited for Vahanian to move. He needed to be ready for the blinding dash of fury and destruction, and he focused as much as he could while trying to resist the urge to retreat. The painful reminder of the last time made itself known in a burst of cold pain, and he could feel it affecting his balance and overall posture. He shifted his weight and realigned himself to cover his left side, the tip of the sword low, both hands on the handle, ready to lift it at a moment's notice.

But Vahanian didn't move. A light breeze picked up, Vahanian's smile inviting him to attack and a clear sign that he was controlling himself this time, but the memories of the last humiliation and the wounds received were still far too fresh for Kethan to feel comfortable. Finally, Vahanian advanced slowly, defensively. Throwing out the occasional attack to get Kethan to respond, though he only managed to get very precise parrys and counters. Gradually Vahanian picked up the speed, as did Kethan. And then, before he knew it, they were fighting.

It was not an equal fight, nor was it a long one, or a particularly memorable one from an objetive point of view. But, this time, they were fighting, Kethan exchanging timid blows and still extremely defensive, relaxing little by little as Vahanian allowed him to really feel the pace of the duel. He could feel it, he wanted to follow, yet still restrained himself in fear of aggravating his wound or receiving a new one. Still, he could feel himself relaxing, and he could also feel much of Vahanian's appreciation and non-verbal apology through the mutual language of the sword.

(Part 1/2)

But everything that begins has to end at some point. Kethan threw a strike at Vahanian and he caught it on the edge of his shield, the metal rim cracking and the sword burrowing into the wood. Vahanian threw his weight away from Kethan and disarmed him, and the smaller man quickly stepped back in anticipation of the punishment strike. However, Vahanian dislodged the sword from the shield and discarded the shield, tossing the blade back to his friend with a grin as he settled into a low stance. That was when Kethan knew for sure that his friend was back, and that whatever the demon was he had fought the other day, it was no more inside Vahanian. Cracking up in laughter as the tension within was released, they began again, and after several exchanges Vahanian had slipped inside Kethan's guard, lightly raking his blade against Kethan's torso just enough to draw blood. The strike was perfectly calculated, and it was a very superficial wound that barely even hurt.

The Arbiter called the match in Vahanian's favor and he nodded to his friend.

- "Well fought, but you fight afraid, and that makes you stiff and slow. Next time."

It was a critique, but also a challenge. Kethan understood immediately the message, and felt greatly relieved after seeing the man he had known for so many years come to the surface again. So afraid, huh? Stiff and slow? That remained to be seen.

- "Just your previous reminder over here preventing me to fight to my full potential, dear Vahanian." - he said, making a quick gesture to his left side. "I will travel shortly to Bym and later on to Brovyl, for both need of my office to hold court over those lordless lands. I will take that time to heal and reflect on what you have taught me. Once I am back, we will fight again. And then I shall show you how a D'Espana wields the sword!"

He nodded back, and let out a small smile.

- "Until then, take care, my friend. Glad to have you back."

(Part 2/2)

– Kethan D'Espana

Fight To Win

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint - 5 days, 6 hours, 14 minutes ago

Training Match

(Personal message) - 3 days, 8 hours, 42 minutes ago Kethan D'Espana, Grand Inquisitor of Obia'Syela, Count of Melegra meets his challenger Vahanian Blint, Duke of Amen Telum, Margrave of Grehk, Priest of Heralds of Obeah for the agreed training match. Vahanian has decided to use the 'trick moves' strategy while Kethan has chosen the 'aggressive' strategy, giving Kethan the advantage.

After a series of blows, Vahanian wins the training match.

Vahanian stood on the sands of the arena awaiting his friend. He saw Kethan approach and he crouched and began his ritual. He could feel his friend waiting patiently and respectfully for him to finish. He could feel the curiosity in the air as Kethan no doubt studied Vahanian's ritual and wondered after it's purpose.

Vahanian finished and rose to his full height, he nodded and smiled at his friend in greeting before gesturing towards the weapon rack. Kethan walked over and grabbed a short sword, satisfied with the weight and balance he took up his ready position. Vahanian walked over and knew his weapon before selecting it. It was a hand-and-a-half sword. He considered a shield, but decided against it.

He removed his cloak and took up his ready position. Kethan's eyes immediately shot down to Vahanian's right arm, and the tattoo of a large wolf standing over a young panther protectively. Ever the inquisitor, he asked "My friend, if I may inquire as to the meaning and source of your tattoo..?" Vahanian's face went somber for a moment and then he said "Win, and I'll tell you." Kethan grinned and nodded, a look in his eye intrigued Vahanian. He filed it away for future analysis.

The arbiter called the match a start and Kethan launched an aggressive attack against Vahanian. He grinned, "You've been training." Vahanian called out. Kethan continued his attacks, he was fast, much faster than Vahanian had expected. However, Vahanian quickly felt the battle rhythm, it was familiar. He realized it was a lot of technical strikes and techniques from the academy. "Mistake." he thought to himself. He grinned and decided to have a little fun with his friend. As Kethan launched into his forms, Vahanian called them out. "Ford's crossing. Twin Boulders. Dancing Blade?! Ah Heart's folly! Severed Branch. Annnnd there is Graceful Retreat!" He could see Kethan getting flustered. He danced around him and gradually began extending the distance, limiting the effectiveness of Kethan's speed and short sword.

