Morlork Family

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Fear Our Charge

The Morlork family have lived on the east continent for many years until recently have they been accepted in to the world of nobility. They are indeed a strange lot from good hearted bureaucrat to a brave hero and in time they have done some rather interesting things in a short space of time. The Morlork Family is a group of Fmaily under the one.The current Head of the Family is Shalk Morlork,as he is the eldest.The Family is a group of clans.All Morlorks are highly superstitious taking many signs in to account of how they under stand things to happen. (ooc:Based of celtic tribes)

Shalk Morlork

(Senior Head of the Clan,No titles)

The pencil pusher of the family.He is the father of Kacher, Kolm Jacobite and Krayo. He started his career in the realm of Melhed.While on Dwlight he was a noble of Medina and help with the take over of Fiossia,becoming one of the first nobles of The Grand Duchy of Fiossia while he was there he helped in every take over soon becoming a kight to Samual,Earl of Libba.He left Fiossia because the constant fighting with monsters were having its tole on him.He is loyal to the Morlork Family and does not belief in betraying any one to save your own skin.He has returned to Fiossia.To which,him,Lord Phonos and Lord Mhkia expanded the Fissioan land.He was made lord of Maf and began a massive rebuilding project in the region. However, as his age caught up with him, he felt the urge to go on one last travel, he ended not to far as he only went to Barca, it is here where he served as a Lord Justice and as a senator of Ulitsa

He is currently in service of Barca.

Kacher Morlork

(Ex Count of Oporto, dead)

The hero of the family and the only Molork noble of the east continent.He has attacked Ashforth twice when it was Old Rangauga's capital,helped with the take over of Avmare,Taboast,Ordendorf and with The Sultan of Asena,which he was a noble of for a very short time helped with the take over of Salta,Kazan and Juazerio.

He is also responsible for spreading the An Najaf beer drinking festal in Dale by,getting drunk the first three days then 'playing' trick or treat for the last four days by breaking into wine sellers shop and stealing their liquor.He did enjoy it very much. Kacher keeps to himself most of the time and does not hold grudges for a long time,but not all the time.

He died fighting the democratic cause for Fontan while fighting in Csopa against Sirion.

Kolm Jackobite Morlork

(No Titles, Dead)

Many people have described him as a bit mad in the head because of his first week of duty in Perdan he was captured and was tortured, never leaving the young noble quiet the same.Since that day he never liked jail cells and would do any thing to escape them.After a while he was captured by Fontan and joined their realm then he moved to Asena then to Fiossia,where he went missing.Possibly got hit by lighting or lost and is once again in Perdan.He continued his travels and somehow ended up in Eston.

Now that he is back he is doing what he may not do best: following orders. The death of Kacher did not affect him much.

He then began to serve the great realm of Eston.As per request of his father he went to faithfully serve in Melhed. However, it was not in battle where the wandering knight met his fall. In was back home in Oporto, where through the foul act of murder did the final true son of Shalk died.

Krayo Morlork

(No Titles, dead)

An adopted son and bastard of Shalk he was given the opportunity to bear the Morlork Name for his fierce loyalty,his Realm and Religion,although recently joining the front line against Sirion.Has already adopted a strong hatered of the elves for the killing of Kacher,unlike the other brother of the Family.He was killed during an elven ambush in Braga.

Saenkeo Morlork

(Lord of Marpii)

The third of the Morlork Family to go to the services of Fontan.He takes more after Shalk than Kolm Jacobite.But like Krayo,has a hatred of the elves for the death of Kacher his father,even more so with Krayo being killed by them.However, unlike Krayo, he was not blinded by rage.He knew that Fontan could not over win the war, he moved to the realm of Melhed, to help fight in the defense of the continent.

However time has changed the once loyal knight, who once took so much after his father. In his old age he has changed into someone not quiet like any of the Morlorks. Cunning instead of smart, vengeful instead of heroic and bitter instead of the usual warm welcoming that Morlorks tend to express.

He has once again risen in the ranks and now serves as lord of Marpii

Kinnie Morlork

(no titles)

Eldest son of Kolm Jacobite, he began as an adventurer, he had brought disgrace to his family and Shalk had him banished to the Far East. He spent his entire life living in the dense woods of Arcaea. It was here he discovered the Emerald Necklace of Ice and the Old Band of Life, knowing that he was lower than a commoner he felt duty bound to pass these items on. It was these actions and his continuous defense of the peasants that led to him being raised to the rank of a noble under Emperor Velax de Vere. In Shalk's old age and feeling pity for the loss of his son, he accepted Kinnie back into the family by gifting Kinnie his dead father's sword.

Shaka Morlork

(no titles)

Son Of Kolm Jacobite. In the final years of before the start of his noble career recounting his father's footsteps. He took it upon himself to discover his father's killer. In the end he could find no trace and disgraced with himself went to the war island to serve in the realm of Ikalak in a bid to bring honour to himself and his father who was robbed from a heroic death.

However, his upbringing has left him pompous, dressing in fine clothes, wearing gold chains,rings and foreign exotic armour and clothes from the continents he had visited.