Mir-Ashtan Family/Kiran

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Kiran stands at around 5ft 7in in height, his eyes are deep amber in colouration alongside golden blonde hair with hints of dark red within, surprisingly though given his regular travelling he seems to remain incredibly pale and not tanning with expose to the sun. His physique is dominated by his slim shoulder line which makes him seem relatively small in regards to width, though with his current levels of activity, he keeps himself incredibly fit and seems to lack much if any fat and seems to have a minimal amount of scaring on his skin.

While out of campaign, he will allow his hair to grow out those who encounter him will generally find him while he is on campaign with longer hair, generally ending with it being tied back and a beard that doesn't seem to grow much further than a few mm from his skin.

While in astute studies however, he tends to shave completely and shave his hair down to a near bald leaving his hair near a stubble equivalent to the maximum his facial hair seems to reach while on campaign.

Previous Units: Milvanian Shieldborn (Infantry) - Captain Flavonia (F) - Unit Devastated During the Battle of Matten Dews - Spring/Summer

Ember Helms (Mixed Infantry) - Captain Sevonina (F) - Unit Devastated During Vanguard Operations in Grodno - Autumn

Ember Helms (Mixed Infantry) - Captain Ludwig (M) - Unit became Askileon Militia as Kiran Left for the West - Summer

Mercenary Light Cavalry (Cavalry) - Captain Ernst (M) - Unit eliminated during scouting operations against Westgard at Golden Farrow - Summer

Reserve Skirmishers (Mixed Infantry) - Captain Lodwig (M) - Unit became militia in Cairin Tut - Autumn

White Ravens (Infantry) - Captain Gerolf (M) -

Important Events:

Kiran takes up the Vacant Lordship in Nid Tek as a caretake in the Autumn of ... (12/03/2019 RLT)