Leroux Family

From BattleMaster Wiki
== The Leroux Family ==

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Origins The Leroux family originate from the Colonies, on the lands of South Bakker[[1]]. This family of assassins and infiltrators have produced skilled nobles that have spread throughout the lands, most of which have served as loyal knights to their respective realms. The first of its family, Davier is the current leader of the family of Assassins. The family has however had a few none-infiltrators of which the first was Bastien, the youngest deemed to be a hero in Swordfell and second Tyisha knight errant however such are rare cases.

The Leroux family doesn't believe that blood makes you family, such has been shown by another noble known as Goran being accepted to use the family name to honor the late Tyisha Leroux.


~Davier Leroux~ ~Fern Leroux~ ~Tyisha Leroux~ ~Nether Leroux~ ~Sarhee Leroux~ ~Bastien Leroux~ ~Goran Gabannus-Leroux~

Davier Leroux - The Eldest male of the family, Davier had always been a rebellious and care free and this continued onto his adulthood when he left his family in search of glory in other lands. Taking with him his loyal friends he took the first ship to the Colonies in search of the fame and glory, upon arrival he named his unit of Archers 'Leroux Hunters' and travelled to the Dark Citadel aided in the defence against an army of monsters, later he travelled to North and South Bakkar providing further aid with his soldiers. Upon returning to the Dark Citadel to recruit new men he would meet the hot-tempered Captain Volkhard. The eldest sibling would become a skilled infiltrator, serving with excessive pride for his 'art'. He eventually agreed to return to leading the family.

Bastien Leroux The youngest son of the Leroux Family, Bastien is a shy and anxious young man. Having suffered from the shame of his father the youngest of the Leroux has faithfully followed D'hara's orders and become one of its heros. During the Luria-D'hara war, Bastien became lost and unmotivated to continue the senseless fighting. He would travel to Swordfell, serving them quietly until he fell ill and went into retreat.

Celina Ferguin-Leroux Celina is the bastard child of Arnaud Leroux whom had an affair with a fishermens wife on a drunken night, Celina was brought up with the rest of her family however she was shunned by most expect Bastien whom simply treated her as his elder sister.

Tyisha Leroux She is a calm and well mannered lady whom has been trained by her brother Fern Leroux in the arts of using ones mind. She is careful to make her choices and will consider both sides of the argument, her ability to process matters within reason allowed her to make sense of the betrayal that occurred in Fallengard while her calm attituded gave her the patience's to survive the Fallengard Sieges. Once Fallengard was save and secure, she would travell as an errant knight and serve Vix for a short time before moving to Epponllyn to aid in its defense against Perdan and finally Oligarch were her fate remains unknown.

Nether Leroux A Mild mannered young man, Nether served Perdan until he followed his Duke and separated from Perdan creating Vix. He would serve quietly and without question on the front lines until Vix was safe from harm, alongside his sister he would travel to Oligarch and help in its defense against the growing threat of Sirion and her four allies that came knocking at their walls. He would later on be caught and deported to Dwilith, Westfold. He currently serves it, semi rogue due to his dislike of the current push and pull war were no progress has yet to be made.

Fern Leroux Coming from a torn family, Fern held to his principles. Of Order, peace and prosperity. He served with distinction in the war against Taselak and Ikkalak, serving as Marshal and aiding in bringing victory to Sandalak. He would later on survive the shattering of the war island and be granted the title of General.

Family code

Reborn from the ashes, we cast our shadows across the land for evermore.