Seraphen Family

From BattleMaster Wiki

The Seraphen Family

The Seraphen family originated as a lesser noble family in York.

The family, led by Romono Seraphen, the great adventurer and trader had made their original fortune in trade during the height of Minas Ithil. Afterward the family slowly squandered away their considerable fortune until at one point they were dismissed, at least by the higher nobility, as nobles in name only.
This stigma has been hard on the family over the ages and has led to it's subsequent decline up until present day.

In these more recent times, a few members of the family have taken up the call of duty to bring the family back from ruin. Each have set out on quests to restore the family name and honor in his or her own way. Some have set their sights on becoming heroes, some are looking to redefine themselves and how the world perceives them, others have much darker aims. In the end the result is the same, the Seraphen family is resolutely seeking to reestablish themselves as an important house of nobility once more.

The Seraphen Family Tree

Below are the members of the Seraphen family. Each member's name will be followed by his or her sex and paired directly above anyone he or she has had a child or children with:

The Elders:

Romano Seraphen (M)
Natasha Seraphen (F)
Filipa Baker (F)

The First Generation:

Lisa Seraphen (F) (Disappeared Mysteriously)
Spade Seraphen (M) (Disappeared Mysteriously)

Lukanna Seraphen (F)
Captain Axel (commoner)

Sable Seraphen(F)
Ramon Dax (common bounty hunter)

Seraphena Seraphen(F)

The Second Generation:

Club Seraphen
Jace Seraphen

Spade Seraphen(Promoted to 1st generation by marriage)

Active Seraphen Family Members

Below are the active members of the Seraphen family. Each member's name will be followed by his or her starting age and then class:
Club (career started at 17) (W)
Lukanna (career started at 17)(C)
Jace (career started at 17) (W)

Last Edit

--The Seraphen Family -ajsdkt- (talk) 14 April 2013