Vahanian began throwing a lot of feints and using tricks of the blade to confuse and irritate Kethan. Kethan rushed forward in a surge of adrenaline and speed, trying to catch Vahanian off-guard. Vahanian had waited and just as quickly, dropped and spun his leg around, sweeping Kethan's feet from under him. He bounced up and dashed over to his friend, and quickly cut a 'V' into his chest, just enough to draw blood, like the last time they fought the wound was superficial and wouldn't scar.

Kethan's eyes were a mixture of adrenaline fueled anger and confusion. Vahanian grinned and offered a hand. "Fight's are rarely fair. You fight with too much honor. Your speed is good, but you're too technical, too predictable. The Swordmasters don't know everything. Use their teachings as a guide, but fight nimbly here." He pointed to Kethan's head and said "As well as here." and clasped his shoulder.

Vahanian put his weapon away and again grew somber. "It's for her." he said, gesturing to his tattoo. "I got the scar protecting her and it only seemed fitting to dedicate it to her." Kethan nodded, his face clearly showing his humble appreciation and the love he too shared for Stheno. "She'd have loved it." Kethan said gently. Vahanian nodded and then cleared his throat and started to leave as he passed his friend he said "Stop using shortswords. You rely on the speed too much, it makes you predictable."

– Vahanian Blint

Roleplay from Kethan D'Espana

Message sent to everyone in Rines (10 recipients) - 4 days, 19 hours, 23 minutes ago

When Kethan arrived to the arena for the third match against his friend, he was feeling much better and far more relaxed than in any of the two previous encounters. Yes, he had lost in both of them, and yes, the first one had seen him receiving a deep wound that still mildly bothered him to this day, but this time he had actually properly prepared for the encounter and was looking forward to it. His friend was already there, and he began his ritual to prepare himself, as he had done all the previous times. Kethan did so as well, closing his eyes and breathing deeply to focus on the upcoming fight. He would have to ask Vahanian one of these days about the ritual and his meaning, but this was not the right time.

Even before Vahanian gestured towards the weapon rack, Kethan already know what he would do. It would be a shortsword, fast and nimble like no other weapon in his hands. He still was convinced that speed was the key to defeat Vahanian. His friend had the size, the weight, the reach, the strenght and the experience, but he himself had trained for his entire life with speed as the key to ensure victory. Shorter than most, swift movements were his best weapons against usually larger opponents.

Vahanian chose a hand-and-a-half sword, lethal in his hands, but Kethan would not let his friend intimidate him today. His muscles were still tender from all the training in the academy, and he was dying to put them to good use. Then, when Vahanian got ready to fight and he was about to begin the duel, he saw the tattoo on his right arm as he put his cloak aside. Was it... a wolf? And that was... a panther?

A deep shiver crawled over his skin, all the way from the base of his neck to the toes of his feet. He asked about it immediately, but Vahanian challenged him to win in order to learn the answer. Something in his face told him that he already knew the answer. Shaking his head to shield himself from strange thoughts that began creeping on his mind, he filed it away for future analysis. Very well, he would win and force Vahanian to tell him.

When the arbiter signaled for the beginning of the match, Kethan launched himself immediately on the offensive, putting to good use his recently learnt movements in a quite aggressive display of furious strikes. However, Vahanian was not caught by surprise. When the old devil started calling his moves, sometimes even before he himself had decided which one to use, he started to feel the pressure. This was not he had imagined the fight going, and he could already feel his stamina depleting after the very intense start of the fighting cadence. Vahanian was tiring him out, and doing so extremely effectively, with lots of parries, dodges and feints that consumed far less energy than Kethan was using with his deep thrusts and lightning-fast strikes.

It was then that Vahanian started to put even more space between them, thus completely negating Kethan's attempts to attack through his staunch defense and superior reach, and using even more trick moves in an attempt to confuse and irritate him. But Kethan was not going to allow his friend get away from his defeat this time. Third time's the charm, and he was here to prove Vahanian that he was a good fighter himself. Waiting until the proper moment, Kethan sprung forward in an impressive surge of adreline and speed, that would have surely overpowered a less experienced opponent.

But not Vahanian. Instead of parrying or dodging the savage combination of blows, which would have been a challenge even for him, he simply dropped and spun his leg around, thus dropping Kethan to the floor and promptly ending the fight with a quick "V" on Kethan's chest. The younger man felt the shock running through his brain, almost offended that Vahanian hadn't let him finish his maneuver. It was a fantastic combo he had just mastered not even a week ago! The instructor had fallen under his blows every single time he had tried it. How could Vahanian have done that? Such a low blow, such a filthy tactic for such an experienced swordsmaster as him...

