MacGeil Family

From BattleMaster Wiki

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Error: no local variable "name" has been set. Family
"Faith and Family"
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The MacGeil family is a cadet branch of the O'Faolain Family; as that family died out in the male line it is survived by the children of the youngest O'Faolain, Geleis. Geleis was sent by her brother Eoghan with several of his books and the O'Faolain ring to take refuge in Corsanctum where he believed she would be safe to start a new life and carry on the family. She has born four children: three boys and a girl. From eldest to youngest they are Cathan, Murtagh, Aoife and Ailbe. The MacGeil family motto is "Faith and Family".

Notable Members

Geleis Nic Niall O'Faolain

Geleis is the youngest daughter of House O'Faolain and the progenitor of the MacGeil family which bears her name. She lives in Unterstrom on the island of Dwilight with her husband and looks after her young children and the family estate; all of her children inherited her bright green eyes.

Cathan MacGeil

Cathan is the eldest son of Geleis and carries the O'Faolain family ring passed down to him from his uncle Eoghan. He is Count of Moses' End in the realm of Corsanctum on the island of Dwilight, a follower of Sanguis Astroism and Exarch of Corsanctum. Of the children of Geleis, he looks most like his uncles with a fair complexion and jet black hair.

Murtagh MacGeil

Murtagh is the second son of Geleis and has not yet come of age; he lives at the family estate in Unterstrom. He resembles his mother and inherited her flame-red hair, which matches his fiery disposition.

Aoife MacGeil

Aoife is the daughter of Geleis and her third child. She has not yet come of age and lives at the family estate in Unterstrom. She has very curly bright red hair and a gentle smile.

Ailbe MacGeil

Ailbe is the third son of Geleis and her fourth child. He has not yet come of age and lives at the family estate in Unterstrom. Still just an infant, he has not yet learned to walk, let alone talk.