Luria Nova/History of the Monarchs of Luria Nova

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History of the Monarchs of Luria Nova

By Donald Augustus Allan
With contributions from His Imperial Majesty Aldrakar Renodin

List of Lurian Monarchs

Royal Lurian Monarchs

Name Portrait Claim Dethronement Other titles
Fulco D'Este
1st King of Luria Nova
History luria fulco deste.jpg
Duke of Giask
(Title Obselete)
Amaury Capet
2nd King of Luria Nova
History luria amaury capet.jpg
Overthrown in favour of
Rickhart Haerthorne
Duke of Askileon
(Title Obselete)
Rickhart Haerthorne
3rd King of Luria Nova
History luria rickhart.jpg
Elected following the rebellion against Amaury Capet
Death by D'Haran Pox
Tybalt Crusader
4th King of Luria Nova
History luria tybalt.jpg
Overthrown in favour of
Fulco D'Este and subsequently
Alice Arundel

Imperial Lurian Monarchs

Following the deposition of King Tybalt Crusader, Alice Arundel was elected Queen of Luria Nova. She took up the title of Empress, thereby founding the Hegemony of Luria Nova.

Name Portrait Claim Reign Other Titles
Alice Arundel
1st Suzerain Empress of Luria Nova
History luria alice3.png
Elected Queen of Luria Nova
Founded the Hegemony of Luria Nova
Queen of Luria Nova
(Title Obselete)
"The Conqueror"
Alanna Anaris
2nd Suzerain Empress of Luria Nova
History luria alanna.jpg
Queen of Moon Hall
Seoras Madigan Nifelleisca
3rd Suzerain Emperor of Luria Nova
History luria seo.jpg
Abdicated, Founded the Religion of
Ecclesial Sanguiastroism
Prophet of Ecclesial Sanguiastroism
"The Young"
Sholan A'Valti
4th Suzerain Emperor of Luria Nova
History luria sholan.jpg
King of Sky Hall
Aldrakar Renodin
5th Suzerain Emperor of Luria Nova
History luria aldrakar.jpg
King of Sky Hall
"King of Rangers"
"The Wise"
Zajar Essenhorn
6th Suzerain Emperor of Luria Nova
History luria zajar.jpg
Aldrakar Renodin
5th Suzerain Emperor of Luria Nova
Second Reign
History luria aldrakar.jpg
King of Earth Hall
"King of Rangers"
"The Wise"

Reigns of the Kingdom of Luria Nova

Fulco D'Este

Amaury Capet

Rickhart Haerthorne

Tybalt Crusader

Reigns of the Hegemony of Luria Nova

Alice Arundel

Alanna Anaris

Seoras Madigan Nifelleisca

Sholan A'Valti

Aldrakar Renodin

Zajar Essenhorn

Aldrakar Renodin, Second Reign