Kethan barely managed to listen to Vahanian's advice, blood still rushing through his veins in a deeply unsatisfied manner for the abrupt ending of the fight. Finally accepting Vahanian's hand, he got a look on his new tattoo again, and he felt the same deep shiver he had felt at the beginning of the fight. His anger suddenly forgotten, he listened to Vahanian's explanation, and nodded in the appreciation for the gesture to her beloved former pupil. He could feel a knot on his throat and a heavy weight in his heart, and simply stated that Stheno would have loved the tattoo. He did not feel ready to say anything else, nor was it needed.

Vahanian nodded, and gave Kethan the last bit of advice of the day before passing him and walking away. Kethan followed him soon after. Next time.

– Kethan D'Espana

Ecstasy In Grehk

You carefully work the ritual inscribed on your scroll of Ecstasy.

You carefully perform the ritual described on the scroll, and when it finishes, you wait expectantly for something to happen. Nothing seems to. Disappointed, you clean up the area where you performed the ritual and start to head home, when you pass a comely peasant, and feel a sudden stirring of lust. By the time you have made it back, you have seen—and heard—many unmistakable signs that the scroll is working.

Population Boom in Grehk just in Your seneschal brings you word of an inexplicable population boom in Grehk. 689 babies have apparently been born recently.

– Ecstasy Spell Casting

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint

Message sent to all nobles of Obia'Syela (36 recipients) - just in

Vahanian could feel the magic emanating from the scroll case he carried. It made his arm, and tattoo tingle. He walked through the halls of the White Citadel until he came to the stair that led to the rooftop gardens. He wound his way through the carefully tended paths and found the outcrop of the garden where he'd tried spell-casting once before. He was entirely alone, save for his chief advisor, Baldwin, who stood back and said nothing. He was a little more familiar with the process this time around, having witnessed the Oracle handle more magic than he though possible and still demand more.

He lit the braziers with the torch, discarding it in the fourth brazier and readied himself. He removed his thick cloak and placed the scroll case in front of him. He studied it, mentally picking it up and examining it in his mind. He wanted to do this right, the people of Grehk needed this. He remembered Rania starting to sing, and he remembered her voice guided his own to the right resonance. He tried that again, only it didn't feel right, didn't feel the same. He was about to proceed anyway when something deep within his mind stopped him. He needed to focus. He drew his sword and sat down, taking a whetstone and running it along the blade in a careful and methodical manner. The sound of the stone on the steel was oddly calming to him, the sound it made resonated with him, he began to try to match the tone with his own humming. When he felt he was hitting the right resonance with both whetstone and humming he closed his eyes, and reached out with his mind, his will, and his spirit. He could feel himself reach out towards the scroll, and was suddenly thrown about in the tumultuous storm of sounds and resonances, it was too much, to messy. He couldn't find the order to it. He relaxed, and let go. Retreating, in his mind, back to the whetstone and his humming.

He just relaxed, waiting, for the right resonance to come. He decided to take the scroll from it's case, but not unfurl it just yet. Looking at the magic infused parchment he was filled with memories, emotions, and pain. It made him think of Stheno. His heartbeat quickened and he could feel his face redden with anger and sadness. He didn't fight the emotion. He let it in, but slowly, methodically, and carefully. In his mind, he placed each emotion in his place. The ferocity of his anger, the pain of his sadness, the rawness of his regret.

He gripped the hilt of his sword tighter until his knuckles went white, and he hummed. Then it hit him all at once, the power of the magic swarmed to his call, but not as sound. As color. He saw the hues of red, and pink, and orange, and undertones of blue. He stood and grabbed the scroll with his left hand and holding onto his sword with his right. He began reciting the enchantment, each word sparked a different color in his mind, Orange, pink, red, blue, red, red, red, pink, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, orange, pink, pink, orange, orange, blue, blue and finally. White.

He pierced the scroll with his blade as he recited the last enchantment and it burst into flames. He slammed it to the stones he stood upon and held it there. Concentrating on the emotions and the colors that flooded his mind. Willing them into and through his body. His tattoo burned, his vision went white as he became the focal point for the magic that swirled around him. He released that energy directing out and up and over his beloved city, he choked out a sob as the last of the energy released from his body and he gasped for air. The scroll sputtered out, charred and expended, and Vahanian was filled with a sense of failure. He grew weary, and felt totally drained. He needed food, and he needed sleep. As he stood, sheathed his sword and started the trek back to his chambers, he wandered through the halls of the White Citadel. He needed to think before he rested.

As he walked through the halls of the citadel, he started to feel at peace. It was subtle. He relaxed a bit more, and turned a corner he very clearly got the smell of lilies and lavender. It reminded him of Katerina. He kept wandering through the halls and as he turned back towards his chambers, he caught sight of her standing in the doorway, beckoning him to join him in their chambers. He felt his heart skip a beat, as he saw her in all her beauty. The curls of her black hair, the shinning emerald green eyes that made him feel totally vulnerable and totally safe at the same time. The sweet, pure innocent joy in her laugh, and the nearly blinding brilliance and infectiousness of her smile. He was filled with so much love, so much desire, and so much longing for her. She faded from view and he turned around looking for her not ready for her to leave. He turned back towards his chamber doors, but she was gone. He was faced with just the sturdy oak door and the joys of his memories of her.

– Vahanian Blint