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Because it is going to be very hard to change we should decide right now which style we will use. Are we going to have the equivalent of an article in each cateogry, or should the categories simply point to articles. Right now, I am leaning towards the former. For example, the Realm page is a redirect to Category:Realm. On the Category:Realm page, we can write an article about realms, what they are and how they work. By using the cateogry page, below the article, we automatically have links to all of the subcategories of Category:Realm and as well as articles about that category. -- Nicholas July 20, 2005 03:35 (CEST)

I'm also in favor of the former (having pages redirect to the Category pages), but it might be worth sleeping on it to let others have a chance to weigh in. --Dolohov 20 July 2005 03:44 (CEST)


We should probably create redirects for all of the categories. Basically, it works like this. The Realm Page is changed so it contains only this one line:

#REDIRECT [[:Category:Realm]]

This means that any links to the Realm page will automatically be redirected to Category:Realm. -- Nicholas July 20, 2005 03:00 (CEST)


Here's the organization idea I'm kicking around now. It's divided into three major parts

  • Economy
    • Gold, Bonds, Taxes
    • Food
      • Weather
      • Trading
      • Starvation
      • Warehouses
  • People
    • Families
    • Characters
      • Classes
        • Soldier, Hero, Cavalier, Bureaucrat, Trader, Infiltrator, Mentor
      • Communication
        • Roleplaying
      • Command
        • Region Command, Ruler, Banker, General, Judge
      • Tournaments
      • Death
    • Social Contract
  • Places
    • Islands
      • Atamara, East Island, ...
    • Realms
    • Realm Types
      • Tyranny, Monarchy, ...
    • Regions
      • Travel
      • Region Upkeep
  • War
    • Units
      • Infantry, Archers, Mixed Infantry, Cavalry, Special Forces
      • Line Settings
      • Paraphernalia
    • Battles
      • Fortifications
      • Hunting, Foraging, Looting
    • Diplomacy
    • Prison

This is just a first crack at it, but I think this gives us a good place for just about everything, and puts all the important stuff no more than three levels deep (anything more than that would not appear in the table of contents)

--Dolohov 20 July 2005 01:02 (CEST)

What if we made all of the upper levels into categories? That would make this system incredibly simple to implement. The only trick is that linking to a category requires an extra colon. e.g. [[:Category:Example]] -- Nicholas July 20, 2005 01:20 (CEST)

That would work, sure. --Dolohov 20 July 2005 01:38 (CEST)

While this looks like it will be a great catagorization system, I'm not sure if it should all go on the front page of the manual. The manual page should probably just link to the highlights, from which you can reach everything else. -- Nicholas July 20, 2005 01:40 (CEST)

I promoted economy to be a fourth major part, because it really doesn't seem to fit under Places. -- Nicholas July 20, 2005 01:48 (CEST)

In that case, the Economy section ought to be expanded (as above) --Dolohov 20 July 2005 02:00 (CEST)

I think that that might be too many sub-categories. Why not just stick everything in the category Economy? -- Nicholas July 20, 2005 02:05 (CEST)

My instinct is always going to be to have more sub-categories, rather than fewer. -- Dolohov
Actually, I didn't realize that you were actually creating Category:Foo for the different sub-levels. I'll work on that. --Dolohov 20 July 2005 02:15 (CEST)

Feel free to help me create the various categories. They all start at Category:Manual and branch out to the four main categories. If you use the ones I've already created as a model, it shouldn't be very hard. -- Nicholas July 20, 2005 02:07 (CEST)

I thought about it, but since you're obviously working on them, I didn't want to risk stepping on your toes (especially since I don't know what happens if two people try to create the same page at the same time) --Dolohov 20 July 2005 02:11 (CEST)

It has acutally already happend to me with this very page. It's called an edit conflict. Basically, it just shows you what you wrote, what the page was changed while you were writing and it says, ok, you figure this out. But don't worry about that, I'll be making supper for the next hour or so, so go wild. -- Nicholas July 20, 2005 02:19 (CEST)

P.S Happened a second time to me while writing this very message :-) -- Nicholas